Oscillating Plate Damping Tutorial
Last update: 10.07.2023
Oscillating Plate Damping Tutorial
This tutorial demonstrates the implementation of System Coupling Participant Library APIs in a transient coupled analysis.
This example shows how to set up and perform a transient coupled analysis using a simple test solver and the Ansys Mechanical solver as participants.
It also shows how to implement the restart interfaces in the participant solver, create restart points at specified intervals, and restart the coupled analysis from a previously generated restart point.
Topics Covered
- Transient analysis
- Force and nodal displacements transfer
- Coupling to Ansys Mechanical
- Restarts
- Setup via the direct setup approach
Verify Prerequisites
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met. You've installed:
- A compiler for one of the supported languages
- Ansys installation, including System Coupling and Mechanical
Problem Description and Participant Setup
This example is a modification of System Coupling's Oscillating Plate Fluid-Structure Interaction tutorial.
The setup of the Mechanical participant is identical to the oscillating plate tutorial. A thin flexible plate, made of a linear elastic material, (Young's modulus = 2.5E6 [Pa], Poisson's ratio = 0.35, density = 2550 [kg m^-3]) has a fixed support along its bottom face. A pressure load of 100 [Pa] is applied on one side of the plate for the first 0.5 [s] of the simulation, which starts the oscillation. The setup is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Structural solver geometry
Since the purpose of this example is to demonstrate the use of Participant Library APIs for a transient analysis, a simple damping force solver will be used to couple with Mechanical via System Coupling. This solver receives nodal displacements \(\vec{X}\) from Mechanical and calculates the damping force \(\vec{F}\) using the following formula:
\(\vec{F} = - c \frac{d\vec{X}}{dt}\)
where \(c\) is the damping coefficient and \(\frac{d\vec{X}}{dt}\) is the rate of change of nodal positions with respect to time (nodal velocities). The damping solver will then provide the calculated forces to Mechanical via System Coupling, and these damping forces will cause the oscillations to diminish in amplitude. The higher the damping coefficient value is, the faster the oscillations will diminish. The damping coefficient value of 1.0 will be provided to the damping solver via a command line argument --dampcoeff 1.0
The surface mesh for the damping solver consists of 11 quadrilateral elements that overlap the plate surface in Mechanical. The surface mesh is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Surface mesh in the damping solver
Get the Necessary Files
Download the Participant Library tutorial package and extract it to a local directory. Inside the resulting directory, you will find a subdirectory called OscillatingPlateDamping. This will serve as the simulation working directory and contains all the files needed for this tutorial. The contents of this subdirectory are:
- dampingsolver: Directory containing the following files:
: Linux binary executableOscillatingPlateDamping.bat
: Windows batch script wrapper around the Windows executableOscillatingPlateDamping.c
: Sample C damping solver code and explanatory commentsOscillatingPlateDamping.cpp
: Sample C++ damping solver code and explanatory commentsOscillatingPlateDamping.exe
: Windows binary executableOscillatingPlateDamping.f
: Sample Fortran (fixed-form) damping solver code and explanatory commentsOscillatingPlateDamping.py
: Sample Python damping solver code and explanatory commentsOscillatingPlateDamping.sh
: Linux shell script wrapper around the Linux executableOscillatingPlateDampingPython.bat
: Windows batch script wrapper around the Python damping solver scriptOscillatingPlateDampingPython.sh
: Linux shell script wrapper around the Python damping solver script
- mapdl: Directory containing the Mechanical case file,
: Participant Setup file containing the Mechanical solver setup information to be consumed by System Coupling.run.py
: System Coupling script file that sets up and executes the coupled analysis.runRestart.py
: System Coupling script file that restarts the coupled analysis from a previously created intermediate restart point.
Build the Damping Solver
Build the damping solver program using a compiler for one of the supported languages.
NOTE: Pre-built solver executables are provided along with the source code, so this step is optional.
The source code is provided in the dampingsolver subdirectory. In the following examples, damping solver applications are built with different configurations. The actual build steps depend on your system configuration, compilers, and other details. See Compiling, Linking, and Executing Applications That Use the Participant Library for additional information.
The following compilers were used in these examples:
- Linux
- GNU (g++, gcc, and gfortran) 6.3.0
- Windows
- Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.10.25027 for x64
- Intel(R) Visual Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Version
In the following examples, replace
- <ANSYSInstallationPath> with the correct Ansys installation path.
- <MultiportVersion> with the correct version of the Fluent Multiport library.
Run the Coupled Analysis
Once you have created the damping solver program, run the coupled analysis using System Coupling. To do so, execute the run.py
script to run System Coupling in batch mode:
Note that in order to use a Python solver, you should replace OscillatingPlateDamping.bat
with OscillatingPlateDampingPython.bat
and OscillatingPlateDamping.sh
with OscillatingPlateDampingPython.sh
inside the run.py
If the case runs without issue, you've successfully created a simple damping solver and run a co-simulation between Mechanical and this damping solver.
Visualize the Results in Ansys EnSight
Use Ansys EnSight to view the Mechanical solver results after the co-simulation run is complete. You'll be able to plot the plate deformation over time. One point at the top of the plate will be used to track the displacement in the chart, which is a useful way to verify that the damping occurs due to the force calculated in the damping solver.
- Open Ansys EnSight.
Load the Mechanical solver results file.
a) In the EnSight menu toolbar, select File > Open.
b) In the Open... dialog, select the Mechanical results file that was generated during the co-simulation,
.c) Select Load all parts.
The Mechanical results file is loaded and the geometry is displayed in EnSight's viewer.
d) In the Parts pane, de-select the Show check-box for
Part 2
.Enable deformation.
To enable the deformation of the plate, perform the following steps:
a) In the Parts pane, double-click the
Part 0
.The Edit attributes for tagged Model part dialog opens.
b) In the dialog, set the following attributes:
- Select the Advanced check box.
- Under Displacement, set Displace by to
(N) Displacement
. - Verify that Factor is set to
c) Click Close to exit the dialog.
Deformation has been enabled for the solid body.
Visualize the nodal displacement.
Visualize the total nodal displacement as a function of time. Begin by creating a function that includes both the nodal coordinate and the nodal displacement values and then create a graph that plots this function. To do so, perform the following steps:
a) In the Parts pane, select
Part 0
.b) Create a function to express the nodal coordinate vs. time.
- In the Feature Icon bar at the top of the window, click the Calculator icon.
The Calculator Tool Box dialog opens.
- Click the Build your own functions icon.
- For Variable name, type in
. Create an expression
:- Under Variable, click Coordinates.
- In the calculator, click the [X] button and then the + (addition) button.
- Under Variable, click Displacement.
- In the calculator, click the [X] button.
quantity is created.- Click the Evaluate for selected parts button. The
quantity is created. - Click Close to exit the dialog.
c) Create the chart.
In the Feature Icon bar at the top of the window, click the Query icon.
The Create/Edit Query/plot dialog opens.
- Under Query Creation, make the following selections:
- For Sample, select
At node over time
. - For Variable 1, select the vector quantity created in the previous step,
(N) NodePositionX
. - For Node ID, type in
. This point is at the top corner of the solid body and will be used to track the deformation of the plate.
- For Sample, select
- Click the Create query button. The chart is added to the graphics window.
- Click Close to exit the dialog.
Animate the chart.
In the Time pane, click the Play forward button. An animation of the graph, the geometry, and the time annotation is played, showing the total nodal displacement of the plate over time. Note that the damping that is visible in the plate's motion.
Figure 3: Plot of plate tip x-displacements over time
Figure 4 shows the chart of plate tip position over time for different damping coefficients. As expected, the higher the damping coefficient is, the faster the plate oscillations diminish in amplitude.
Figure 4: Plot of plate tip x-displacements over time for different damping coefficients
Restarting the Coupled Analysis From an Intermediate Point
In the initial coupled analysis, the restart point was generated at every 10th coupling time step.
The damping solver source code shows how to implement the restart APIs for this problem.
- The
function was implemented and registered - When the above function is called, it will create a text file and write current nodal coordinates and force values. This is the only information that is required to cleanly restart the damping solver at a given time step. The name of the restart file is returned from that function.
- When System Coupling restarts from a given coupling step, it will pass the restart file name as a command line argument to the damping solver.
- The damping solver will read in the nodal coordinates and forces from the restart file prior to entering the coupled analysis loop.
The coupled analysis will now be restarted from the 50th step (simulation time 5.0 [s]) and solved through the 100th step (simulation time 10.0 [s]).
The restart script runRestart.py
is provided with this tutorial. To run the coupled analysis, execute the restart script in batch mode:
The coupled analysis should restart and solve until the end. The Ansys Mechanical results can be post-processed the same way as for the initial run. Figure 5 shows the chart of the plate tip position over time for the continuous and restarted analysis. The results show that nearly identical displacements are achieved from the restarted run. The very slight differences can be attributed to the limitations within System Coupling and Ansys Mechanical. For a more detailed description of these limitation, see "Restarting a Coupled Analysis" in the System Coupling User's Guide.
Figure 5: Comparison of results between the continuous and restarted runs