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optiSLang MOPSolver API 2024 R1


Last update: 22.02.2024

C-API to approximate response values based on their best metamodel using an optiSLang monitoring database file (*.omdb). Version 2.0 of the MOPSolver API was introduced to allow approximation of criteria values.

This API provides interfaces to approximate new desigs with the best metamodels:

From the .omdb file, the following information can be extracted:

Usage example (using a C++ compiler)

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <mopsolver_api2.h>
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
if( argc != 2 )
std::cout << "\nUsage: " << argv[0] << " " << "[path/to/]file.omdb" << std::endl;
// using argv[1] as the path to the optiSLang monitoring database file
const char *omdb = argv[1];
// use flags to specify the dimensions you want to retrieve
// each set flag adds 1 to the required size for the preallocated pointer
unsigned int size_dimensions = 3;
std::unique_ptr<unsigned int[]> dimensions (new unsigned int[size_dimensions]);
// for the return order, see the order of DMOP2_DIMENSION_FLAG (mopsolver_api2_shared.h)
dmop2_getDimensions( omdb, flags, dimensions.get(), size_dimensions );
unsigned int nInputs = dimensions[0];
unsigned int nResponses = dimensions[1];
unsigned int nCriteria = dimensions[2];
// print the number of active inputs and outputs
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of inputs: " << nInputs << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of outputs: " << nResponses << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of criteria: " << nCriteria << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
if( nInputs < 1 )
std::cout << "Error: File does not contain any inputs. Unable to continue.\n" << std::endl;
// get the names of active inputs by setting the input flag
// note that the char pointer must not be preallocated
char *input_names;
dmop2_getNames( omdb, NAME_INPUTS, &input_names );
// print the names of the active inputs
// ( names are splitted by '\0', e.g. par1\0par2\0par3\0\0 )
std::cout << "INPUTS: (names plus sampling bounds)" << std::endl;
char *input_names_cpy = input_names;
while( *input_names_cpy )
// get input bounds
std::vector< double > input_bounds( 2, 0.0 );
double *p_input_bounds = &input_bounds[0];
dmop2_getInputBoundsPerParameter(omdb, input_names_cpy, p_input_bounds);
std::cout << "\t" << input_names_cpy << "\t " << input_bounds[0] << "\t" << input_bounds[1] << std::endl;
input_names_cpy += strlen(input_names_cpy)+1;
std::cout << std::endl;
if (nResponses < 0)
std::cout << "Error: File does not contain any outputs. Unable to continue.\n" << std::endl;
// get the names of active outputs by setting the responses flag
// note that the char pointer must not be preallocated
char *output_names;
dmop2_getNames(omdb, NAME_RESPONSES, &output_names);
// print the names of the active, scalar outputs
// ( names are splitted by '\0', e.g. resp1\0resp2\0resp3\0\0 )
std::vector< double > cop_vals( nInputs+1, 0.0 );
double *p_cop_vals = &cop_vals[0];
std::cout << "OUTPUTS: (names plus CoP values)" << std::endl;
char *output_names_cpy = output_names;
while( *output_names_cpy )
dmop2_getCoPValuesPerResponse( omdb, output_names_cpy, p_cop_vals );
std::cout << "\t" << output_names_cpy;
for(unsigned int p(0); p < nInputs; ++p )
std::cout << "\t" << p_cop_vals[p];
std::cout << "\t|\t" << p_cop_vals[nInputs] << std::endl;
output_names_cpy += strlen(output_names_cpy)+1;
std::cout << std::endl;
if (nCriteria < 0)
std::cout << "Error: File does not contain any criteria. Unable to continue.\n" << std::endl;
// get the names of active criteria by setting the criteria flag
// note that the char pointer must not be preallocated
char *criteria_names;
dmop2_getNames(omdb, NAME_CRITERIA, &criteria_names);
// print the names of the active criteria
// ( names are splitted by '\0', e.g. crit1\0crit2\0crit3\0\0 )
std::cout << "CRITERIA:" << std::endl;
char *criteria_names_cpy = criteria_names;
while (*criteria_names_cpy)
std::cout << "\t" << criteria_names_cpy;
criteria_names_cpy += strlen(criteria_names_cpy) + 1;
std::cout << std::endl;
int num_designs(3);
// create an amount of design points i.e. an array of
// nInputs * num_designs values of type double
// to keep it simple, we set all of them to 10.0
unsigned int size_inputs = nInputs * num_designs;
std::vector< double > inputs(size_inputs, 10.0);
// alignment of param values has to be [par1des1, par1des2, par1des3, par2des1, par2des2, par2des3 ...]
// e.g.
// std::vector< double > all_input_bounds( nInputs*2, 0.0 );
// double *p_all_input_bounds = &all_input_bounds[0];
// dmop2_getInputBounds( omdb, &p_all_input_bounds );
// std::vector< double > inputs( num_designs * nInputs );
// for( int p(0); p < nInputs; ++p )
// {
// const double min_val(all_input_bounds[2*p]),
// diff(all_input_bounds[2*p+1]-all_input_bounds[2*p]);
// for( int d(0); d < num_designs; ++d )
// {
// inputs[p*num_designs+d] = min_val + diff/2;
// }
// }
// preallocate a double array for storing the solve outputs
// the required size and order depends on the set flags:
// Responses : num_designs * nResponses * sizeof(double)
// Criteria : num_designs * nCriteria * sizeof(double)
// Density : num_designs * sizeof(double)
// Errors : num_designs * 4 * sizeof(double)
// In this example we want to retrieve the responses and
// the evaluated criteria, also we activate extrapolation
unsigned int size_results = (num_designs * nResponses) + (num_designs * nCriteria);
std::unique_ptr<double[]> results(new double[size_results]);
// request the approximation of the outputs of all given design points at once
if( dmop2_solve(omdb, num_designs, &inputs[0], size_inputs, flags, results.get(), size_results) != 0 )
std::cout << "Error in approximation: " << dmop2_getLastError() << std::endl;
// print the results
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Results:" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int d(0); d < size_results; ++d)
if (d < num_designs * nResponses) {
std::cout << "\tResponse " << (d % nResponses + 1) << " for Design " << (d / nResponses + 1) << ": " << results[d];
else {
unsigned int d_2 = d - (num_designs * nResponses);
std::cout << "\tCriteria " << (d_2 % nCriteria + 1) << " for Design " << (d_2 / nCriteria + 1) << ": " << results[d];
std::cout << std::endl;
// clean up
// it is required to manually free the name-pointers allocated by the API
DYNARDO_MOPSOLVER_API int dmop2_getInputBoundsPerParameter(const char *_omdbfile, const char *_param_name, double *_limits)
Definition: mopsolver_dll.cpp:834
DYNARDO_MOPSOLVER_API int dmop2_solve(const char *_omdbfile, unsigned int _num_designs, const double *_inputs, unsigned int _size_inputs, unsigned int _flags, double *_responses, unsigned int _size_responses)
Definition: mopsolver_dll.cpp:529
DYNARDO_MOPSOLVER_API int dmop2_getCoPValuesPerResponse(const char *_omdbfile, const char *_response_name, double *_cop_vals)
Definition: mopsolver_dll.cpp:936
DYNARDO_MOPSOLVER_API int dmop2_getDimensions(const char *_omdbfile, unsigned int _flags, unsigned int *_dimensions, unsigned int _size_dimensions)
Definition: mopsolver_dll.cpp:283
DYNARDO_MOPSOLVER_API int dmop2_getNames(const char *_omdbfile, DMOP2_NAME_FLAG _flag, char **_names)
Definition: mopsolver_dll.cpp:430
if set, the names of the criteria are returned
Definition: mopsolver_api2_shared.h:45
if set, the names of the inputs are returned
Definition: mopsolver_api2_shared.h:41
if set, the names of the outputs are returned
Definition: mopsolver_api2_shared.h:43
DYNARDO_MOPSOLVER_API int dmop2_free(void *_pointer)
Definition: mopsolver_dll.cpp:1312
if set, the response values are written to the output array
Definition: mopsolver_api2_shared.h:17
if set, extrapolation is activated
Definition: mopsolver_api2_shared.h:15
if set, the criteria values are written to the output array
Definition: mopsolver_api2_shared.h:19
DYNARDO_MOPSOLVER_API int dmop2_cleanup()
Definition: mopsolver_dll.cpp:1335
DYNARDO_MOPSOLVER_API const char * dmop2_getLastError()
Definition: mopsolver_dll.cpp:1304
if set, the number of criteria is written to the output array
Definition: mopsolver_api2_shared.h:34
if set, the number of responses is written to the output array
Definition: mopsolver_api2_shared.h:32
if set, the number of inputs is written to the output array
Definition: mopsolver_api2_shared.h:30

Output generated by the code above for a sample .omdb file

Number of inputs: 5
Number of outputs: 1
Number of criteria: 7
INPUTS: (names plus sampling bounds)
X1 -3.12744 3.12744
X1 -3.12744 3.12744
X1 -3.12744 3.12744
X1 -3.12744 3.12744
X1 -3.12744 3.12744
OUTPUTS: (names plus CoP values)
Y 0.180069 0.306036 0.632022 0 0 | 0.985943
test_criteria test_objective test_criteria_2 invalid_test_criteria test_lim_st test_var test_obj_max
Response 1 for Design 1: 0.0518705
Response 1 for Design 2: 0.0518705
Response 1 for Design 3: 0.0518705
Criteria 1 for Design 1: 11.9222
Criteria 2 for Design 1: 0.0518705
Criteria 3 for Design 1: 0.0518705
Criteria 4 for Design 1: nan
Criteria 5 for Design 1: 9.94813
Criteria 6 for Design 1: 0.103741
Criteria 7 for Design 1: -0.0518705
Criteria 1 for Design 2: 11.9222
Criteria 2 for Design 2: 0.0518705
Criteria 3 for Design 2: 0.0518705
Criteria 4 for Design 2: nan
Criteria 5 for Design 2: 9.94813
Criteria 6 for Design 2: 0.103741
Criteria 7 for Design 2: -0.0518705
Criteria 1 for Design 3: 11.9222
Criteria 2 for Design 3: 0.0518705
Criteria 3 for Design 3: 0.0518705
Criteria 4 for Design 3: nan
Criteria 5 for Design 3: 9.94813
Criteria 6 for Design 3: 0.103741
Criteria 7 for Design 3: -0.0518705



x86_64 architecture, Microsoft Visual Studio ™ 2017 Professional is recommended


x86_64 architecture, GCC 7.3+, glibc version 2.12+, Kernel version 2.6 or above


Extract the archive and set the include (-I) and library (-L) paths appropriate to the new location.

Compile and link


cl /I../include /I. /DDYNARDO_MOPSOLVER_SHARED ms_api2_sample01_cpp.cpp mopsolver_dll.lib


g++ -I../include -I. -DDYNARDO_MOPSOLVER_SHARED ms_api2_sample01_cpp.cpp -o ms_api2_sample01