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classes in python

Getting started with classes in Python Part 7: getters and setters | 01.21.2025

Here we are with Part 7 in this series on classes in Python. This article covers setters (the method on a class that sets a property) and getters (which gets the property).

classes in python

Getting started with classes in Python Part 6: Public, Private and Super-Private Naming | 12.30.2024

Part six of ten in this series on classes in Python covers the levels of obfuscation available in Python: private and super-private.

Python tips & tricks

Using Python to translate NASTRAN .brd inputs to APDL inputs | 12.16.2024

Python is quite good at reading, writing and finding things in text files. This allows us to develop tools that can be used to find data in NASTRAN inputs files and create the ANSYS APDL equivalent.

Tips & Tricks - PyWorkbench

PyWorkbench Unleashed: Transforming Your Ansys Workbench End-to-End Simulation Experience | 12.09.2024

PyWorkbench is a powerful client library that enhances the Ansys Workbench platform for engineering simulations. This guide introduces key concepts and practical strategies for using PyWorkbench, making your engineering simulations more efficient and effective.

getting started with classes in python

Getting started with classes in Python Part 5: `classmethod` and `staticmethod` | 12.03.2024

This series continues by exploring two notable exceptions to the self parameter for methods, classmethod and staticmethod.

tips & tricks

Aligning external imported data with your Mechanical Model via Python scripting | 11.20.2024

This article walks users through creating coordinate systems from the coordinates of three non-colinear points, and then using two coordinate systems to align the external imported data with the current Mechanical model. This tool allows users to eliminate the guesswork from the alignment process and improve the accuracy of data alignment.

getting started with classes in python

Getting started with classes in Python Part 4: Hashing & Mutability | 11.18.2024

Part-four of this series sees us move from the "basic" knowledge required to understand classes and into more "intermediate" topics - starting with mutability of dataclasses.

getting started with classes in python

Getting started with classes in Python Part 3: Methods and properties | 11.05.2024

Part-three in a ten-part series, this article introduces adding methods to your data classes.

classes in python

Getting started with classes in Python Part 2: `dataclasses` | 10.29.2024

Part-two of this series covers constructing one of the simplest and most useful types of class, data classes and the reasons you may want to do this in the first place.