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PyAnsys Clarifications

Important information for PyAnsys users and Ansys customers. 


With the increasing usage of PyAnsys in Ansys customer environments there has also come increasing confusion about what PyAnsys is, and Ansys’ involvement and support rules for PyAnsys. 

This guidance is current as of January 2024. Updates to this guidance and information will be published here as updated versions of this page.


What is PyAnsys? 

PyAnsys is a set of Python libraries that provide a means of using Ansys products with Python. They allow users to interact with our existing product scripting tools in Python instead of in the proprietary languages of each product. Unlike the proprietary interfaces which are controlled by and supported by Ansys, PyAnsys is developed up to an initial state by Ansys developers and is then released as open source. 

While PyAnsys does not accept anonymous contributions and does not allow uncontrolled access to the source code, it is not fully controlled by Ansys and should be treated like open-source software by anyone choosing to install and use PyAnsys. This means being aware of dependency and vulnerability issues, following best practices for maintaining open-source environments, and overall exercising controls on their use. 


Is PyAnsys eligible for tech support? 

Because PyAnsys is not an Ansys product, it is not supported by Ansys through standard support channels. We do not control the entire code base, so we cannot offer support guarantees. This is standard for open-source in the software industry; using open-source requires careful planning and understanding of the risks and requirements involved. 

There are support options available through the developer community via the developer portal and the forums, as well as GitHub. Which avenue you choose does not change the support and engagement expectations: 

  • All support from Ansys employees will be limited to the best level of effort and time for the issue. 

    • Individuals are empowered to work on PyAnsys issues to the extent that they have approval. 

    • There are strong limits on the depth of support that can be offered due to export compliance restrictions applied to Ansys. 

  • Bugs and issues can be raised, however PyAnsys is open source, so: 

    • Developers will prioritize issues based on community demand. 

    • All requested issues and features may not be accepted for creation. 

    • Users are fully empowered to write their own code to fix issues. 


PyAnsys Resources


  • Developer Portal 
    • Browse and search the documentation and blog posts.
  • Ansys Community Forum 
    • Share your knowledge, seek the expertise you need, and discuss your project. Find everything you need among a community of peers, specialists, and experts.
  • GitHub
    • Interact with the developers of the PyAnsys tool kits.  Report bugs and propose code changes