Last update: 10.07.2023Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
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- id() : ansys::dpf::ElementCursor, ansys::dpf::FieldCursor, ansys::dpf::FieldsContainer, ansys::dpf::MeshesContainer, ansys::dpf::PropFieldCursor, ansys::dpf::ScopingsContainer, ansys::dpf::Session
- idByIndex() : ansys::dpf::Scoping
- identicalPointers() : ansys::dpf::CustomTypeField, ansys::dpf::Field, ansys::dpf::Scoping
- identifierbyIndex() : ansys::dpf::DataSources
- ids() : ansys::dpf::Scoping
- imaginary_freqs : ansys::dpf::property_types
- imaginary_freqs_cumulative_ids : ansys::dpf::property_types
- imaginary_freqs_substep_ids : ansys::dpf::property_types
- imaginaryFrequencies() : ansys::dpf::TimeFreqSupport
- increment : ansys::dpf::quantity_types
- indexById() : ansys::dpf::Scoping
- inputPins() : ansys::dpf::OperatorSpecification
- instantiateOnRemote() : ansys::dpf::Workflow
- integer : ansys::dpf::types
- integrated : ansys::dpf::quantity_types
- intVector : ansys::dpf::types
- invalidate() : ansys::dpf::Operator
- isCacheEnabled() : ansys::dpf::RuntimeClientConfig
- isHomogeneousTo() : ansys::dpf::Unit
- isMeshedDomain() : ansys::dpf::Support
- isOfQuantityType() : ansys::dpf::FieldDefinition
- isOfUnitaryType() : ansys::dpf::CustomTypeField
- isOk() : ansys::dpf::DpfError
- isOnCommonAPI() : ansys::dpf::DpfTypes
- isSameObject() : ansys::dpf::DpfTypes