Last update: 10.07.2023Examples of DPF workflows that compute data.
#include "dpf_api.h"
#include <limits>
#ifdef EXAMPLE
#include "Example.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
TEST(WorkflowExample, TotalDeformation)
// This elementary workflow allows the user to simply read a displacement vector from an analysis and compute its norm.
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string fileName("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
ansys::dpf::Operator norm_op("norm_fc");
TEST(WorkflowExample, MinMaxOverTimeOfVonMisesStress)
// This workflow allows users to read the stress tensors for a range of time
// steps from an analysis, to implicitly average those elemental nodal tensors to a
// nodal location, to compute it's Von Mises equivalent and finally, to compute the
// minimum and the maximum over time for each component of the nodal equivalent tensors.
// This workflow is an example use case of the time scoping pin. This pin expects a scoping
// in input and allows the user to choose the time or frequency sets of his results.
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string fileName("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
ansys::dpf::Operator stress_op("S");
stress_op.connect(ansys::dpf::eDataSourcesPin, my_data_sources);
stress_op.connect(ansys::dpf::eTimeScopPin, { 1 });
ansys::dpf::Operator eqv_op("eqv_fc");
ansys::dpf::Operator min_max_op("min_max_fc");
ansys::dpf::Field my_min = min_max_op.getOutputField(0);
ansys::dpf::Field my_max = min_max_op.getOutputField(1);
TEST(WorkflowExample, StrainTensorsScopedOnNamedSelection)
// This workflow is an example use case of the mesh scoping in input of a result reader.
// Here, the user can extract a mesh scoping (a set of spatial entities: node or elements for example)
// from a named selection created in mechanical or mapdl. This mesh scoping is then used as an input
// of a strain tensors reader. The output of this workflow is the strain tensors scoped only on the
// named selection. Two different versions of this workflow is available: the first one extracts the elements
// of the named selection and returns an elemental nodal field, the second extracts the nodes of the named
// selection, the strain reader will consequently average the tensors on the node to take into account the
// nodal mesh scoping in input.
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string fileName("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
ansys::dpf::Operator strain_op("EPEL");
strain_op.connect(ansys::dpf::eDataSourcesPin, my_data_sources);
strain_op.connect(ansys::dpf::eLocationPin, ansys::dpf::locations::nodal);
ansys::dpf::Operator meshProvider("MeshProvider");
meshProvider.connect(ansys::dpf::eDataSourcesPin, my_data_sources);
ansys::dpf::MeshedRegion mesh = meshProvider.getOutputMeshedRegion(0);
std::vector<std::string> available_named_sel = mesh.availableNamedSelections();
ansys::dpf::Operator ns_op("scoping_provider_by_ns");
ns_op.connect(ansys::dpf::eDataSourcesPin, my_data_sources);
ns_op.connect(0, ansys::dpf::locations::elemental);
ns_op.connect(1, available_named_sel[0]);
strain_op.connect(ansys::dpf::eMeshScopPin, ns_op, 0);
ansys::dpf::FieldsContainer my_nodal_strains = strain_op.getOutputFieldsContainer(0);
TEST(WorkflowExample, StressTensorsScopedOnOneElementType)
// This workflow is another example of use of the mesh scoping in input of a result reader.
// Here, the user requests a mesh scoping including all the elements of mapdl element type 186.
// This mesh scoping is then used as an input of a stress tensors reader. The output of this workflow
// is the stress tensors on all the elements of element type 186.
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string fileName("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
ansys::dpf::Operator stress_op("S");
stress_op.connect(ansys::dpf::eDataSourcesPin, my_data_sources);
ansys::dpf::Operator scop_extract_op("scoping_provider_by_prop");
scop_extract_op.connect(ansys::dpf::eDataSourcesPin, my_data_sources);
scop_extract_op.connect(0, ansys::dpf::locations::elemental);
scop_extract_op.connect(1, std::string("mapdl_element_type"));
scop_extract_op.connect(2, 186);
stress_op.connect(ansys::dpf::eMeshScopPin, scop_extract_op, 0);
ansys::dpf::FieldsContainer my_elemental_nodal_stress = stress_op.getOutputFieldsContainer(0);
TEST(WorkflowExample, HighPassFilteringOnElementalStress)
// This advanced workflow computes the normal ZZ stress averaged on element
// sand apply a high pass filter keeping all the stress values higher than
// 0.5 * maximum stress.
// This example requires a license.
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string fileName("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
ansys::dpf::Operator s("S");
s.connect(ansys::dpf::eDataSourcesPin, my_data_sources);
ansys::dpf::Operator to_elemental("entity_average_fc");
ansys::dpf::Operator comp("component_selector_fc");
comp.connect(1, 2); //ZZ comp of stress
ansys::dpf::Operator min_max("min_max_over_label_fc");
min_max.connect(1, ansys::dpf::labels::time);
ansys::dpf::Operator scale("scale");
scale.connect(1, 0.5);
ansys::dpf::Operator high_pass("core::field::high_pass_fc");
high_pass.connect(1, scale, 0);
// uncomment this line to run the workflow.
// this requires a license.
//ansys::dpf::FieldsContainer fields = high_pass.getOutputFieldsContainer(0);
TEST(WorkflowExample, StressMultiBodySimulation)
// Stress calculation on a multibody simulation without averaging across bodies
// This workflow shows the computation of stresses in a multibody simulation without
// doing averaging across the different bodies.
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string fileName("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
ansys::dpf::Operator tfreq_op("time_freq_support_provider");
tfreq_op.connect(4, my_data_sources);
ansys::dpf::Operator mesh_op("mesh_provider");
mesh_op.connect(4, my_data_sources);
ansys::dpf::MeshedRegion mesh = mesh_op.getOutput<ansys::dpf::MeshedRegion>(0);
ansys::dpf::Operator spm_op("scoping::by_property");
spm_op.connect(7, mesh);
spm_op.connect(13, std::string("mat"));
ansys::dpf::Operator stress_op("SZ");
stress_op.connect(0, tfreq);
stress_op.connect(1, mesh_scoping);
stress_op.connect(4, my_data_sources);
stress_op.connect(9, ansys::dpf::locations::nodal);
ansys::dpf::FieldsContainer my_stresses = stress_op.getOutputFieldsContainer(0);
Definition: dpf_api.h:1954
void addResultFile(std::string const &file_path, std::string const &key)
Holds the mesh for a given region (body, faces, skin, ...)
Definition: dpf_api.h:3596
std::vector< std::string > availableNamedSelections() const
FieldsContainer getOutputFieldsContainer(dp_index pin_index)
Definition: dpf_api.h:1717
Field frequencies() const