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Python API - Lumapi

Lumerical Automation API Python is a python library, known as Lumapi, that allows users to interact with Lumerical’s solvers and perform complex tasks, such as data analysis, optimization, and inverse design. It is a powerful tool for developing custom workflows and applications for photonic simulations.
Some of the features and benefits of using Lumerical Automation API Python are: 

  • Achieves compatibility with Python 3 and allows importation as a module in any Python environment. 
  • Executes Lumerical scripts as methods and pass data between Python and Lumerical objects. 
  • Accesses the Interop Server, enabling remote execution of Lumerical commands on a different machine or cluster. 
  • Uses  Lumopt, a module for photonic inverse design, to autonomously determine optimal geometry for a given performance target. 
  • Generates publication-quality plots using Python’s plotting libraries. 

To learn more about Lumerical Automation API Python, you can visit the following web pages: