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System Coupling Python library 2023 R2

Notes About Python APIs Reference Documentation

Last update: 10.07.2023

Python interfaces to the System Coupling Participant Library follow the C++ interface with only minor modifications. For this reason, Python interfaces are not documented separately, and C++ interfaces are documented instead. If you would like to learn the details of a particular Python interface, find the analogous C++ interface and look up the documentation for that interface.

For example, suppose you encounter the following Python code snippet and would like to read documentation about each of the API calls implemented here:

import pyExt.SystemCouplingParticipant as sysc
region = sysc.Region("region", sysc.Surface)
variable = sysc.Variable("variable", sysc.Scalar, False, sysc.Node)

The equivalent of the Python sysc.Region object in C++ is sysc::Region. The equivalent of the Python sysc.Variable object in C++ is sysc::Variable. The equivalent of the Python sysc.Region.addInputVariable function in C++ is sysc::Region::addInputVariable.

Furthermore, Python docstrings are also available. For example, you can look up the documentation for each API call used in the above code snippet as follows:
