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Post-processing tools 2023 R2

Class Hierarchy

Last update: 17.04.2023
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::AnimationAnimations define mechanisms for changing over time, node properties and material values
 Censightservice::DeleteIDDelete a list of entities
 Cdvs_part_infoStruct holding information for a part's definition
 Cdvs_plot_infoStruct holding information for a plot's definition
 Cdvs_var_infoStruct holding information for a variable's definiton
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::GLTFThis is the main class of the GLTFWriter
 CDVS::IClientAPI for solvers to use to send data to EnSight servers
 CDVS::IHashInterface to get hash information from DVS objects
 CDVS::IElementBlockElement Block Interface for DVS Reader API
 CDVS::IMeshChunkMesh Chunk Interface for DVS Reader API
 CDVS::IPlotChunkPlot Chunk Interface for DVS Reader API
 CDVS::ILoggerInterface for a logger to be used by DVS::IClient
 CDVS::LoggerVerboseLogger class based on verbosity
 Censightservice::ImageReplyAn image frame message
 Censightservice::ImageStreamRequestRequest the start of an image stream
 CDVS::IObjectInterface for part/plot objects for DVS Reader API
 CDVS::IDatasetInterface for datasets for the DVS Reader API
 CDVS::IQueryThe query interface for the DVS Reader API
 CDVS::IServerInterface class used to run a dynamic data server in a thread accepting incoming client connections
 CDVS::IVarInterface for variables for the DVS Reader API
 CDVS::IVarHashInterface to get variable hash information from DVS objects
 CDVS::IElementBlockElement Block Interface for DVS Reader API
 CDVS::IMeshChunkMesh Chunk Interface for DVS Reader API
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::AnimationSamplerAnimation samplers define mechanisms for defining how animation channels change over time
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::AttributeAttributes define the per element index values for elements defined by Index
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::BufferBuffers define files that are used to contain attribute and index data
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::CameraCameras define an orthographic or perspective projection of the scene
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::ImageImages define texture data
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::IndexIndexes define elements within primitives
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::LegendLegends are colored bars with numbers at intervals along bar
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::LightLights define the light objects that can be added to a light node
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::MaterialMaterials describe how primitives are rendered
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::MeshMeshes define the renderable objects that can be added to a node
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::NodeNodes are the GLTFWriter class that contain the data that is defined in the GLTF file
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::ParameterParameters describe how and from where program attributes and uniforms are derived
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::PrimitivePrimitives are the renderable parts of meshes
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::ProgramPrograms are the GLSL executable code for rendering the primitives
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::SamplerSamplers define how values are generated from textures with the give texture coordinates
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::SceneScenes are the GLTFWriter class that create the view of the data that is defined in the GLTF file
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::ShaderShaders are the GLSL executable code for vertex and fragment
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::StateStates are GL state settings
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::TechniqueTechniques performs the rendering of primitives
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::TextureTextures are images that can be used to color a primitive
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::ValueValues are objects for storing single and multiple numbers and strings
 Censight_grpc.EnSightGRPCPython binding for the EnSight client gRPC API
 CANSYS::Nexus::GLTFWriter::Utils::RepackManages repacking of indices from unsigned int type to unsigned short type. This only works for POINTS, LINES, or TRIANGLES
 Censightservice::SceneClientCommandAggregate command sent by a dynamic scene graph client
 Censightservice::SceneClientInitRequest by the client for an EnSight scene update
 Censightservice::SceneClientUpdateUpdate a parameter in the EnSight session
 Censightservice::SceneUpdateCommandAggregate command sent by EnSight to a client
 Censightservice::UpdateGeomUpdate a Geom entity
 Censightservice::UpdateGroupUpdate a Group entity
 Censightservice::UpdatePartUpdate a Part entity
 Censightservice::UpdateSceneBeginBegin an update sequence
 Censightservice::UpdateSceneEndEnd an update sequence
 Censightservice::UpdateTextureUpdate a Texture entity
 Censightservice::UpdateVariableUpdate a Variable entity
 Censightservice::UpdateViewUpdate a View entity
 Censightservice::VariableLevelA "knot" point in the palette for the Variable
 Censightservice::VersionReplyThe server API version
 Censightservice::VersionRequestRequest for the server API version