Last update: 10.07.2023Examples showing how to use the DPF base class APIs.
#include "dpf_api.h"
#include "helpers/dpf_result.h"
#include "helpers/dpf_model.h"
#include <limits>
#ifdef EXAMPLE
#include "Example.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
TEST(Scoping, Create_GetData)
// The Scoping is a set of entity IDs defined on a location (the location is optional).
// Create
ansys::dpf::Scoping my_scoping;
// 1/ entity by entity
my_scoping.emplace(0, 1);
my_scoping.emplace(1, 2);
my_scoping.emplace(2, 3);
// 2/ or the entire vector of ids
std::vector<int> my_ids = { 1,2,3 };
// or
my_scoping.setIds(, (int)my_ids.size());
// Get Data
std::vector<int> my_ids_out;
int size = 0;
// or entity by entity
TEST(DataSources, Create)
// Data Sources is the entity containing the different path to the result files of an analysis.
// An extension key ('rst' for example) is used to choose which files represent results files,
// the other ones being accessory files.
// Create
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
TEST(Field, Create)
// The minimum requirement for a well defined Field is for it to have a dimensionality (scalar,
// 3 components vector, 6 components symmetrical matrix. and so on), a location("Nodal", "Elemental", "ElementalNodal",
// "Timefrq), a data vector, and a scoping with IDs. You can also set the number of shell layers.
// If the field has one elementary data by entity (elementary data size = number of components for "Nodal"
// or "Elemental" field for example), then the data vector can be set directly. If a more complex field is
// required ("ElementalNodal" Field for example), the data can be set entity by entity.
// Create
int num_entities = 2;
// for the most common dimensionalities
my_field = ansys::dpf::Field(num_entities, { 3 }, ansys::dpf::locations::elemental_nodal); //elemental nodal vector
my_field = ansys::dpf::Field(num_entities, { 3,3 }, ansys::dpf::locations::elemental); //elemental sym matrix
// 1/ fill the entire Scoping and data
std::vector<double> my_data = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.3, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
// 2/ or fill entity by entity
my_field = ansys::dpf::Field(num_entities, { 3,3 }, ansys::dpf::locations::elemental); //elemental sym matrix
// sym matrix are defined by 6 components in the order XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, XZ
std::vector<double> my_elem_data = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
my_field.push_back(5, my_elem_data);
std::vector<double> my_elem_data2 = { 2.3, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
my_field.push_back(22, my_elem_data2);
//optional, set the field's unit
// Get Data
ansys::dpf::Scoping scoping = my_field.scoping();
int size = 0;
int entity_size = 0;
int index = 1;
double* data_by_index = my_field.entityData(index, entity_size);//returns the ptr to the list of data of the second entity
int id = 22;
double* data_by_id = my_field.entityDataById(id, entity_size);//returns the ptr to the list of data of the second entity
//the cursor represents a complete entity data (id, size, num elementary data)
ansys::dpf::FieldCursor cursor;
entity_size = cursor.size();
data_by_index =;
TEST(FieldsContainer, Create)
// The Fields Container is a vector of Fields and all the Fields are ordered with labels and IDs.
// Most commonly, the Fields Container is scoped on the "time" label and the IDs are the time or frequency sets.
// More generically, the Fields Container allows you to split results for different criteria.
// Create
//Create a generic fields container from scratch.
//Using a generic fields container allows you to define your own space, splitting the fields.
//Labels define this space. For example, the labels can be "time", "eltype" to define fields over time with one field by element type.
//Each field added must be defined on that space:
//field1 : "time" : 1, "eltype" : 8
//field2 : "time" : 1, "eltype" : 10
//field3 : "time" : 2, "eltype" : 8
//field4 : "time" : 2, "eltype" : 10
ansys::dpf::Field field_1;
ansys::dpf::Field field_2;
ansys::dpf::Field field_3;
ansys::dpf::Field field_4;
ansys::dpf::FieldsContainer my_fc;
ansys::dpf::LabelSpace label_space = { { ansys::dpf::labels::time,1 },{ ansys::dpf::Label("eltype"),8 } };
my_fc.add(label_space, field_1);
//to create a fields container for complex results, use the ansys::dpf::labels::complex label
//with value 1 for imaginary fields and 0 for real fields:
ansys::dpf::FieldsContainer my_complex_fc;
//real part for time set 1
//imaginary part for time set 1
TEST(FieldsContainer, GetDataFromDataSources)
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string fileName("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
// Get Data
u_op.connect(ansys::dpf::eDataSourcesPin, my_data_sources);
auto my_fields_container = u_op.getOutputFieldsContainer(0);
int num_fields = my_fields_container.size();
int index = 0;
//returns the labels and ids corresponding to the first Field
ansys::dpf::LabelSpace label_space = my_fields_container.getLabelSpace(index); //ie. {'time',1} for the first time set
//return the real Fields on{ 'time',1 }
ansys::dpf::Field my_field = my_fields_container.getFields({ { ansys::dpf::labels::time,1 } })[0];
my_field = my_fields_container.getFieldsForTimeId(1)[0];
my_field = my_fields_container[0]; //returns the first field
TEST(MeshedRegion, Create)
// Users can create their own data to be manipulated with DPF.
// The Meshed Region can be created simply with the following code.
// Create
//create a new mesh with 1 quad, 1 beam, 1 point element and 1 tetra
ansys::dpf::MeshedRegion mesh;
//quad element with 4 nodes
mesh.addNode(1, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
mesh.addNode(2, { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
mesh.addNode(3, { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 });
mesh.addNode(4, { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 });
//point element
mesh.addNode(5, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
//beam element
mesh.addNode(6, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
mesh.addNode(7, { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
//tetra element with 4 nodes
mesh.addNode(8, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
mesh.addNode(9, { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
mesh.addNode(10, { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 });
mesh.addNode(11, { 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 });
mesh.fillCursor(0, el);
TEST(MeshedRegion, GetDataFromDataSources)
// A model is usually represented by a Meshed Region in DPF.
// The mesh provider operator allows to access an analysis' mesh.
// The user can then get different information in the mesh like the
// coordinates of all the nodes and the connectivity between elements and nodes.
// Create DataSources
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string fileName("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
// Get Data
ansys::dpf::Operator mesh_prov("MeshProvider");
mesh_prov.connect(ansys::dpf::eDataSourcesPin, my_data_sources);
ansys::dpf::MeshedRegion mesh = mesh_prov.getOutputMeshedRegion(0);
//access elements Scoping
ansys::dpf::Scoping my_elements_scoping = mesh.elementScoping();
//access nodes Scoping
ansys::dpf::Scoping my_nodes_scoping = mesh.nodeScoping();
//get connectivity(ordered node indices) of one element
ansys::dpf::PropFieldCursor cursor;
connectivity.fillCursor(my_elements_scoping.indexById(1), cursor); // connectivity of the element of id 1
//get coordinates
ansys::dpf::FieldCursor fcursor;
coordinates.fillCursor(0, fcursor); // coordinates of the first node
double* node_coord =;
//get element types
element_types.fillCursor(0, cursor); // element_types of the first element
element_types.fillCursor(my_elements_scoping.indexById(1), cursor); // element_types of the element of id 1
int element_type = *;
std::string name =;
TEST(TimeFreqSupport, Create)
// The time or frequency space of an analysis is described by the Time Freq Support entity in DPF.
// It gives access to real and imaginary sets. User can create a time freq support to manage data.
// Create
// create time_freq_support from scratch
ansys::dpf::TimeFreqSupport time_freq_support;
// create time_frequencies, rpms and harmonic indices field
time_freq.setData({ 0.1, 0.21, 0.2 });
ansys::dpf::Field rpms(1, { 1 }, ansys::dpf::locations::time_step);
rpms.setData({ 30 });
ansys::dpf::Field harmonic_indices(0, { 1 }, ansys::dpf::locations::time_set);
harmonic_indices.setData({ 1.0, 2.0, -1.0 });
// set the time_freq_support fields
// set harmonic indices for a specific cyclic stage number
ansys::dpf::Field harmonic_indices_2(3, { 1 }, ansys::dpf::locations::time_set);
harmonic_indices_2.setData({ 1.0, 3.0, 2.0 });
time_freq_support.setHarmonicIndices(harmonic_indices_2, 2); // set indices for the second stage
TEST(TimeFreqSupport, GetDataFromDataSources)
// Create DataSources
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string fileName("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
// Get Data
ansys::dpf::Operator time_freq_prov("TimeFreqSupportProvider");
time_freq_prov.connect(ansys::dpf::eDataSourcesPin, my_data_sources);
ansys::dpf::TimeFreqSupport time_freq = time_freq_prov.getOutputTimeFreqSupport(0);
//get number of time/freq sets
//get Field of real time freqs
//get time or freqs on the first load step
int size;
double* freqs = my_time_freq_field.entityDataById(1, size);
TEST(Model, Explore)
// The Model is built using DataSources, which themselves will be used (in a streams by default) to explore an analysis.
// Printing the model is a good tool to see the results that are available.
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string my_path("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
//create the model
ansys::dpf::Model my_model(my_data_sources);
ansys::dpf::Model my_model_from_path(my_path);
ansys::dpf::TimeFreqSupport time_freq_support = my_model.getTimeFreqSupport();
ansys::dpf::MeshedRegion meshed_region = my_model.getMesh();
ansys::dpf::ResultInfo result_info = my_model.getResultInfo();
//instantiate result provider
//those providers are automatically connected to the streams
ansys::dpf::Result stress = my_model.CreateResultEvaluationWorkflow("S");
//choose the time freq for the providers
ansys::dpf::DpfError error;
TEST(Workflow, CreateSaveResumeAndExecute)
// This elementary workflow allows the user to simply read a displacement vector from an
// analysis and compute its norm.
// It creates displacement and norm operators, chains them together, and add them into a workflow.
// The workflow is saved, resumed, and executed.
std::string workflow_id = "my_workflow";
int wf_id_int = -1;
ansys::dpf::Operator u_op("U");
ansys::dpf::Operator norm_op("norm_fc");
ansys::dpf::Workflow workflow;
// set the result file path to the right path
std::string fileName("../../../testfiles/mapdl_files/TwoSolids.rst");
ansys::dpf::DataSources my_data_sources;
Definition: dpf_api.h:1954
void addResultFile(std::string const &file_path, std::string const &key)
void addFile(std::string const &file_path, std::string const &key)
Definition: dpf_api_base.h:1060
Definition: dpf_api.h:3556
dp_int numberOfNodes() const
@ return Number of nodes in element.
Definition: dpf_api.h:3575
Definition: dpf_api.h:844
Definition: dpf_api.h:532
void setUnit(ansys::dpf::Unit const &rhs)
ansys::dpf::Location location() const
ansys::dpf::Unit unit() const
dp_double *const data(int &size) const
dp_double *const entityData(dp_index entity_index, dp_int &size) const
void setFieldDefinition(FieldDefinition const &f)
dp_double *const entityDataById(dp_id entity_id, dp_int &size) const
void push_back(dp_id entity_id, std::vector< dp_double > const &values)
dp_int numberOfComponents() const
FieldDefinition fieldDefinition() const
void fillCursor(dp_index index, FieldCursor &f) const
void setData(std::vector< double > const &data)
Scoping scoping() const
void add(LabelSpace const &lab_space, Field const &f)
void addLabels(std::vector< std::string > const &labels)
Definition: dpf_api.h:630
Holds the mesh for a given region (body, faces, skin, ...)
Definition: dpf_api.h:3596
void fillCursor(dp_index element_index, ElementCursor &cursor) const
PropertyField elementTypes() const
void addElement(ElementDescriptor const &descriptor, dp_id elem_id, std::vector< dp_index > const &node_indices)
void addNode(dp_id node_id, std::array< dp_double, 3 > const &data)
PropertyField connectivity() const
Scoping elementScoping() const
Field nodesCoordinates() const
void prepareConstruction(dp_int n_nodes, dp_int n_elements)
Scoping nodeScoping() const
Definition: dpf_model.h:14
Definition: dpf_api.h:1061
Definition: dpf_api.h:1095
void fillCursor(dp_index index, PropFieldCursor &cursor) const
Definition: dpf_api.h:260
Definition: dpf_result.h:11
FieldsContainer EvaluateAtGivenTime(double dTime, DpfError &error)
Definition: dpf_result.h:63
void setIds(std::vector< dp_id > const &ids)
ansys::dpf::Location location() const
void getIds(std::vector< dp_id > &ids_to_fill) const
void emplace(dp_index index, dp_id id)
dp_index indexById(dp_int id) const
void setLocation(ansys::dpf::Location location)
const dp_id * ids(dp_int &size) const
dp_id idByIndex(dp_int index) const
dp_int size() const
void setHarmonicIndices(Field field, dp_int stage=0)
void setRpms(Field field)
dp_int numberOfSets() const
void setTimeFrequencies(Field field)
Field frequencies() const
Definition: dpf_api.h:226
Group a set of connected operators in order to define a whole data treatment.
Definition: dpf_api.h:2842
void nameOutputPin(Operator &op, int operator_output_pin, std::string const &pin_name)
void nameInputPin(std::string const &pin_name, int operator_input_pin, Operator &op)
void add(Operator &op)
FieldsContainer getOutputFieldsContainer(std::string const &pin_name)
static Workflow workflowById(int id)
Definition: dpf_api_base.h:563
Definition: dpf_api_base.h:488
static ElementDescriptor const & descriptor(dp_index element_index)
Definition: dpf_api_base.h:696
static const Location elemental_nodal
Definition: dpf_api_base.h:170