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System Coupling Python library 2023 R2

Mesh And Point Cloud Data Access

Last update: 10.07.2023

This section pre-supposes familiarity with the concepts introduced in Access to Heavyweight Data section. Heavyweight array data access structures described in that section can be combined into higher-level structures to provide access to mesh and point cloud data. This section describes these higher-level structures as well as requirements of mesh and point cloud structures.


Point Cloud


The mesh formats can be broken down into two categories: element-based mesh and face-based mesh.

Element-based mesh defines the mesh primarily through mesh elements along with element-to-node connectivity. Elements are faces in the context of surface meshes and cells in the context of volume meshes.

Face-based mesh defines the mesh primarily through mesh faces along with face-to-node connectivity and, if it's a volume mesh, face-to-cell connectivity.

The advantage of element-based mesh format is that it provides a way to define high-order elements (that is, elements with mid-side nodes along the edges), while the advantage of the face-based mesh format is that it provides a way to define arbitrary polygons and polyhedra.

It is possible to define the mesh using both formats at the same time. However, in most cases it would require providing redundant information, so most participant solvers can be expected to choose one of the two mesh formats.

Intermediate Structures

Mesh Model Information

Element-Based Surface Mesh Example

Face-Based Surface Mesh Example

Element-Based Volume Mesh Example

Face-Based Volume Mesh Example

Intermediate Structures

The intermediate structures are used to define the mesh. These structures are node data, element type data, element node count data, element-to-node connectivity data, face-to-cell connectivity data, and cell id data. They are described in more detail below.

Element-based mesh format requires:

  1. Node data
  2. Element type data (elements are faces if surface mesh)
  3. Element-to-node connectivity data (elements are faces if volume mesh)

Face-based mesh format requires:

  1. Node data
  2. Element node count data (elements are faces)
  3. Element-to-node connectivity data (elements are faces)
  4. Face-to-cell connectivity data (if volume mesh)
  5. Cell id data (if voluem mesh)

Node Data

This structure provides information about the mesh nodes. There are two relevant pieces of information when providing node data: node ids and node coordinates.

Node ids provides access to the array of integers representing node ids. The ids are considered to be global across all parallel MPI processes and all of a participant's regions that are registered with System Coupling. For example, if region A refers to node id N, and region B refers to node id N, then both regions must refer to the exact same node, i.e. node with id N is shared between regions A and B. Similarly, if running in parallel, and process with rank X refers to node with ids N, and process with rank Y refers to node id N, then both processes must refer to the exact same node, i.e. node id with id N is duplicated in both processes X and Y. The ids do not have to be contiguous. The ids must be non-negative.

Node ids are optional. If node ids are provided, then the node coordinates must be provided in the same order as node ids, i.e. n-th entry in the node ids array correponds to the n-th entry in the node coordinates array(s). If node ids are not not provided, then node coordinates must be provided in the ascending node ids order. In this case, the actual node ids are implicitly provided elsewhere, e.g. via element-to-node connectivity data (see below).

Element Type Data

This structure provides information about the element types. Supported element types are defined in the ElementTypes.hpp (C++), syscElementTypes.h (C), (Fortran) header files and are shown in Figures 1 to 12 below.

Figure 1: Tri3 Element Type

Figure 2: Tri6 Element Type

Figure 3: Quad4 Element Type

Figure 4: Quad8 Element Type

Figure 5: Tet4 Element Type

Figure 6: Tet10 Element Type

Figure 7: Hex8 Element Type

Figure 8: Hex20 Element Type

Figure 9: Wedge6 Element Type

Figure 10: Wedge15 Element Type

Figure 11: Pyramid5 Element Type

Figure 12: Pyramid13 Element Type

Element Node Count Data

This structure provides information about the element node counts. It contains the number of elements as well as the number of nodes within each element.

Element-to-Node Connectivity Data

This structure provides information about the element-to-node connectivity. That is, for each element, the ids of nodes connected to that element are provided.

Cell Id Data

The cell id data structure provides information about the cell ids.

Like node ids, the cell ids are considered to be global across all parallel MPI processes and all regions that are registered with System Coupling and do not have to be contiguous. However, cell ids must be positive. Zero is reserved to mean the absence of a cell when defining face-to-cell connectivity (see below), therefore 0 is not a valid id for a mesh cell.

Face-to-Cell Connectivity Data

This structure provides information about the face-to-cell connectivity data.

Each face has two sides, side 0 and side 1. The sides are defined such that if one looks through the face from side 0 to side 1, then the face nodes are provided in clock-wise order. Another way to define it is the face normal (defined using the righ-hand rule) must point from side 0 to side 1. Figure 13 illustraces the convention for defining side 0 and side 1.

Figure 13: Face Side 0 and Side 1 Convention

The face may be connected to mesh cells on either side. If a face is connected to a cell on side 0, then it will contain the id of that cell in its "cell 0" entry. Likewise, if a face is connected to a cell on side 1, then it will contain the id of that cell in its "cell 1" entry.

If the face is not connected to any cell on either side, then its corresponding cell 0 or cell 1 entry must contain zero.

Mesh Model Information

Surface and volume regions can be topologically connected and the underlying mesh can be shared. A volume mesh can have bounding surfaces. Moreover, two volume meshes can share a surface. This kind of connectivity is called the mesh model and System Coupling participant library provides a way to communicate this information.

The way to specify that the volume and surface meshes are connected is to provide the side 0 and side 1 region names in the surface mesh structure. Side 0 and side 1 region names must refer to a valid volume region (with a valid volume mesh). It is important to maintain the convention for side 0 and side 1 as shown in Figure 13. The region names must refer to valid volume regions.

Element-Based Surface Mesh Example

Figure 14 shows a sample surface mesh, with each node and face labelled. Note that in this example, there are high-order quadrilateral and trilateral with midside nodes. Also note that node ids are not contiguous.

Figure 14: Surface Mesh Element-Based Format Example

Due to the presence of the high-order elements, the element-based mesh format is more suitable for this example.

Node Data

If providing node ids, node coordinates must be provided in the same order as node ids:

Node ids:
{1, 12, 2, 23, 3, 14, 25, 26, 36, 4, 45, 5, 56, 6}
Node coords:
{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 1
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 12
2.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 2
3.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 23
4.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 3
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 14
2.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 25
3.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 26
4.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 36
0.0, 2.0, 0.0, // node 4
1.0, 2.0, 0.0, // node 45
2.0, 2.0, 0.0, // node 5
3.0, 2.0, 0.0, // node 56
4.0, 2.0, 0.0} // node 6

If node ids are ommitted, then the node coordinates must be provided in ascending node id order. Note that the actual node ids are going to be provided via the element-to-node connectivity data (see below).

Node coords:
{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 1
2.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 2
4.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 3
0.0, 2.0, 0.0, // node 4
2.0, 2.0, 0.0, // node 5
4.0, 2.0, 0.0} // node 6
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 12
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 14
3.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 23
2.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 25
3.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 26
4.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 36
1.0, 2.0, 0.0, // node 45
3.0, 2.0, 0.0} // node 56

When providing solution data on nodes, the ordering of the solution data must be consistent with the ordering of the node coordinates.

Element Type Data

Relevant element types are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 4 above. High-order trilateral element types are assigned the value of 6, while high-order quadrilaterl element types are assigned the value of 8.

Note that when providing solution data on elements (faces), the ordering of the solution data must be consistent with the ordering of the elements in this element node count data structure.

Element types:
{8, // Element I
6, // Element II
6} // Element III

Element-to-Node Connectivty Data

Note that element-to-node connectivity contains the same node ids that are defined in the node data structure. If the node ids are omitted from the node data structure, then they are deduced from this element-to-node connectivity data structure.

The proper ordering of nodes within the element is also provided in Figure 2 and Figure 4. Corner nodes are listed first, followed by the mid-side nodes.

Element-to-node connectivity:
{1, 2, 5, 4, 12, 25, 45, 14, // Element I
2, 3, 6, 23, 36, 26, // Element II
2, 6, 5, 26, 56, 25} // Element III


The data is stored in STL vector structures. Then, basic data structures (sysc::OutputIntegerData and sysc::OutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (sysc::NodeData, sysc::ElementTypeData, and sysc::ElementNodeConnectivityData). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the sysc::SurfaceMesh object.

// heavyweight data arrays
std::vector<int> nodeIds = ...
std::vector<double> x = ...
std::vector<double> y = ...
std::vector<double> z = ...
std::vector<int> elemTypes = ...
std::vector<int> elemNodeIds = ...
// basic data access structures
sysc::OutputIntegerData nodeIdData(nodeIds);
sysc::OutputVectorData nodeCoordData(x, y, z);
sysc::OutputIntegerData elemTypeArrayData(elemTypes);
sysc::OutputIntegerData elemNodeIdData(elemNodeIds);
// intermediate structures
sysc::NodeData nodeData(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData);
sysc::ElementTypeData elemTypeData(elemTypeArrayData);
sysc::ElementNodeConnectivityData elemNodeConnectivityData(elemNodeIdData);
// surface mesh object
sysc::SurfaceMesh mesh(nodeData, elemTypeData, elemNodeConnectivityData);


The data is stored in C arrays. Then, basic data structures (SyscOutputIntegerData and SyscOutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (SyscNodeData, SyscElementTypeData, and SyscElementNodeConnectivityData). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the SyscSurfaceMesh object.

Note the helper functions syscGetNodeDataIC, syscGetElementTypeData, syscGetElementNodeConnectivityData, and syscGetSurfaceMeshNTI used to create the corresponding data structures.

/* heavyweight data arrays */
int nodeIds[] = ...
double x[] = ...
double y[] = ...
double z[] = ...
int elemTypes[] = ...
int elemNodeIds[] = ...
size_t numNodes = 14;
size_t numElems = 3;
size_t numElemNodeIds = 20;
/* basic data access structures */
SyscOutputIntegerData nodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(nodeIds, numNodes);
SyscOutputVectorData nodeCoordData = syscGetOutputVectorDataSplitDouble(x, y, z, numNodes);
SyscOutputIntegerData elemTypeArrayData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(elemTypes, numElems);
SyscOutputIntegerData elemNodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(elemNodeIds, numElemNodeIds);
/* intermediate structures */
SyscNodeData nodeData = syscGetNodeDataIC(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData);
SyscElementTypeData elemTypeData = syscGetElementNodeCountData(elemTypeArrayData);
SyscElementNodeConnectivityData elemNodeConnectivityData = syscGetElementNodeConnectivityData(elemNodeIdData);
/* surface mesh structure */
SyscSurfaceMesh mesh = syscGetSurfaceMeshNTI(nodeData, elemTypeData, elemNodeConnectivityData);


The data is stored in Fortran arrays. Then, basic data structures (SyscOutputIntegerDataF and SyscOutputVectorDataF) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (SyscNodeDataF, SyscElementTypeDataF, and SyscElementNodeConnectivityDataF). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the SyscSurfaceMeshF object.

Note the helper functions syscGetNodeDataF, syscGetElementTypeDataF, syscGetElementNodeConnectivityDataF, and syscGetSurfaceMeshF used to create the corresponding data structures.

! heavyweight data arrays
integer(kind=4), target :: nodeIds(14) = ...
real(kind=8), target :: x(14) = ...
real(kind=8), target :: y(14) = ...
real(kind=8), target :: z(14) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: elemTypes(3) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: elemNodeIds(20) = ...
! basic data access structures
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: nodeIdData
type(SyscOutputVectorDataF) :: nodeCoordData
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: elemTypeArrayData
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: elemNodeIdData
nodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(nodeIds, size(nodeIds, kind=8))
nodeCoordData = syscGetOutputVectorDataSplitF(x, y, z, size(x, kind=8))
elemTypeArrayData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(elemTypes, size(elemTypes, kind=8))
elemNodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(elemNodeIds, size(elemNodeIds, kind=8))
! intermediate structures
type(SyscNodeDataF) :: nodeData
type(SyscElementTypeDataF) :: elemTypeData
type(SyscElementNodeConnectivityDataF) :: elemNodeConnectivityData
nodeData = syscGetNodeDataF(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData)
elemTypeData = syscGetElementTypeDataF(elemTypeArrayData)
elemNodeConnectivityData = syscGetElementNodeConnectivityDataF(elemNodeIdData)
! surface mesh structure
type(SyscSurfaceMeshF) :: mesh
mesh = syscGetSurfaceMeshF(nodeData, elemTypeData, elemNodeConnectivityData)


The data is stored in Numpy arrays. Then, basic data structures (sysc.OutputIntegerData and sysc.OutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (sysc.NodeData, sysc.ElementTypeData, and sysc.ElementNodeConnectivityData). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the sysc.SurfaceMesh object.

import numpy as np
import pyExt.SystemCouplingParticipant as sysc
# heavyweight data arrays
nodeIds = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
x = np.array([...], dtype = np.float64)
y = np.array([...], dtype = np.float64)
z = np.array([...], dtype = np.float64)
elemTypes = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
elemNodeIds = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
# basic data access structures
nodeIdData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(nodeIds)
nodeCoordData = sysc.OutputVectorData(x, y, z)
elemTypeArrayData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(elemTypes)
elemNodeIdData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(elemNodeIds)
# intermediate structures
nodeData = sysc.NodeData(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData)
elemTypeData = sysc.ElementTypeData(elemTypeArrayData)
elemNodeConnectivityData = sysc.ElementNodeConnectivityData(elemNodeIdData)
# surface mesh object
mesh = sysc.SurfaceMesh(nodeData, elemTypeData, elemNodeConnectivityData)

Face-Based Surface Mesh Example

Figure 15 shows a sample surface mesh, with each node and face labelled. Note that in this example, there are quadrilateral, trilateral, and polygon faces. Also note that node ids are not contiguous.

Figure 15: Surface Mesh Face-Based Format Example

Due to the presence of the polygon faces, the face-based mesh format is more suitable for this example. To describe the mesh in this example, the following structures are required:

  • Node data
  • Element node count data
  • Element-to-node connectivity data

Node Data

If providing node ids, node coordinates must be provided in the same order as node ids:

Node ids:
{6, 8, 7, 2, 1, 3, 12, 18}
Node coords:
{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 6
8.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 8
4.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 7
4.0, 4.0, 0.0, // node 2
0.0, 4.0, 0.0, // node 1
8.0, 4.0, 0.0, // node 3
2.0, -4.0, 0.0, // node 12
6.0, -4.0, 0.0} // node 18

If node ids are ommitted, then the node coordinates must be provided in ascending node id order. Note that the actual node ids would be provided via the element-to-node connectivity data (see below).

Node coords:
{0.0, 4.0, 0.0, // node 1
4.0, 4.0, 0.0, // node 2
8.0, 4.0, 0.0, // node 3
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 6
4.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 7
8.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 8
2.0, -4.0, 0.0, // node 12
6.0, -4.0, 0.0} // node 18

When providing solution data on nodes, the ordering of the solution data must be consistent with the ordering of the node coordinates.

Element Node Count Data

Note that when providing solution data on elements (faces), the ordering of the solution data must be consistent with the ordering of the elements in this element node count data structure.

Element node counts:
{4, // Face I
3, // Face II
3, // Face III
5} // Face IV

Element-to-Node Connectivity Data

Note that the element-to-node connectivity contains the same node ids that are defined in the node data structure. If the node ids are omitted from the node data structure, then they are deduced from this element-to-node connectivity data structure.

Element-to-node connectivity:
{1, 2, 7, 6, // Face I
2, 3, 7, // Face II
3, 8, 7, // Face III
6, 7, 8, 18, 12} // Face IV


The data is stored in STL vector structures. Then, basic data structures (sysc::OutputIntegerData and sysc::OutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (sysc::NodeData, sysc::ElementNodeCountData, and sysc::ElementNodeConnectivityData). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the sysc::SurfaceMesh object.

// heavyweight data arrays
std::vector<int> nodeIds = ...
std::vector<double> x = ...
std::vector<double> y = ...
std::vector<double> z = ...
std::vector<int> faceNodeCounts = ...
std::vector<int> faceNodeIds = ...
// basic data access structures
sysc::OutputIntegerData nodeIdData(nodeIds);
sysc::OutputVectorData nodeCoordData(x, y, z);
sysc::OutputIntegerData faceNodeCountData(faceNodeCounts);
sysc::OutputIntegerData faceNodeIdData(faceNodeIds);
// intermediate structures
sysc::NodeData nodeData(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData);
sysc::ElementNodeCountData elemNodeCountData(faceNodeCountData);
sysc::ElementNodeConnectivityData elemNodeConnectivityData(faceNodeIdData);
// surface mesh object
sysc::SurfaceMesh mesh(nodeData, elemNodeCountData, elemNodeConnectivityData);


The data is stored in C arrays. Then, basic data structures (SyscOutputIntegerData and SyscOutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (SyscNodeData, SyscElementNodeCountData, and SyscElementNodeConnectivityData). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the SyscSurfaceMesh object.

Note the helper functions syscGetNodeDataIC, syscGetElementNodeCountData, syscGetElementNodeConnectivityData, and syscGetSurfaceMeshNCI used to create the corresponding data structures.

/* heavyweight data arrays */
int nodeIds[] = ...
double x[] = ...
double y[] = ...
double z[] = ...
int faceNodeCounts[] = ...
int faceNodeIds[] = ...
size_t numNodes = 8;
size_t numFaces = 4;
size_t numFaceNodeIds = 15;
/* basic data access structures */
SyscOutputIntegerData nodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(nodeIds, numNodes);
SyscOutputVectorData nodeCoordData = syscGetOutputVectorDataSplitDouble(x, y, z, numNodes);
SyscOutputIntegerData faceNodeCountData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(faceNodeCounts, numFaces);
SyscOutputIntegerData faceNodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(faceNodeIds, numFaceNodeIds);
/* intermediate structures */
SyscNodeData nodeData = syscGetNodeDataIC(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData);
SyscElementNodeCountData elemNodeCountData = syscGetElementNodeCountData(faceNodeCountData);
SyscElementNodeConnectivityData elemNodeConnectivityData = syscGetElementNodeConnectivityData(faceNodeIdData);
/* surface mesh structure */
SyscSurfaceMesh mesh = syscGetSurfaceMeshNCI(nodeData, elemNodeCountData, elemNodeConnectivityData);


The data is stored in Fortran arrays. Then, basic data structures (SyscOutputIntegerDataF and SyscOutputVectorDataF) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (SyscNodeDataF, SyscElementNodeCountDataF, and SyscElementNodeConnectivityDataF). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the SyscSurfaceMeshF object.

Note the helper functions syscGetNodeDataF, syscGetElementNodeCountDataF, syscGetElementNodeConnectivityDataF, and syscGetSurfaceMeshF used to create the corresponding data structures.

! heavyweight data arrays
integer(kind=4), target :: nodeIds(8) = ...
real(kind=8), target :: x(8) = ...
real(kind=8), target :: y(8) = ...
real(kind=8), target :: z(8) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: faceNodeCounts(4) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: faceNodeIds(15) = ...
! basic data access structures
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: nodeIdData
type(SyscOutputVectorDataF) :: nodeCoordData
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: faceNodeCountData
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: faceNodeIdData
nodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(nodeIds, size(nodeIds, kind=8))
nodeCoordData = syscGetOutputVectorDataSplitF(x, y, z, size(x, kind=8))
faceNodeCountData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(faceNodeCounts, size(faceNodeCounts, kind=8))
faceNodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(faceNodeIds, size(faceNodeIds, kind=8))
! intermediate structures
type(SyscNodeDataF) :: nodeData
type(SyscElementNodeCountDataF) :: elemNodeCountData
type(SyscElementNodeConnectivityDataF) :: elemNodeConnectivityData
nodeData = syscGetNodeDataF(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData)
elemNodeCountData = syscGetElementNodeCountDataF(faceNodeCountData)
elemNodeConnectivityData = syscGetElementNodeConnectivityDataF(faceNodeIdData)
! surface mesh structure
type(SyscSurfaceMeshF) :: mesh
mesh = syscGetSurfaceMeshF(nodeData, elemNodeCountData, elemNodeConnectivityData)


The data is stored in Numpy arrays. Then, basic data structures (sysc.OutputIntegerData and sysc.OutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (sysc.NodeData, sysc.ElementNodeCountData, and sysc.ElementNodeConnectivityData). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the sysc.SurfaceMesh object.

import numpy as np
import pyExt.SystemCouplingParticipant as sysc
# heavyweight data arrays
nodeIds = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
x = np.array([...], dtype = np.float64)
y = np.array([...], dtype = np.float64)
z = np.array([...], dtype = np.float64)
faceNodeCounts = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
faceNodeIds = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
# basic data access structures
nodeIdData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(nodeIds)
nodeCoordData = sysc.OutputVectorData(x, y, z)
faceNodeCountData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(faceNodeCounts)
faceNodeIdData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(faceNodeIds)
# intermediate structures
nodeData = sysc.NodeData(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData)
elemNodeCountData = sysc.ElementNodeCountData(faceNodeCountData)
elemNodeConnectivityData = sysc.ElementNodeConnectivityData(faceNodeIdData)
# surface mesh object
mesh = sysc.SurfaceMesh(nodeData, elemNodeCountData, elemNodeConnectivityData)

Element-Based Volume Mesh Example

Figure 16 shows a sample volume mesh, with each node and element labelled. The coordinates are also shown for each node.

In the example, there are 12 nodes and 3 elements.

Elements 2 and 3 are wedge elements (they each have 6 nodes), while element 1 is a hexahedral element (it has 8 nodes).

Figure 16: Volume Mesh Element-Based Format Example

Since there are no polyheral elements, the element-based mesh format is suitable for this example.

Node Data

If providing node ids, node coordinates must be provided in the same order as node ids. If node ids are ommitted, then the node coordinates must be provided in ascending node id order. Note that the actual node ids are going to be provided via the element-to-node connectivity data (see below).

When providing solution data on nodes, the ordering of the solution data must be consistent with the ordering of the node coordinates.

Node coords:
{0.0, 0.0, 2.0, // node 1
1.0, 0.0, 2.0, // node 2
2.0, 0.0, 2.0, // node 3
0.0, 1.0, 2.0, // node 4
1.0, 1.0, 2.0, // node 5
2.0, 1.0, 2.0, // node 6
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 7
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 8
2.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 9
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 10
1.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 11
2.0, 1.0, 0.0} // node 12

Element Type Data

Element Type data structure is used to specify the type of each element.

Relevant element types are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 9 above. Hexahedral element types are assigned the value of 11, while wedge element types are assigned the value of 13.

Note that when providing solution data on elements, the ordering of the solution data must be consistent with the ordering of the elements in this element node count data structure.

Element types:
{11, // Element 1
13, // Element 2
13} // Element 3

Element-to-Node Connectivity Data

Element-to-Node Connectivity data structure is used to specify element-to-node connectivity. Note that the node ordering must be consistent with what is shown in Figures 7 and 9.

Element-to-node connectivity:
{1, 2, 8, 7, 4, 5, 11, 10, // element 1
5, 11, 12, 2, 8, 9, // element 2
5, 12, 6, 2, 9, 3 } // element 3


The data is stored in STL vector structures. Then, basic data structures (sysc::OutputIntegerData and sysc::OutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (sysc::NodeData, sysc::ElementTypeData, and sysc::ElementNodeConnectivityData. Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the sysc::VolumeMesh object.

// heavyweight data arrays
std::vector<double> nodeCoords = ...
std::vector<int> elemTypes = ...
std::vector<int> elemNodeIds = ...
// basic data access structures
sysc::OutputVectorData nodeCoordData(nodeCoords);
sysc::OutputIntegerData elemTypeDataArray(elemTypes);
sysc::OutputIntegerData elemNodeIdData(elemNodeIds);
// intermediate structures
sysc::NodeData nodeData(nodeCoordData);
sysc::ElementTypeData elemTypeData(elemTypeDataArray);
sysc::ElementNodeConnectivityData elemNodeConnectivityData(elemNodeIdData);
// volume mesh object
sysc::VolumeMesh mesh(


The data is stored in C arrays. Then, basic data structures (SyscOutputIntegerData and SyscOutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (SyscNodeData, SyscElementTypeData, and SyscElementNodeConnectivityData. Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the SyscVolumeMesh structure.

Note the helper functions syscGetNodeDataC, syscGetElementTypeData, syscGetElementNodeConnectivityData, and syscGetVolumeMeshElementBased used to create the corresponding data structures.

/* heavyweight data arrays */
double nodeCoords[] = ...
int elemTypes[] = ...
int elemNodeIds[] = ...
size_t numNodes = 12;
size_t numElems = 3;
size_t numElemNodeIds = 20;
/* basic data access structures */
SyscOutputVectorData nodeCoordDataArray = syscGetOutputVectorDataCompactDouble(nodeCoords, numNodes);
SyscOutputIntegerData elemTypeDataArray = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(elemTypes, numElems);
SyscOutputIntegerData elemNodeIdDataArray = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(elemNodeIds, numElemNodeIds);
/* intermediate structures */
SyscNodeData nodeData = syscGetNodeDataC(nodeCoordDataArray);
SyscElementTypeData elemTypeData = syscGetElementTypeData(elemTypeDataArray);
SyscElementNodeConnectivityData elemNodeConnectivityData = syscGetElementNodeConnectivityData(elemNodeIdDataArray);
/* volume mesh structure */
SyscVolumeMesh mesh = syscGetVolumeMeshElementBased(


The data is stored in Fortran arrays. Then, basic data structures (SyscOutputIntegerDataF and SyscOutputVectorDataF) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (SyscNodeDataF, SyscElementTypeDataF, and SyscElementNodeConnectivityDataF). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the SyscVolumeMeshF object.

Note the helper functions syscGetNodeDataF, syscGetElementTypeDataF, syscGetElementNodeConnectivityDataF, and syscGetVolumeMeshF used to create the corresponding data structures.

! heavyweight data arrays
real(kind=8), target :: nodeCoords(36) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: elemTypes(3) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: elemNodeIds(20) = ...
! basic data access structures
type(SyscOutputVectorDataF) :: nodeCoordDataArray
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: elemTypeDataArray
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: elemNodeIdDataArray
nodeCoordDataArray = syscGetOutputVectorDataCompactF(nodeCoords, size(nodeCoords, kind=8) / 3)
elemTypeDataArray = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(elemTypes, size(elemTypes, kind=8))
elemNodeIdDataArray = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(elemNodeIds, size(elemNodeIds, kind=8))
! intermediate structures
type(SyscNodeDataF) :: nodeData
type(SyscElementTypeDataF) :: elemTypeData
type(SyscElementNodeConnectivityDataF) :: elemNodeConnectivityData
nodeData = syscGetNodeDataF(nodeCoordDataArray)
elemTypeData = syscGetElementTypeDataF(elemTypeDataArray)
elemNodeConnectivityData = syscGetElementNodeConnectivityDataF(elemNodeIdDataArray)
! volume mesh structure
type(SyscVolumeMeshF) :: mesh
mesh = syscGetVolumeMeshF(&
nodeData, &
elemTypeData, &


The data is stored in Numpy arrays. Then, basic data structures (sysc.OutputIntegerData and sysc.OutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (sysc.NodeData, sysc.ElementTypeData, and sysc.ElementNodeConnectivityData). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the sysc.VolumeMesh object.

import numpy as np
import pyExt.SystemCouplingParticipant as sysc
# heavyweight data arrays
nodeCoords = np.array([...], dtype = np.float64)
elemTypes = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
elemNodeIds = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
# basic data access structures
nodeCoordData = sysc.OutputVectorData(nodeCoords)
elemTypeDataArray = sysc.OutputIntegerData(elemTypes)
elemNodeIdData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(elemNodeIds)
# intermediate structures
nodeData = sysc.NodeData(nodeCoordData)
elemTypeData = sysc.ElementTypeData(elemTypeDataArray)
elemNodeConnectivityData = sysc.ElementNodeConnectivityData(elemNodeIdData)
# volume mesh object
mesh = sysc.VolumeMesh(

Face-Based Volume Mesh Example

Figure 17 shows a sample volume mesh, with each node and cell labelled. The coordinates are also shown for each node.

In the example, there are 16 nodes, 16 faces, and 3 cells.

Cells 2 and 3 are hexahedral elements (they each have 6 faces and 8 nodes), while cell 1 is a polyhedral element (it has 7 faces and 10 nodes).

13 out of the 16 faces are external, that is they are connected to a cell only on one side. The remaining 3 faces are internal - they are shared between two cells: one face is shared between cells 2 & 3, one face is shared between cells 1 & 2, and one face is shared between cells 2 & 3.

Figure 17: Volume Mesh Face-Based Format Example

Due to the presence of the polyheral cell, the face-based mesh format is more suitable for this example.

Node Data

If providing node ids, node coordinates must be provided in the same order as node ids. If node ids are ommitted, then the node coordinates must be provided in ascending node id order. Note that the actual node ids are going to be provided via the face-to-node connectivity data (see below).

When providing solution data on nodes, the ordering of the solution data must be consistent with the ordering of the node coordinates.

Node coords:
{0.0, 0.0, 2.0, // node 1
1.0, 0.0, 2.0, // node 2
2.0, 0.0, 2.0, // node 3
0.0, 1.0, 2.0, // node 4
1.0, 1.0, 2.0, // node 5
2.0, 1.0, 2.0, // node 6
1.0, 0.0, 1.0, // node 7
2.0, 0.0, 1.0, // node 8
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, // node 9
2.0, 1.0, 1.0, // node 10
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 11
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 12
2.0, 0.0, 0.0, // node 13
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 14
1.0, 1.0, 0.0, // node 15
2.0, 1.0, 0.0} // node 16

Element Node Count Data

Element Node Count data structure is used to specify node counts for each face.

Face node counts:
{4, // front face on cell 1
4, // left face on cell 1
4, // back face on cell 1
5, // bottom face on cell 1
5, // top face on cell 1
4, // front face on cell 2
4, // left face on cell 2 (shared between cells 1 & 2)
4, // back face on cell 2 (shared between cells 2 & 3)
4, // right face on cell 2
4, // bottom face on cell 2
4, // top face on cell 2
4, // left face on cell 3 (shared between cells 1 & 3)
4, // back face on cell 3
4, // right face on cell 3
4, // bottom face on cell 3
4} // top face on cell 3

Element-to-Node Connectivity Data

Element-to-Node Connectivity data structure is used to specify face-to-node connectivity. Note that for the 13 boundary faces (faces that are not shared between two cells), the orientation is such that side 0 is on the inside of the mesh and side 1 is on the outside.

Face-to-node connectivity:
{1, 2, 5, 4, // front face on cell 1
1, 4, 14, 11, // left face on cell 1
11, 14, 15, 12, // back face on cell 1
1, 11, 12, 7, 2, // bottom face on cell 1
4, 5, 9, 15, 14, // top face on cell 1
2, 3, 6, 5, // front face on cell 2
2, 5, 9, 7, // left face on cell 2 (shared between cells 1 & 2)
7, 8, 10, 9, // back face on cell 2 (shared between cells 2 & 3)
3, 8, 10, 6, // right face on cell 2
2, 7, 8, 3, // bottom face on cell 2
5, 6, 10, 9, // top face on cell 2
7, 9, 15, 12, // left face on cell 3 (shared between cells 1 & 3)
12, 15, 16, 13, // back face on cell 3
8, 13, 16, 10, // right face on cell 3
7, 12, 13, 8, // bottom face on cell 3
9, 10, 16, 15} // top face on cell 3

Face-to-Cell Connectivity Data

Face-to-cell connectivity data specifies which cells are connected to each face. Note that if there is no cell connected to the face on a side, then the corresponding entry in the array is 0.

Face-to-cell connectivity:
{1, // front face on cell 1
1, // left face on cell 1
1, // back face on cell 1
1, // bottom face on cell 1
1, // top face on cell 1
2, // front face on cell 2
2, // left face on cell 2 (shared between cells 1 & 2)
3, // back face on cell 2 (shared between cells 2 & 3)
2, // right face on cell 2
2, // bottom face on cell 2
2, // top face on cell 2
3, // left face on cell 3 (shared between cells 1 & 3)
3, // back face on cell 3
3, // right face on cell 3
3, // bottom face on cell 3
3} // top face on cell 3
{0, // front face on cell 1
0, // left face on cell 1
0, // back face on cell 1
0, // bottom face on cell 1
0, // top face on cell 1
0, // front face on cell 2
1, // left face on cell 2 (shared between cells 1 & 2)
2, // back face on cell 2 (shared between cells 2 & 3)
0, // right face on cell 2
0, // bottom face on cell 2
0, // top face on cell 2
1, // left face on cell 3 (shared between cells 1 & 3)
0, // back face on cell 3
0, // right face on cell 3
0, // bottom face on cell 3
0} // top face on cell 3

Cell Id Data

Cell ids must be explicitly provided via the Cell Id data structure. Note that when providing solution data on elements (cells), the solution data ordering must be consistent with the cell id data.

Cell ids
{1, 2, 3}


The data is stored in STL vector structures. Then, basic data structures (sysc::OutputIntegerData and sysc::OutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (sysc::NodeData, sysc::ElementNodeCountData, sysc::ElementNodeConnectivityData, sysc::FaceCellConnectivityData, and sysc::CellIdData). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the sysc::VolumeMesh object.

// heavyweight data arrays
std::vector<double> nodeCoords = ...
std::vector<int> faceNodeCounts = ...
std::vector<int> faceNodeIds = ...
std::vector<int> cell0Ids = ...
std::vector<int> cell1Ids = ...
std::vector<int> cellIds = ...
// basic data access structures
sysc::OutputVectorData nodeCoordData(nodeCoords);
sysc::OutputIntegerData faceNodeCountDataArray(faceNodeCounts);
sysc::OutputIntegerData faceNodeIdData(faceNodeIds);
sysc::OutputIntegerData cell0IdData(cell0Ids);
sysc::OutputIntegerData cell1IdData(cell1Ids);
sysc::OutputIntegerData cellIdDataArray(cellIds);
// intermediate structures
sysc::NodeData nodeData(nodeCoordData);
sysc::ElementNodeCountData faceNodeCountData(faceNodeCountDataArray);
sysc::ElementNodeConnectivityData faceNodeConnectivityData(faceNodeIdData);
sysc::FaceCellConnectivityData faceCellConnectivityData(cell0IdData, cell1IdData);
sysc::CellIdData cellIdData(cellIdDataArray);
// volume mesh object
sysc::VolumeMesh mesh(


The data is stored in C arrays. Then, basic data structures (SyscOutputIntegerData and SyscOutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (SyscNodeData, SyscElementNodeCountData, SyscElementNodeConnectivityData, SyscFaceCellConnectivityData, and SyscCellIdData). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the SyscVolumeMesh structure.

Note the helper functions syscGetNodeDataC, syscGetElementNodeCountData, syscGetElementNodeConnectivityData, syscGetFaceCellConnectivityData, syscGetCellIdData, and syscGetVolumeMeshFaceBased used to create the corresponding data structures.

/* heavyweight data arrays */
double nodeCoords[] = ...
int faceNodeCounts[] = ...
int faceNodeIds[] = ...
int cell0Ids[] = ...
int cell1Ids[] = ...
int cellIds[] = ...
size_t numNodes = 16;
size_t numFaces = 16;
size_t numFaceNodeIds = 66;
size_t numCells = 3;
/* basic data access structures */
SyscOutputVectorData nodeCoordData = syscGetOutputVectorDataSplitDouble(x, y, z, numNodes);
SyscOutputIntegerData faceNodeCountDataArray = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(faceNodeCounts, numFaces);
SyscOutputIntegerData faceNodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(faceNodeIds, numFaceNodeIds);
SyscOutputIntegerData cell0IdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(cell0Ids, numFaces);
SyscOutputIntegerData cell1IdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(cell1Ids, numFaces);
SyscOutputIntegerData cellIdDataArray = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(cellIds, numCells);
/* intermediate structures */
SyscNodeData nodeData = syscGetNodeDataC(nodeCoordData);
SyscElementNodeCountData faceNodeCountData = syscGetElementNodeCountData(faceNodeCountDataArray);
SyscElementNodeConnectivityData faceNodeConnectivityData = syscGetElementNodeConnectivityData(faceNodeIdData);
SyscFaceCellConnectivityData faceCellConnectivityData = syscGetFaceCellConnectivityData(cell0IdData, cell1IdData);
SyscCellIdData cellIdData = syscGetCellIdData(cellIdDataArray);
/* volume mesh structure */
SyscVolumeMesh mesh = syscGetVolumeMeshFaceBased(


The data is stored in Fortran arrays. Then, basic data structures (SyscOutputIntegerDataF and SyscOutputVectorDataF) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (SyscNodeDataF, SyscElementTypeDataF, SyscElementNodeConnectivityDataF, SyscFaceCellConnectivityDataF, and SyscCellIdDataF). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the SyscVolumeMeshF object.

Note the helper functions syscGetNodeDataF, syscGetElementNodeCountDataF, syscGetElementNodeConnectivityDataF, , syscGetFaceCellConnectivityDataF, syscGetCellIdDataF, and syscGetVolumeMeshF used to create the corresponding data structures.

! heavyweight data arrays
real(kind=8), target :: nodeCoords(48) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: faceNodeCounts(16) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: faceNodeIds(66) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: cell0Ids(16) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: cellIds(16) = ...
integer(kind=4), target :: cellIds(3) = ...
! basic data access structures
type(SyscOutputVectorDataF) :: nodeCoordData
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: faceNodeCountDataArray
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: faceNodeIdData
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: cell0IdData
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: cell1IdData
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: cellIdDataArray
nodeCoordData = syscGetOutputVectorDataCompactF(nodeCoords, size(nodeCoords, kind=8) / 3)
faceNodeCountDataArray = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(faceNodeCounts, size(faceNodeCounts, kind=8))
faceNodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(faceNodeIds, size(faceNodeIds, kind=8))
cell0IdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(cell0Ids, size(cell0Ids, kind=8))
cell1IdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(cell1Ids, size(cell1Ids, kind=8))
cellIdDataArray = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(cellIds, size(cellIds, kind=8))
! intermediate structures
type(SyscNodeDataF) :: nodeData
type(SyscElementTypeDataF) :: faceNodeCountData
type(SyscElementNodeConnectivityDataF) :: faceNodeConnectivityData
type(SyscFaceCellConnectivityDataF) :: faceCellConnectivityData
type(SyscCellIdDataF) :: cellIdData
nodeData = syscGetNodeDataF(nodeCoordData)
faceNodeCountData = syscGetElementNodeCountDataF(faceNodeCountDataArray)
faceNodeConnectivityData = syscGetElementNodeConnectivityDataF(faceNodeIdData)
faceCellConnectivityData = syscGetFaceCellConnectivityDataF(cell0IdData, cell1IdData)
cellIdData = syscGetCellIdDataF(cellIdDataArray)
! volume mesh structure
type(SyscVolumeMeshF) :: mesh
mesh = syscGetVolumeMeshF(&
nodeData, &
faceNodeCountData, &
faceNodeConnectivityData, &
faceCellConnectivityData, &


The data is stored in Numpy arrays. Then, basic data structures (sysc.OutputIntegerData and sysc.OutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the intermediate structures (sysc.NodeData, sysc.ElementNodeCountData, sysc.ElementNodeConnectivityData, sysc.FaceCellConnectivityData, and sysc.CellIdData). Finally, the intermediate structures are used to create the sysc.VolumeMesh object.

import numpy as np
import pyExt.SystemCouplingParticipant as sysc
# heavyweight data arrays
nodeCoords = np.array([...], dtype = np.float64)
faceNodeCounts = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
faceNodeIds = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
cell0Ids = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
cell1Ids = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
cellIds = np.array([...], dtype = np.int32)
# basic data access structures
nodeCoordData = sysc.OutputVectorData(nodeCoords)
faceNodeCountDataArray = sysc.OutputIntegerData(faceNodeCounts)
faceNodeIdData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(faceNodeIds)
cell0IdData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(cell0Ids)
cell1IdData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(cell1Ids)
cellIdDataArray = sysc.OutputIntegerData(cellIds)
# intermediate structures
nodeData = sysc.NodeData(nodeCoordData)
faceNodeCountData = sysc.ElementNodeCountData(faceNodeCountDataArray)
faceNodeConnectivityData = sysc.ElementNodeConnectivityData(faceNodeIdData)
faceCellConnectivityData = sysc.FaceCellConnectivityData(cell0IdData, cell1IdData)
cellIdData = sysc.CellIdData(cellIdDataArray)
# volume mesh object
mesh = sysc.VolumeMesh(

Point Cloud

Point cloud regions are collections of points (or nodes) with unspecified connectivities. To define a point cloud, node ids and node coordinates must be provided.

Point Cloud Example

This example shows how to create a point cloud that contains two nodes - one at the origin of the coordinate system (0, 0, 0) and another one at coordinates (1, 1, 1).


The data is stored in STL vector structures. Then, basic data structures (sysc::OutputIntegerData and sysc::OutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the sysc::PointCloud object.

// heavyweight array(s)
std::vector<int> nodeIds = {1, 2};
std::vector<double> nodeCoords = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
// basic data access structures
sysc::OutputIntegerData nodeIdData(nodeIds);
sysc::OutputVectorData nodeCoordData(nodeCoords);
// point cloud object
sysc::PointCloud pointCloud(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData);


The data is stored in C arrays. Then, basic data structures (SyscOutputIntegerData and SyscOutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the SyscPointCloud object.

Note the helper function syscGetPointCloud used to create the point cloud structure.

/* heavyweight data arrays */
int nodeIds[] = {1, 2};
double nodeCoords[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
size_t numNodes = 2;
/* basic data access structures */
SyscOutputIntegerData nodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataInt32(nodeIds, numNodes);
SyscOutputVectorData nodeCoordData = syscGetOutputVectorDataCompactDouble(nodeCoords, numNodes);
/* point cloud structure */
SyscPointCloud pointCloud = syscGetPointCloud(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData);


The data is stored in Fortran arrays. Then, basic data structures (SyscOutputIntegerDataF and SyscOutputVectorDataF) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the SyscPointCloudF object.

Note the helper function syscGetPointCloudF used to create the point cloud structure.

! heavyweight data arrays
integer(kind=4), target :: nodeIds(2) = (/ 1, 2 /)
real(kind=8), target :: nodeCoords(6) = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0 /)
! basic data access structures
type(SyscOutputIntegerDataF) :: nodeIdData
type(SyscOutputVectorDataF) :: nodeCoordData
nodeIdData = syscGetOutputIntegerDataF(nodeIds, size(nodeIds, kind=8))
nodeCoordData = syscGetOutputVectorDataCompactF(nodeCoords, size(nodeIds, kind=8))
! point cloud structure
type(SyscPointCloudF) :: pointCloud
pointCloud = syscGetPointCloudF(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData)


The data is stored in Numpy arrays. Then, basic data structures (sysc.OutputIntegerData and sysc.OutputVectorData) are created to pass these arrays to System Coupling. The basic structures are then used to create the sysc.PointCloud object.

import numpy as np
import pyExt.SystemCouplingParticipant as sysc
# heavyweight data arrays
nodeIds = np.array([1, 2], dtype = np.int32)
nodeCoords = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], dtype = np.float64)
# basic data access structures
nodeIdData = sysc.OutputIntegerData(nodeIds)
nodeCoordData = sysc.OutputVectorData(nodeCoords)
# volume mesh object
mesh = sysc.PointCloud(nodeIdData, nodeCoordData)