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System Coupling Python library 2023 R2

Completing the System Coupling Participant Setup

Last update: 10.07.2023

During the setup stage, the participant setup information is communicated to System Coupling. As mentioned earlier, there are two approaches to communicate the setup. The first approach is the SCP file approach and the direct setup apprach.

The SCP File Approach

The SCP file approach entails generating an XML-formatted file that contains the participant setup information that is relevant to System Coupling. More information about the SCP file format can be found in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Some of the advantages of this approach are:

  • The user can easily review and modify the SCP files before starting System Coupling.
  • It is a light-weight file in the sense that it does not contain the actual mesh and solution data.
  • If desired, the participant library APIs can be implemented to generate the SCP files.

Some of the disadvantages of this approach are:

  • This is an extra file that needs to be generated during the setup.
  • The SCP file must be consistent with the participant setup. If the setup changes, the SCP file may have to be re-generated.

The Heat Transfer in Square Channel Air Flow tutorial demonstrates how the SCP file can be used during the setup stage to add the participant to the coupled analysis.

The Direct Aproach

The direct setup approach requires starting System Coupling first, and then adding the participant by specifying the path to the participant executable (as well as working directory and any additional command line arguments). System Coupling invokes the participant in setup mode by adding --scsetup command line argument, along with the host, port, and participant name arguments. See Command Line Arguments for Participant Solvers for more details on the command line arguments. The participant in setup mode connects to System Coupling and the setup is communicated. Once the participant in setup mode is shut down, the participant is added to the System Coupling datamodel and the participant setup is complete.

Some of the advantages of this approach are:

  • Fewer files are involved in the coupled analysis setup (i.e. no SCP files)
  • It is easier to ensure that System Coupling always has updated setup information (SCP files can go out-of-sync).
  • This is potentially a more streamlined approach - the participant setup and the coupled analysis setup can be merged into a single step.

Some of the disadvantages of this approach are:

  • Adding the participant may take longer if the participant has to read the mesh during the setup

The Oscillating Plate Damping tutorial demonstrates how the participant library can be used during the setup stage to add the participant to the coupled analysis.

Note that it is not necessary that the same executable is invoked during the setup and during the solve stages. The recommended approach is to create a wrapper (e.g. batch or shell script) that can parse the command line arguments provided by System Coupling, as is shown in the tutorials. If it is desirable to invoke a different executable depending on whether it is a setup or a solve stage then this wrapper script can decide which executable to invoke based on whether the --scsetup argument is provided. This wrapper script should then be provided to System Coupling as the participant executable.

Steps to Complete the Participant Setup

The sequence of steps to be traversed during the participant setup is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Sequence of Coupled Participant Setup Steps

Step 1: Start in Standalone Mode or Connect to System Coupling

If using the SCP file approach, start the participant in standalone mode. If using the direct setup approach, connect to System Coupling by providing the host name, port number, participant name, and build information.


SCP file approach:

sysc::SystemCoupling sc;

Direct setup approach:

std::string host, name, buildInfo;
unsigned short port;
sysc::SystemCoupling sc(host, port, name, buildInfo);


SCP file approach: nothing to be done.

Direct setup approach:

char host[STRING_MAX_SIZE];
unsigned short port;
char name[STRING_MAX_SIZE];
char buildInfo[STRING_MAX_SIZE];
SyscError ret = syscConnect(host, port, name, buildInfo);


SCP file approach: nothing to be done.

Direct setup approach:

character(len=256) :: host
integer :: scPort = 0
character(len=256) :: name
character(len=256) :: buildInfo
ret = syscConnectF(scHost, scPort, scName, buildInfo)


SCP file approach.

import pyExt.SystemCouplingParticipant as sysc
sc = sysc.SystemCoupling()

Direct setup approach:

import pyExt.SystemCouplingParticipant as sysc
host = str()
port = int()
name = str()
buildInfo = str()
sc = sysc.SystemCoupling(host, port, name, buildInfo)

Step 2: Set Up the Coupled Participant

Create and register regions and variables relevant to the coupled analysis.

In the following code example, two regions (region A and region B) are registered. Also, two variables (variable X and variable Y) are registered as inputs and outputs on regions A and B.


// Add regions and variables.
// Initialize regionA.
sysc::Region regionA("RegionA", sysc::Surface);
// Initialize regionB.
sysc::Region regionB("RegionB", sysc::Surface);
// Create varX by specifying name,
// tensor type, is extensive, and location.
// Other constructors with different arguments are available.
sysc::Variable varX(
"Temperature", sysc::Scalar, false, sysc::Node);
// Create varY, similar to varX.
sysc::Variable varY(
"Heatflow", sysc::Scalar, true, sysc::Element);
// Register varX as input on regionA and as output on regionB.
// Register varY as input on regionB and as output on regionA.
// Register regions.
// sc is object of type sysc::SystemCoupling.


SyscError ret;
/* Add regions and variables. */
/* Create two regions, regionA and regionB */
/* Initialize regionA by specifying name and topology.
* Other functions are available to create the region using
* different arguments. These functions start with syscGetRegion...
* It is highly recommended to use one of these functions
* to set the values for members of regionA.
SyscRegion regionA = syscGetRegionT("RegionA", SyscSurface);
/* Initialize regionB, similar to regionA */
SyscRegion regionB = syscGetRegionT("RegionB", SyscSurface);
/* Create two variables, varX and varY */
/* Initialize varX by specifying name,
* tensor type, is extensive, and location.
* Other functions are available to create the variable using
* different arguments.
* These functions start with syscGetVariable...
* It is highly recommended to use one of these functions
* to set the values for members of varX.
SyscVariable varX = syscGetVariableTE(
"Temperature", SyscScalar, 0, SyscNode);
/* Initialize varY, similar to varX. */
SyscVariable varY = syscGetVariableTE(
"Heatflow", SyscScalar, 1, SyscElement);
/* Register varX as input on regionA and as output on regionB. */
ret = syscAddInputVariableF(regionA, varX);
ret = syscAddOutputVariableF(regionB, varX);
/* Register varY as input on regionB and as output on regionA. */
ret = syscAddInputVariableF(regionB, varY);
ret = syscAddOutputVariableF(regionA, varY);
/* Register regions. */
ret = syscAddRegion(regionA);
ret = syscAddRegion(regionB);


type(SyscErrorF) :: ret
type(SyscRegionF) :: regionA
type(SyscRegionF) :: regionB
type(SyscVariableF) :: varX
type(SyscVariableF) :: varY
! Add regions and variables.
! Initialize regionA by specifying name and topology.
! Other functions to initialize the region are available
! for syscGetRegionF interface.
! It is highly recommended to use one of these functions
! to set the values for members of regionA.
regionA = syscGetRegionF("RegionA", SyscSurface)
! Initialize regionB, similar to regionA
regionB = syscGetRegionF("RegionB", SyscSurface)
! Initialize varX by specifying name,
! tensor type, is extensive, and location.
! Other functions to initialize the variable are available
! for syscGetVariableF interface.
! It is highly recommended to one of these functions
! to set the values for members of varX.
varX = syscGetVariableF(&
"Temperature", SyscScalar, .FALSE., SyscNode)
! Initialize varY, similar to varX.
varY = syscGetVariableF(&
"Heatflow", SyscScalar, .TRUE., SyscElement)
! Register varX as input on regionA and as output on regionB.
ret = syscAddInputVariableF(regionA, varX)
ret = syscAddOutputVariableF(regionB, varX)
! Register varY as input on regionB and as output on regionA.
ret = syscAddInputVariableF(regionB, varY)
ret = syscAddOutputVariableF(regionA, varY)
! Register regions.
ret = syscAddRegionF(regionA)
ret = syscAddRegionF(regionB)


# Add regions and variables.
# Initialize regionA.
regionA = sysc.Region("RegionA", sysc.Surface)
# Initialize regionB.
regionB = sysc.Region("RegionB", sysc.Surface)
# Create varX by specifying name,
# tensor type, is extensive, and location.
# Other constructors with different arguments are available.
varX = sysc.Variable(
"Temperature", sysc.Scalar, False, sysc.Node)
# Create varY, similar to varX.
varY = sysc.Variable(
"Heatflow", sysc.Scalar, True, sysc.Element)
# Register varX as input on regionA and as output on regionB.
# Register varY as input on regionB and as output on regionA.
# Register regions.
# sc is object of type sysc.SystemCoupling.

Step 3: Complete Setup

Specify other participant setup information and complete the coupled analysis setup.


// complete coupling setup for a transient analysis
// (sc is object of type sysc::SystemCoupling)
sysc::AnalysisType analysisType = sysc::Transient;
bool restartsSupported = true;
sysc::SetupInfo setupInfo(analysisType, restartsSupported);


/* Complete coupling setup for a transient analysis. */
SyscAnalysisType analysisType = SyscTransient;
int restartsSupported = 1;
SyscSetupInfo setupInfo = syscGetSetupInfo(analysisType, restartsSupported);
SyscError ret = syscCompleteSetup(setupInfo);


! Complete coupling setup for a transient analysis.
! Use SyscSteady or SyscTransient parameters to specify the analysis type.
int(kind=4) :: analysisType
logical :: restartsSupported
type(SyscSetupInfo) :: setupInfo
type(SyscErrorF) :: ret
analysisType = SyscTransient
restartsSupported = .TRUE.
setupInfo = syscGetSetupInfoF(analysisType, restartsSupported)
ret = syscCompleteSetupF(setupInfo)


# complete coupling setup for a transient analysis
# (sc is object of type sysc.SystemCoupling)
analysisType = sysc.Transient
restartsSupported = True
setupInfo = sysc.SetupInfo(analysisType, restartsSupported)

Step 4: Write the Setup File/Shutdown

This step is reached after the participant setup is complete.

Write the SCP file (if using the SCP file approach).

System Coupling will be disconnected (if using the direct approach). The participant in setup mode should proceed to an orderly shutdown after this step.


SCP file approach:

// Write the SCP file

Direct setup approach: in C++, disconnection occurs when sysc::SystemCoupling object is destroyed.


SCP file approach:

/* Write the SCP file */

Direct setup approach:

/* Disconnect */
SyscError ret = syscDisconnect();


SCP file approach:

! Write the SCP file

Direct setup approach:

type(SyscErrorF) :: ret
ret = syscDisconnectF()


SCP file approach:

# Write the SCP file, if needed

Direct setup approach: in Python, disconnection occurs when sysc.SystemCoupling object is destroyed.