Our favorite kind of Script Tip is one that comes from our page followers, just like this one! This week, Josef Běhal, an ACT/Mechanical engineer at SVS FEM, has just the tip for you if you've ever wondered how to connect Ansys Mechanical and MS Excel. Thanks Josef!
Iron Python scripts for data export from Ansys Mechanical to MS Excel.
Easy way how to export for example path result data of several results objects from ANSYS Mechanical to single MS Excel sheet. Developed and tested in ANSYS 2020R2.
Simply copy the code below to Ansys Mechanical scripting window, select objects with tabular data you want to export, and run the script.
# #
# Functionalities to transfer data from Mechanical #
# to Excel #
# --------------------------------------------------------- #
# #
# Programmer: Josef Behal #
# Company: SVS FEM --> www.svsfem.cz #
# Ansys version: 2020 R1 #
# #
# --------------------------------------------------------- #
# #
# Changes: #
# 25.03.2020 - Initial version #
# #
import clr
import Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel as ExcelNS
import units as UnitsLibrary
class MechanicalActions(object):
Reading Mechanical Tabular data
def GetMechData(sheetName = "ANSYS_Export"):
sheetData = {}
objData = {}
aos = Tree.ActiveObjects
# Get tabular data
for ao in aos:
pane = ExtAPI.UserInterface.GetPane(MechanicalPanelEnum.TabularData)
table = pane.ControlUnknown
colls = []
for mCol in range(2, table.ColumnsCount+1):
isActive = table.Cell(1,mCol).CheckStateChecked
col = [isActive] + [table.Cell(mRow,mCol).Text for mRow in range(1, table.RowsCount+1)]
colls += [col]
objData[ao.ObjectId] = colls
type = str(ao.GetType()).Split(".")[-1]
uLab = ""
try: uLab = ao.MinimumTotal.Unit
except: pass
try: uLab = ao.Minimum.Unit
except: pass
units = UnitsLibrary.Ansys.Core.Units.UnitsManager.GetQuantityNamesForUnit(uLab)
for unit in units:
if type.Contains(unit): break
unit = "Displacement" if unit.ToLower() == "length" else unit
aoUnit = "{} [{}]".format(unit,uLab)
try: sheetData[sheetName] += [[ao.Name, aoUnit, objData[ao.ObjectId]]]
except: sheetData[sheetName] = [[ao.Name, aoUnit, objData[ao.ObjectId]]]
return sheetData
class ExcelActions(object):
MS Excel operations
worksheets = []
def CreateNewWB(maximaze = True, visible = True, scrUpdate = True):
wb = ExcelActions.CreateNewWB(maximaze = True, visible = True, scrUpdate = True) --> excel workbook
excel = ExcelNS.ApplicationClass()
wb = excel.Workbooks.Add()
if maximaze:
window = excel.Windows(1)
window.WindowState = ExcelNS.XlWindowState.xlMaximized
excel.Visible = visible
excel.ScreenUpdating = scrUpdate
ExcelActions.currentWB = wb
ExcelActions.currentEX = excel
return wb
def CreateSheet(wb = None, name = "New Sheet"):
if wb == None: wb = ExcelActions.CreateNewWB()
ws = wb.Worksheets.Add()
ws.Name = name
ExcelActions.worksheets += [ws]
return ws
class Table(object):
def __init__(self,ws):
self.ws = ws
def CreateTable(self,
title = "",
units = "",
pivot = [],
columns = [],
actives = [],
initCell = [3,2]):
tab = Table()
tab.AddData(title = [["","",""]], pivot = [["a","b","c"]], columns = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8]])
self.units = units
self.name = title
titleRng = self.AddDataSeries(dataLists = [[""] for i in range(len(pivot))], initCell = [initCell[0]-2,initCell[1]])
self.Format(titleRng, merge = True, bgColor = ExcelNS.XlRgbColor.rgbBlack , hAlign = "xlCenter", vAlign = "xlCenter", fntColor = 53758, fntSize = 13, fntBold = True, wrapText = True)
titleRng.Value2 = title
self.titleRng = titleRng
self.pivotNames = pivot
pivotRng = self.AddDataSeries(dataLists = [[title + ": " + p] for p in pivot], initCell = [initCell[0]-1,initCell[1]], resizeDelim = ":")
self.Format(pivotRng, bgColor = 53758 , hAlign = "xlCenter", vAlign = "xlCenter", fntBold = True, wrapText = True)
self.pivotRng = pivotRng
dataRng = self.AddDataSeries(dataLists = columns, initCell = initCell)
self.Format(dataRng, bgColor = ExcelNS.XlRgbColor.rgbWhite , hAlign = "xlCenter", vAlign = "xlCenter")
self.dataRng = dataRng
self.actives = actives
return self
def Format(self,
excelNS = "ExcelNS",
merge = False,
bgColor = None, # 53758 (svsyellow), ExcelNS.XlRgbColor.rgbBlack, ...
hAlign = None, # "xlCenter", "xlBottom", ...
vAlign = None, # "xlCenter", "xlBottom", ...
fntColor = None, # 53758 (svsyellow), ExcelNS.XlRgbColor.rgbBlack, ...
fntSize = None, # 13
fntBold = False,
wrapText = False):
if merge: obj.Merge()
if bgColor != None: obj.Interior.Color = bgColor
if hAlign != None: obj.HorizontalAlignment = eval("{}.Constants.{}".format(excelNS,hAlign))
if vAlign != None: obj.VerticalAlignment = eval("{}.Constants.{}".format(excelNS,vAlign))
if fntColor != None: obj.Font.Color = fntColor
if fntSize != None: obj.Font.Size = fntSize
obj.Font.Bold = fntBold
obj.WrapText = wrapText
def AddDataSeries(self, dataLists, initCell, resizeDelim = None):
dataList = [["aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa","b","c"]]
initCell = [1,1]
table = Table()
t = table.AddDataSeries(dataList, initCell)
rowInd, colInd = initCell
for mCol, data in enumerate(dataLists):
colS = self.ws.Cells(rowInd, colInd)
colE = self.ws.Cells(rowInd + len(data), colInd)
colRange = self.ws.Range(colS,colE)
colVals = colRange.Value2
for rCol, val in enumerate(data): colVals.SetValue(val, rCol+1, 1)
if resizeDelim:
column = self.ws.Columns(colInd)
width = column.ColumnWidth
valLen = max([len(word) for values in data for word in values.Split(resizeDelim)]) + 3
if width < valLen: column.ColumnWidth = valLen
colRange.Value2 = colVals
colInd += 1
maxCol = max([len(data) for data in dataLists])
dataS = self.ws.Cells(initCell[0],initCell[1])
dataE = self.ws.Cells(rowInd + maxCol -1, colInd - 1)
dataRange = self.ws.Range(dataS, dataE)
return dataRange
def Msg(msg):
def ExportData():
main function for data export
sheetData = MechanicalActions.GetMechData()
wb = ExcelActions.CreateNewWB()
for sheetName, sheetTabs in sorted(sheetData.iteritems()):
ws = ExcelActions.CreateSheet(wb, name = sheetName)
tabs = []
iRow, iCol = 5 , 2
for name, shObjUnit, tabData in sheetTabs:
pivot = [col[1] for col in tabData]
actives = [col[0] for col in tabData]
columns = [col[2:] for col in tabData]
tab = ExcelActions.Table(ws)
tab.CreateTable(title = name, pivot = pivot, columns = columns, actives = actives, initCell = [iRow, iCol], units = shObjUnit)
iCol += (len(pivot)+1)
tabs += [tab]