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Post-processing tools 2023 R2


Last update: 17.04.2023
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* *************************************************************
2  * Copyright 2017-2018 ANSYS, Inc.
3  * All Rights Reserved.
4  *
5  * Restricted Rights Legend
6  *
7  * Use, duplication, or disclosure of this
8  * software and its documentation by the
9  * Government is subject to restrictions as
10  * set forth in subdivision [(b)(3)(ii)] of
11  * the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
12  * Software clause at 52.227-7013.
13  * *************************************************************
14  */
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include <stdlib.h>
26 #include <string.h>
27 #include <stdint.h>
28 #include <stdarg.h>
30 #include "dvs_client_interface.h"
31 #include "dvs_server_interface.h"
33 #include "logger.h"
34 #include "test_dynamic_data.h"
36 #include <vector>
38 #ifdef _WIN32
39 #include <Windows.h>
40 #else
41 #include <unistd.h>
42 #endif
44 static void logging_function(void* user_data, const char* message)
45 {
46  fprintf(stderr, message);
47 }
56 int main(int argc, char** argv)
57 {
58  uint32_t port = 50055;
59  uint32_t msec_delay = 0;
60  char host[512] = {0};
61  strcpy(host, "");
62  char protocol[10] = {0};
63  strcpy(protocol, "grpc");
64  uint32_t width = 50;
65  uint32_t height = 50;
66  uint32_t depth = 50;
67  uint32_t max_timesteps = 10;
68  uint32_t current_rank = 0;
69  uint32_t total_ranks = 1;
70  uint8_t create_ghosts = 1;
71  uint8_t block_for_server = 1;
72  uint32_t starting_timestep = 0;
73  uint32_t dedup = 1;
74  bool send_case_vars = true;
75  bool send_structured_parts = false;
76  char dataset_id[255] = {0};
77  strcpy(dataset_id, "Test-C++-API");
78  char secret[255] = {0};
79  uint32_t plot_rank = 0;
80  uint32_t server_number = 0;
81  uint32_t server_verbosity = 0;
82  uint32_t local_ranks = 0;
83  uint32_t all_defs = false;
84  char cache_uri[512] = {0};
85  bool log_all = false;
86  uint32_t debug_wait = 0;
87  bool start_server = false;
88  bool test_delete = false;
90  uint32_t i = 1;
91  while (i < argc)
92  {
93  if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0 ) && (i < argc - 1))
94  {
95  i++;
96  port = atoi(argv[i]);
97  }
98  else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) && (i < argc - 1))
99  {
100  i++;
101  strncpy(host, argv[i], 255);
102  }
103  else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-protocol") == 0) && (i < argc - 1))
104  {
105  i++;
106  strncpy(protocol, argv[i], 10);
107  if (strcmp(protocol, "grpc") != 0 && strcmp(protocol, "null") != 0 )
108  {
109  fprintf(stderr, "protocol: %s invalid\n", protocol);
110  exit(1);
111  }
112  }
113  else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) && (i < argc - 1))
114  {
115  i++;
116  msec_delay = atoi(argv[i]);
117  }
118  else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) && (i < argc - 3))
119  {
120  i++;
121  width = atoi(argv[i++]);
122  height = atoi(argv[i++]);
123  depth = atoi(argv[i]);
124  }
125  else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0) && (i < argc - 1))
126  {
127  i++;
128  max_timesteps = atoi(argv[i]);
129  }
130  else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0) && (i < argc - 2))
131  {
132  i++;
133  current_rank = atoi(argv[i++]);
134  total_ranks = atoi(argv[i]);
135  }
136  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noghost") == 0)
137  {
138  create_ghosts = 0;
139  }
140  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nowait") == 0)
141  {
142  block_for_server = 0;
143  }
144  else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-start") == 0) && (i < argc - 1))
145  {
146  i++;
147  starting_timestep = atoi(argv[i]);
148  }
149  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nodedup") == 0)
150  {
151  dedup = 0;
152  }
153  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-id") == 0)
154  {
155  i++;
156  memset(dataset_id, 0, 255);
157  strncpy(dataset_id, argv[i], 255);
158  }
159  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-secret") == 0)
160  {
161  i++;
162  strncpy(secret, argv[i], 255);
163  }
164  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-case_constants") == 0)
165  {
166  send_case_vars = true;
167  }
168  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-structured") == 0)
169  {
170  send_structured_parts = true;
171  }
172  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-plot_rank") == 0)
173  {
174  i++;
175  plot_rank = atoi(argv[i]);
176  }
177  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-server") == 0 && (i < argc - 3))
178  {
179  i++;
180  start_server = true;
181  server_number = atoi(argv[i++]);
182  local_ranks = atoi(argv[i++]);
183  server_verbosity = atoi(argv[i]);
184  }
185  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cache_uri") == 0)
186  {
187  i++;
188  strncpy(cache_uri, argv[i], 512);
189  }
190  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-all_defs") == 0)
191  {
192  all_defs = true;
193  }
194  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-log_all") == 0)
195  {
196  log_all = true;
197  }
198  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-debug_wait") == 0)
199  {
200  i++;
201  debug_wait = atoi(argv[i]);
202  }
203  else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-test_delete") == 0)
204  {
205  test_delete = true;
206  }
207  else
208  {
209  fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]);
210  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-p port] [-h host] [-d msec_delay] [-t num_timesteps] [-s dx dy dz] [-noghost] [-nowait] [-start t]\n", argv[0]);
211  fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
212  fprintf(stderr, " -t timesteps Number of timesteps to generate. Default: %u\n", max_timesteps);
213  fprintf(stderr, " -p port Server port to connect to. Default: %u\n", port);
214  fprintf(stderr, " -h host Server hostname to connect to. Default: %s\n", host);
215  fprintf(stderr, " -protocol str Server protocol. I.E. grpc or null. Default: grpc");
216  fprintf(stderr, " -d delay Number of milliseconds to delay between timestep pushes. Default: %u\n", msec_delay);
217  fprintf(stderr, " -s dx dy dz Size of 3D hex grid (width height depth) Default: %u %u %u\n", width, height, depth);
218  fprintf(stderr, " -r x y Rank information x=current rank (0 based), y=total number of ranks. Default: %u %u\n", current_rank, total_ranks);
219  fprintf(stderr, " -noghost Do not create ghost elements\n");
220  fprintf(stderr, " -nowait Do not wait for server to be available\n");
221  fprintf(stderr, " -start t Begin timesteps with timestep Default: %u\n", starting_timestep);
222  fprintf(stderr, " -nodedup Do not de-duplicate data on the client side Default: deduplicate\n");
223  fprintf(stderr, " -id string Set an id/name for the dataset Default: TestID\n");
224  fprintf(stderr, " -secret string Shared secret to use when talking with server Default: no shared secret\n");
225  fprintf(stderr, " -case_constants Turn on sending case constants Defaults: Don't send case constants\n");
226  fprintf(stderr, " -structured Turn on sending structured part data Default: Don't send structured part data\n");
227  fprintf(stderr, " -plot_rank Set the rank which should send plot data to EnSight (zero based) Default: %u\n", plot_rank);
228  fprintf(stderr, " -server n r v Start a server using server number [n], expecting [r] local ranks for DVS connections to connect to with verbosity [v]. Local Rank Min/Max: 1/1000\n");
229  fprintf(stderr, " -cache_uri str The URI for the server to use for the cache. Default: No cache\n");
230  fprintf(stderr, " -all_defs Send all part/var definitions no matter the current rank. Default: No\n");
231  fprintf(stderr, " -log_all Print out all client logging information\n. Default: No client logs");
232  fprintf(stderr, " -debug_wait ms Wait for [ms] for debugging\n");
233  fprintf(stderr, " -test_delete Test deleting all timesteps before each update Default: Do not test\n");
234  exit(1);
235  }
236  i++;
237  }
239  if (debug_wait > 0)
240  {
241  #ifdef _WIN32
242  Sleep(debug_wait);
243  #else
244  usleep(debug_wait*1000);
245  #endif
246  }
248  char uri[512] = {0};
249  sprintf(uri, "%s://%s:%u", protocol, host, port);
250  fprintf(stderr, "Connecting to: %s\n", uri);
251  fprintf(stderr, "Timestep delay: %u\n", msec_delay);
253  uint32_t send_vars = 1;
254  uint32_t send_elems = 1;
255  uint32_t send_hex_elems = 1;
256  uint32_t send_nfaced_elems = 1;
257  uint32_t send_pnt_elems = 1;
258  uint32_t send_tri_quad_elems = 1;
259  uint32_t send_nsided_elems = 0;
260  uint32_t send_plots = 1;
262  dvs_client_flags flags;
263  if (block_for_server) flags = static_cast<dvs_client_flags>(flags | dvs_client_flags::BLOCK_FOR_SERVER);
264  if (dedup) flags = static_cast<dvs_client_flags>(flags | dvs_client_flags::DEDUP);
266  fprintf(stderr, "Client Flags: Blocking: %d, Dedup: %u\n", (BLOCK_FOR_SERVER & flags) > 0, (DEDUP & flags) > 0);
268  DVS::IServer* server = DVS::CREATE_SERVER_INSTANCE(uri);
269  if (server == nullptr)
270  {
271  fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create server\n");
272  exit(1);
273  }
274  if (start_server)
275  {
276  char temp[10];
277  snprintf(temp, 10, "%u", server_verbosity);
278  server->set_option("VERBOSE",temp);
279  if (strlen(cache_uri) > 0) server->set_option("CACHE_URI",cache_uri);
280  server->startup(server_number, local_ranks);
281  }
283  DVS::IClient* client = nullptr;
284  client = DVS::CREATE_CLIENT_INSTANCE(server, flags, secret);
285  fprintf(stderr, "Current Client Version: %s\n", client->get_version());
286  if (client == nullptr)
287  {
288  fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create client\n");
289  exit(1);
290  }
292  client->set_logger(new DVS::Logger(nullptr, log_flags, logging_function));
293  {
294  if (part_info_num != 7 || var_info_num != 7)
295  {
296  fprintf(stderr, "This pseudo client code relies on part infos == 7 and var infos == 7, needs modified otherwise\n");
297  exit(1);
298  }
300  struct TestDynamicData test;
301  test_dynamic_data_init(&test, 0, current_rank, total_ranks);
302  client->begin_init(dataset_id, test.current_rank, test.total_ranks, test.num_chunks);
303  client->set_unit_system(test.unit_system);
304  client->add_metadata(test.metadata_keys, test.metadata_vals, test.metadata_num_pairs);
305  //TODO: Have this done in only the 0th rank once merging definitions is finished
306  if (send_plots && current_rank == plot_rank) client->add_plot_info(test.plots, plot_info_num);
308  if ((total_ranks == 1) || (total_ranks == 2) || all_defs)
309  {
310  //If one rank or two ranks and first rank send everything (tests second rank having no definitions)
311  if (current_rank == 0 || all_defs)
312  {
313  client->add_part_info(, part_info_num);
314  client->add_var_info(test.vars, send_case_vars ? var_info_num : var_info_num - 1);
315  }
316  }
317  else if (total_ranks == 3)
318  {
319  //If 3 ranks splitup definition data between first 2 ranks
320  //the last rank will not have any (will receive data from others)
321  if (current_rank == 0)
322  {
323  //Send part 0
324  client->add_part_info(, 1);
325  //Send vars 0->1
326  client->add_var_info(test.vars, 2);
327  }
328  else if (current_rank == 1)
329  {
330  //Send parts 1->2
331  client->add_part_info(&[1], part_info_num-1);
332  //Send vars 2->5
333  client->add_var_info(&test.vars[2], send_case_vars ? 5 : 4);
334  }
335  //Third rank will have empty definitions which should be filled in
336  }
337  else if (total_ranks > 3)
338  {
339  //If more than 3 ranks splitup data between first 3 ranks
340  //other 3 ranks will not have any (will receive data from others)
341  if (current_rank == 0)
342  {
343  //Send part 0
344  client->add_part_info(, 1);
345  //Send vars 0->1
346  client->add_var_info(test.vars, 2);
347  }
348  else if (current_rank == 1)
349  {
350  //Send part 1
351  client->add_part_info(&[1], 1);
352  //Send parts 2->3
353  client->add_var_info(&test.vars[2], 2);
354  }
355  else if (current_rank == 2)
356  {
357  //Send part 2
358  client->add_part_info(&[2], part_info_num-2);
359  //Send parts 4->5
360  client->add_var_info(&test.vars[4], send_case_vars ? 3 : 2);
361  }
362  }
363  else
364  {
365  //Situation not currently handled exit out
366  fprintf(stderr, "Bad Initialization of Ranks\n");
367  exit(1);
368  }
370  client->end_init();
371  }
373  uint32_t update_num = 0; // Keep a running update number for this session
374  for (uint32_t i = starting_timestep; i < max_timesteps; i++)
375  {
376  if (i > 1 + starting_timestep && msec_delay)
377  {
378  #ifdef _WIN32
379  Sleep(msec_delay);
380  #else
381  usleep(msec_delay*1000);
382  #endif
383  }
384  if (test_delete && i != starting_timestep) {
385  fprintf(stderr, "Rank: %i of %i Deleting Item\n", (current_rank+1), total_ranks);
386  client->delete_item(update_num++, current_rank, "/timestep.time/gte/0.0");
387  }
388  fprintf(stderr, "Rank: %i of %i Sending Timestep: %i of %i\n", (current_rank+1), total_ranks, (i+1), max_timesteps);
390  struct TestDynamicData test;
391  test_dynamic_data_init(&test, i, current_rank, total_ranks);
392  test.ghosts = create_ghosts;
393  test_dynamic_data_create_mesh_and_elements(&test, width, height, depth);
395  client->begin_update(update_num++, current_rank, test.current_chunk, test.time);
397  if (send_structured_parts)
398  {
400  (
402  test.pp_global_ijk_max,
403  test.pp_local_ijk_min,
404  test.pp_local_ijk_max,
405  test.pp_origin,
406  test.pp_unit_vec_i,
407  test.pp_unit_vec_j,
408  test.pp_unit_vec_k,
409  test.pp_i_vals,
410  test.pp_j_vals,
411  test.pp_k_vals
412  );
415  (
417  test.curv_global_ijk_max,
418  test.curv_local_ijk_min,
419  test.curv_local_ijk_max,
420  test.curv_x_vals,
421  test.curv_y_vals,
422  test.curv_z_vals
423  );
424  }
426  if (send_hex_elems) client->update_nodes([0]._id, test.mesh_x_coords, test.mesh_y_coords, test.mesh_z_coords, test.mesh_coords_size);
427  if (send_pnt_elems) client->update_nodes([1]._id, test.mesh_x_coords, test.mesh_y_coords, test.mesh_z_coords, test.mesh_coords_size);
428  if (send_nfaced_elems) client->update_nodes([2]._id, test.mesh_x_coords, test.mesh_y_coords, test.mesh_z_coords, test.mesh_coords_size);
429  if (send_tri_quad_elems) client->update_nodes([3]._id, test.mesh_x_coords, test.mesh_y_coords, test.mesh_z_coords, test.mesh_coords_size);
430  if (send_nsided_elems) client->update_nodes([4]._id, test.polymesh_x_coords, test.polymesh_y_coords, test.polymesh_z_coords, test.polymesh_coords_size);
432  if (send_elems)
433  {
434  if (send_hex_elems)
435  {
436  client->update_elements([0]._id, HEXAHEDRON, test.mesh_hex_elem_coords, test.mesh_hex_elem_coords_size);
437  if (test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_coords_size > 0)
438  {
439  client->update_elements([0]._id, HEXAHEDRON_GHOST, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_coords, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_coords_size);
440  }
441  }
443  if (send_nfaced_elems)
444  {
446  (
449  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_elem_faces_per_elem,
450  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_elem_faces_per_elem_size,
451  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_elem_nodes_per_face,
452  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_elem_nodes_per_face_size,
453  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_elem_coords,
454  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_elem_coords_size
455  );
456  if (test.mesh_nfaced_hex_ghost_elem_coords_size > 0)
457  {
459  (
462  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_ghost_elem_faces_per_elem,
463  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_ghost_elem_faces_per_elem_size,
464  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_ghost_elem_nodes_per_face,
465  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_ghost_elem_nodes_per_face_size,
466  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_ghost_elem_coords,
467  test.mesh_nfaced_hex_ghost_elem_coords_size
468  );
469  }
470  }
472  if (send_nsided_elems && current_rank == 0)
473  {
474  //Only send if current rank is 0 as we aren't
475  //splitting this part up based on rank
477  (
480  test.polymesh_elem_nodes_per_face,
481  test.polymesh_elem_nodes_per_face_size,
482  test.polymesh_elem_nodes,
483  test.polymesh_elem_nodes_size
484  );
485  }
487  if (send_pnt_elems) client->update_elements([1]._id, PNT, test.mesh_point_elem_coords, test.mesh_point_elem_coords_size);
489  if (send_tri_quad_elems)
490  {
491  client->update_elements([3]._id, QUADRANGLE, test.mesh_quad_elem_coords, test.mesh_quad_elem_coords_size);
492  client->update_elements([3]._id, TRIANGLE, test.mesh_tri_elem_coords, test.mesh_tri_elem_coords_size);
493  }
494  }
496  if (send_vars)
497  {
498  //Case vars not working correctly with DVS
499  if (send_case_vars) client->update_var_case(dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[6]._id, &test.case_var_value, 1);
500  client->update_var_part(dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[4]._id,[0]._id, &test.part_scalar[0], 1);
501  client->update_var_part(dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[4]._id,[1]._id, &test.part_scalar[1], 1);
502  if (send_hex_elems) client->update_var_element(HEXAHEDRON, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[2]._id,[0]._id, test.mesh_hex_elem_var_scalar, test.mesh_hex_elem_var_scalar_size);
503  if (send_hex_elems) client->update_var_element(HEXAHEDRON, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[5]._id,[0]._id, test.mesh_hex_elem_var_rank_scalar, test.mesh_hex_elem_var_rank_scalar_size);
505  //N-FACED Elements use the same elemental vars for now as hex elements
506  if (send_nfaced_elems) client->update_var_element(CONVEX_POLYHEDRON, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[2]._id,[2]._id, test.mesh_hex_elem_var_scalar, test.mesh_hex_elem_var_scalar_size);
507  if (send_nfaced_elems) client->update_var_element(CONVEX_POLYHEDRON, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[5]._id,[2]._id, test.mesh_hex_elem_var_rank_scalar, test.mesh_hex_elem_var_rank_scalar_size);
509  if (send_structured_parts)
510  {
511  client->update_var_element(STRUCTURED, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[2]._id,[5]._id, test.structured_elem_var_scalar, test.structured_elem_var_scalar_size);
512  client->update_var_element(STRUCTURED, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[5]._id,[5]._id, test.structured_elem_var_scalar_rank, test.structured_elem_var_scalar_rank_size);
514  client->update_var_element(STRUCTURED, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[2]._id,[6]._id, test.structured_elem_var_scalar, test.structured_elem_var_scalar_size);
515  client->update_var_element(STRUCTURED, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[5]._id,[6]._id, test.structured_elem_var_scalar_rank, test.structured_elem_var_scalar_rank_size);
516  }
518  if (test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_scalar_size > 0)
519  {
520  if (send_hex_elems) client->update_var_element(HEXAHEDRON_GHOST, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[2]._id,[0]._id, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_scalar, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_scalar_size);
521  //N-FACED Elements use the same elemental vars for now as hex elements
522  if (send_nfaced_elems) client->update_var_element(CONVEX_POLYHEDRON_GHOST, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[2]._id,[2]._id, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_scalar, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_scalar_size);
523  }
524  if (test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_rank_scalar_size > 0)
525  {
526  if (send_hex_elems) client->update_var_element(HEXAHEDRON_GHOST, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[5]._id,[0]._id, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_rank_scalar, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_rank_scalar_size);
527  //N-FACED Elements use the same elemental vars for now as hex elements
528  if (send_nfaced_elems) client->update_var_element(CONVEX_POLYHEDRON_GHOST, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[5]._id,[2]._id, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_rank_scalar, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_rank_scalar_size);
529  }
531  if (send_pnt_elems) client->update_var_element(PNT, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[5]._id,[1]._id, test.mesh_point_elem_var_rank_scalar, test.mesh_point_elem_var_rank_scalar_size);
533  if (send_nfaced_elems) client->update_var_element(HEXAHEDRON, dvs_var_type::VECTOR, test.vars[3]._id,[0]._id, test.mesh_hex_elem_var_vector, test.mesh_hex_elem_var_vector_size);
534  if (test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_vector_size > 0)
535  {
536  if (send_nfaced_elems) client->update_var_element(HEXAHEDRON_GHOST, dvs_var_type::VECTOR, test.vars[3]._id,[0]._id, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_vector, test.mesh_hex_ghost_elem_var_vector_size);
537  }
539  if (send_tri_quad_elems)
540  {
541  client->update_var_element(QUADRANGLE, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[2]._id,[3]._id, test.mesh_quad_elem_var_scalar, test.mesh_quad_elem_var_scalar_size);
542  client->update_var_element(QUADRANGLE, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[5]._id,[3]._id, test.mesh_quad_elem_var_rank_scalar, test.mesh_quad_elem_var_rank_scalar_size);
543  client->update_var_element(TRIANGLE, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[2]._id,[3]._id, test.mesh_tri_elem_var_scalar, test.mesh_tri_elem_var_scalar_size);
544  client->update_var_element(TRIANGLE, dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[5]._id,[3]._id, test.mesh_tri_elem_var_rank_scalar, test.mesh_tri_elem_var_rank_scalar_size);
545  }
547  client->update_var_node(dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[0]._id,[0]._id, test.mesh_node_var_scalar, test.mesh_node_var_scalar_size);
548  client->update_var_node(dvs_var_type::VECTOR, test.vars[1]._id,[0]._id, test.mesh_node_var_vector, test.mesh_node_var_vector_size);
549  client->update_var_node(dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[0]._id,[2]._id, test.mesh_node_var_scalar, test.mesh_node_var_scalar_size);
550  client->update_var_node(dvs_var_type::VECTOR, test.vars[1]._id,[2]._id, test.mesh_node_var_vector, test.mesh_node_var_vector_size);
552  if (send_structured_parts)
553  {
554  client->update_var_node(dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[0]._id,[5]._id, test.structured_nodal_scalar, test.structured_nodal_scalar_size);
555  client->update_var_node(dvs_var_type::SCALAR, test.vars[0]._id,[6]._id, test.structured_nodal_scalar, test.structured_nodal_scalar_size);
556  }
557  }
559  if (send_plots && current_rank == plot_rank)
560  {
561  client->update_plot(test.plots[0]._id, test.plot_x_values[0], test.plot_y_values[0], test.plot_num_values);
562  client->update_plot(test.plots[1]._id, test.plot_x_values[1], test.plot_y_values[1], test.plot_num_values);
563  client->update_plot(test.plots[2]._id, test.plot_x_values[2], test.plot_y_values[2], test.plot_num_values);
564  }
565  client->end_update();
567  test_dynamic_data_free(&test);
568  }
571  if (start_server)
572  {
573  //If we started our own server wait for the pending timesteps to clear before tearing everything down
574  //in case it was writing stuff.
576  //Not waiting isn't a problem but if we had another process connecting to this
577  //process' server and sending data we might lose the last timestep since it won't be
578  //fully complete and we would not have written it yet.
579  uint32_t num_pending = 1;
580  uint32_t num_complete = 0;
581  while (num_pending > 0) {
582  dvs_ret error = server->get_timestep_count(num_pending, num_complete);
583  if (error != DVS_NONE) break;
584  // Avoid burning up a CPU waiting for the I/O to complete
585  const uint32_t temp_delay_ms = 50;
586 #ifdef _WIN32
587  Sleep(temp_delay_ms);
588 #else
589  usleep(temp_delay_ms * 1000);
590 #endif
591  }
592  }
595  return 0;
596 }
API for solvers to use to send data to EnSight servers.
virtual void set_logger(ILogger *logger)=0
Set the logger interface to use.
virtual dvs_ret update_nodes_structured(uint32_t part_id, const uint32_t global_ijk_max[3], const uint32_t local_ijk_min[3], const uint32_t local_ijk_max[3], const float origin[3], const float dir_i[3], const float dir_j[3], const float dir_k[3], const float *i_vals, const float *j_vals, const float *k_vals)=0
Update the nodes for a parallelepiped structured part.
virtual dvs_ret add_plot_info(const dvs_plot_info *plot_info, uint32_t num_plots)=0
Add plot information for session.
virtual dvs_ret set_unit_system(const char *system)=0
Set the unit system we are using for this session (optional)
virtual dvs_ret update_elements(uint32_t part_id, dvs_element_type type, const uint32_t *indices, uint32_t num_indices)=0
Update elements for a specific part and element type.
virtual dvs_ret delete_item(uint32_t update_num, uint32_t rank, const char *filter)=0
Delete an item.
virtual dvs_ret add_part_info(const dvs_part_info *part_info, uint32_t num_parts)=0
Add part information for session.
virtual dvs_ret end_update()=0
Call to end the update for this timestep/rank/chunk.
virtual dvs_ret update_elements_polyhedral(uint32_t part_id, dvs_element_type type, const uint32_t *faces_per_element, uint32_t faces_per_element_size, const uint32_t *nodes_per_face, uint32_t nodes_per_face_size, const uint32_t *indices, uint32_t indices_size)=0
Update N-FACED Elements.
virtual dvs_ret add_var_info(const dvs_var_info *var_info, uint32_t num_vars)=0
Add variable information for session.
virtual dvs_ret update_nodes(uint32_t part_id, const float *x, const float *y, const float *z, uint32_t num_values)=0
Update nodes for a specific part.
virtual dvs_ret update_var_case(dvs_var_type var_type, uint32_t var_id, const float *values, uint32_t num_values)=0
Update case variable.
virtual dvs_ret end_init()=0
Finish initialization for this rank.
virtual dvs_ret update_var_part(dvs_var_type var_type, uint32_t var_id, uint32_t part_id, const float *values, uint32_t num_values)=0
Update part vector variable.
virtual dvs_ret add_metadata(const char *const keys[], const char *const vals[], uint32_t num_metadata_pairs)=0
Add metadata for the current dataset.
virtual dvs_ret begin_update(uint32_t update_num, uint32_t rank, uint32_t chunk, float time)=0
Method to begin an update.
virtual const char * get_version()=0
Get the version of the client API.
virtual dvs_ret update_elements_polygon(uint32_t part_id, dvs_element_type type, const uint32_t *nodes_per_polygon, uint32_t nodes_per_polygon_size, const uint32_t *indices, uint32_t indices_size)=0
Update N-SIDED elements.
virtual dvs_ret update_var_node(dvs_var_type var_type, uint32_t var_id, uint32_t part_id, const float *values, uint32_t num_values)=0
Update nodal variable values.
virtual dvs_ret update_var_element(dvs_element_type elem_type, dvs_var_type var_type, uint32_t var_id, uint32_t part_id, const float *values, uint32_t num_values)=0
Update elemental scalar variable values.
virtual dvs_ret update_plot(uint32_t plot_id, const float *x_values, const float *y_values, uint32_t num_values)=0
Update plot data for plot.
virtual dvs_ret begin_init(const char *dataset_name, uint32_t current_rank, uint32_t total_ranks, uint32_t num_chunks)=0
Begins initialization for this rank.
Interface class used to run a dynamic data server in a thread accepting incoming client connections.
virtual void set_option(const char *key, const char *value)=0
Set a specific option on the server, these are used during startup See See Server Options.
virtual dvs_ret startup(uint32_t server_number, uint32_t local_ranks)=0
Start the server.
virtual dvs_ret get_timestep_count(uint32_t &num_pending, uint32_t &num_complete) const =0
return the current number of pending and complete timesteps in the server
C++ Client API for using the Dynamic Visualization Store.
C++ Server API for using Dynamic Visualization Store Server.
Contains enums used in C/C++ API.
Flags to control logging filters.
Log messages related to begin and end of updates.
Log all messages.
Flags for specific server setup.
Do not send duplicate data to server.
Clients should block for servers to be initialized before sending data.
XYZ Coordinates.
int32_t dvs_ret
Return value of methods, TODO.
#define DVS_NONE
No detected error has occurred.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Main method of test client application.