Script Tip Friday- Connecting Mechanical and Excel
Ansys Developer | 07.15.2022This script tip covers Iron Python scripts for data export from Ansys Mechanical to MS Excel.
Script Tip Friday - Named Tuples | 07.01.2022When writing scripts of any kind you will often come across data
collections, or groupings that could really do with being stored in
some sort of structure. Now, you can always go away and make a class,
with a constructor and properties and so on and so forth... but this is
scripting and that might feel a bit too much like hard work. Instead I
ask if you have heard of namedtuple()
Script Tip Friday- Displaying txt, PDF or browser contents in your worksheet
Ansys Developer | 06.24.2022Our Script Tip this week comes from our Senior Application Engineer here at Ansys, Vishnu Venkataraman. Have you ever wondered the best way to display text, PDF or browser contents in your worksheet? Well thank goodness we have Vishnu here to help!
Script Tip Friday- Adding contact tools to the solution branch for all contacts
Ansys Developer | 06.17.2022This script tip demonstrates how to add contact tools to the solution brand for all contacts.
Script Tip Friday- Create and export contact tool results for all time steps | 06.10.2022This script tip covers how to create and export contact tool results for all time steps using ACT.
Script Tip Friday- Communicate with the Project Page from within Mechanical | 06.03.2022In this script tip Landon Kanner helps answer a question we get all the time- how to communicate with the Project Page from within Mechanical.