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System Coupling Python library 2023 R2

Migration Guide and Known Issues

Last update: 10.07.2023

Migration guide is provided to help migrate the APIs implementation between the releases.

Migrating from Pre-2023 R1 Releases

Removed deprecated callback functions (C++ only)

Deprecated callback functions that take sysc::Region and sysc::Variable objects as arguments have been removed. They have been replaced with functions that take in sysc::RegionName and sysc::VariableName (strings) respectively.

For example, suppose there is a callback function that return input scalar data:

getInputScalarData(const sysc::Region& region, const sysc::Variable& variable) {

The above function should be replaced with a function that takes in region name and variable name (strings) as arguments:

getInputScalarData(const sysc::RegionName& region, const sysc::VariableName& variable) {

Migrating From Pre-2022 R2 Releases

Disconnect function

This change only applies to C++ and Python APIs. C and Fortran APIs are unaffected.


sysc::SystemCoupling::disconnect function has been added. Under normal conditions, this function must now be called during the coupled analysis shutdown. Do not rely on the sysc::SystemCoupling object destructor to disconnect cleanly.


sysc.SystemCoupling.disconnect function has been added. Under normal conditions, this function must now be called during the coupled analysis shutdown. Do not rely on the sysc.SystemCoupling object destructor to disconnect cleanly.

Data transfer variables


sysc::DataTransfer constructor - uses sourceVariable and targetVariable rather than sideOneVariable and sideTwoVariable


syscDataTransferST interface introduced. Same as syscDataTransfer, but uses sourceVariable and targetVariable rather than sideOneVariable and sideTwoVariable


syscDataTransfer interface - uses sourceVariable and targetVariable rather than sideOneVariable and sideTwoVariable


sysc.DataTransfer constructor - uses sourceVariable and targetVariable rather than sideOneVariable and sideTwoVariable

Migrating From Pre-2022 R1 Releases

Removal of legacy functions

The following deprecated functions and structures have been deleted:


sysc::SystemCoupling::isAnalysisComplete function - see sysc::SystemCoupling::doIteration instead.


syscIsAnalysisComplete function - see syscDoIteration instead.

SyscSurfaceMeshAccess struct - see SyscSurfMeshAccess instead.

syscRegisterSurfaceMeshAccess function - see syscRegisterSurfMeshAccess instead.

syscGetFaceBasedVolumeMesh function- see syscGetVolumeMeshFaceBased instead.


syscIsAnalysisCompleteF interface - see syscDoIterationF instead.

surfaceMeshAccessIntf interface - see SyscSurfaceMeshAccessF instead.

syscRegisterSurfaceMeshAccessF interface - see syscRegisterSurfMeshAccessF instead.

Migrating From Pre-2021 R2 Releases

Surface Mesh Struct (C and Fortran)

The members of SyscSurfaceMesh struct have changed.

SyscOutputScalarData nodeIds and SyscOutputVectorData nodeCoords were replaced with SyscNodeData nodes.

SyscOutputScalarData elemNodeCounts was replaced with SyscElementNodeCountData elemNodeCounts.

SyscOutputScalarData elemNodeIds was replaced with SyscElementNodeConnectivityData elemNodeConnectivity.

Restarts Supported Flag

Flag indicating whether the participant supports restarts has been moved from SetupFileInfo structure to SetupInfo.

Mesh Validity Checks (C and Fortran Only)

syscCheckMeshValidity and syscCheckRegionMeshValidity functions are removed. Use syscCheckSurfaceMeshValidity instead. In Fortran, these functions are syscCheckMeshValidityF, syscCheckRegionMeshValidityF, and syscCheckSurfaceMeshValidityF, respectivly.

Migrating from Pre-2021 R1 Releases

Adding Regions and Variables (C and Fortran only)

In C and Fortran APIs, when adding regions and variables, the order in which the following functions should be called has changed:

  • syscAddInputVariable,
  • syscAddOutputVariable, and
  • syscAddRegion.

All variables must be added to a region first, prior to that region being added. If a variable is added to a region after that region has already been added, that function call will have no effect. The new behavior is more consistent with the C++ APIs.


SyscRegion region = syscGetRegion("region");
SyscVariable variable = syscGetVariable("variable", SyscScalar, 0, SyscNode);
SyscError ret;
/* Add variable first. */
ret = syscAddInputVariable(region, variable);
/* Add region after all variables have been added to it. */
ret = syscAddRegion(region);


type(SyscRegionF) :: region
type(SyscVariableF) :: variable
type(SyscErrorF) :: ret
region = syscGetRegionF("region")
variable = syscGetVariableF("variable", SyscScalar, .FALSE., SyscNode)
! Add variable first.
ret = syscAddInputVariableF(region, variable)
! Add region after all variables have been added to it.
ret = syscAddRegionF(region)

Data Access Structures (Fortran Only)

In Fortran APIs, in SyscInputScalarDataF, SyscInputVectorDataF, SyscOutputScalarDataF, and SyscOutputVectorDataF structures, the dataPtr members types have changed from c_loc to integer(kind=8). This allows to remove the dependency on iso_c_bindings module from the APIs. To avoid compatibility issues in the future, it is recommended to use the data access helper functions (e.g. syscGetInputScalarDataF), as described in the Access to Heavyweight Data section.

Migrating From Pre-2020 R2 Releases

SyscError Struct (C Only)

In C APIs, SyscError struct has changed. The member message is now a fixed-length character array, instead of a character pointer. To avoid compatibility issues in the future, it is recommended to use syscGetSyscError function to initialize SyscError struct.

SyscError ret = syscGetSyscError(0, "");



When creating/initializing SyscRegion structs, to help with migration in the future, helper functions syscGetRegion, syscGetRegionT, and syscGetRegionDT have been added which create SyscRegion structure. It is highly recommended to use these functions as it would help avoid back-compatibility issues.

/* Create region by supplying name. */
SyscRegion reg0 = syscGetRegion("name");
/* Create region by supplying name and topology. */
SyscRegion var1 = syscGetRegionT("name", SyscSurface);
/* Create region by supplying name, display name,
* and topology. */
SyscRegion reg2 = syscGetRegionDT("name", "displayName", SyscSurface);


When creating/initializing SyscRegionF types, to help with migration in the future, helper functions with syscGetRegionF interface have been added which create SyscRegionF type. It is highly recommended to use these functions as it would help avoid back-compatibility issues.

type(SyscRegionF) :: reg0
type(SyscRegionF) :: reg1
type(SyscRegionF) :: reg2
! Create region by supplying name.
reg0 = syscGetRegionF("name");
! Create region by supplying name and topology.
reg1 = syscGetRegionF("name", SyscSurface)
! Create region by supplying name, display name,
! and topology.
var2 = syscGetVariableF("name", "displayName", SyscSurface)


Variables now have new properties:

  • Tensor type: indicates the tensor type of the variable, e.g. whether it's a scalar or a vector
  • Is extensive: indicates whether the it is an extensive property or an intensive property.


Variable.getComponentCount() method has been removed.

The type of sysc::QuantityType has changed from struct to enum. Any usages of properties of quantity type (e.g. quantityType.initialValue) should be removed.


SyscVariable struct now has new members: tensorType and isExtensive. Their values should be set to the correct value.

To help with migration in the future, helper functions syscGetVariable, syscGetVariableTE, syscGetVariableTEQ, and syscGetVariableQ have been added to create SyscVariable structure. It is highly recommended to use these functions as it would help avoid back-compatibility issues.

/* Create variable by supplying name. */
SyscVariable var0 = syscGetVariable("name");
/* Create variable by supplying name,
* tensor type, is extensive, and location. */
SyscVariable var1 = syscGetVariableTE(
/* Create variable by supplying name, display name,
* tensor type, is extensive, location, and quantity type. */
SyscVariable var2 = syscGetVariableTEQ(
/* Create variable by supplying name, display name,
* location, and quantity type. */
SyscVariable var3 = syscGetVariableQ(


SyscVariableF type now has new members: tensorType and isExtensive. Their values should be set to the correct value.

To help with migration in the future, helper functions with syscGetVariableF interface have been added to create SyscVariableF type. It is highly recommended to use these functions as it would help avoid back-compatibility issues.

type(SyscVariableF) :: var0
type(SyscVariableF) :: var1
type(SyscVariableF) :: var2
type(SyscVariableF) :: var3
! Create variable by supplying name.
var0 = syscGetVariableF("name")
! Create variable by supplying name,
! tensor type, is extensive, and location.
var1 = syscGetVariableF(&
! Create variable by supplying name, display name,
! tensor type, is extensive, location, and quantity type.
var2 = syscGetVariableF(&
! Create variable by supplying name, display name,
! location, and quantity type.
var3 = syscGetVariableF(&

Migrating from Pre-2020 R1 Releases

Setup APIs

The APIs that are related to setup (e.g. add region, add input/output variable, complete coupling setup) should no longer be used during the coupled analysis. These APIs will remain available and can be used to complete the participant setup during the setup stage.

For information on creating the setup files, see Completing the System Coupling Participant Setup

For the most up-to-date information on the steps in a coupled analysis, see Participant Steps in a Coupled Analysis.

Heavyweight Data Access Functions

This applies to C++ APIs only. Heavyweight data access functions now take region and variable names rather than objects. For example, surface mesh access function prototype has changed as follows:

sysc::SurfaceMesh getSurfaceMesh(const sysc::Region& region);
sysc::SurfaceMesh getSurfaceMesh(const std::string& regionName);

Data Access Helper Functions (Fortran Only)

The following Fortran helper functions have been modified to take an additional argument nElems:

  • syscGetInputScalarDataF
  • syscGetOutputScalarDataF
  • syscGetInputVectorDataSplitF
  • syscGetInputVectorDataCompactF
  • syscGetOutputVectorDataSplitF
  • syscGetOutputVectorDataCompactF

For the most up-to-date information on the usage of these helper functions, see Access to Heavyweight Data.

Known Issues

  • SyscGetSetupInfoF function may not set the analysis type correctly if the participant solver is compiled with Intel Fortran compiler on Linux. As a workaround, after calling this function, set the analysis type explicitly,e.g.:
    setupInfo = syscGetSetupInfoF(SyscTransient)
    setupInfo%analysisType = SyscTransient