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Mechanical scripting interface


Last update: 14.01.2025

class Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.Tools.CurrentLegendSettings

Bases: object

Represents a CurrentLegendSettings object. This object holds properties of the CurrentLegendSettings.



Name Description
GetBandColor Gets the color of the specified band.
GetBandColorAuto Gets whether the specified band is set to Automatic or not.
GetLowerBandValueAuto Gets whether the specified lower band value is set to Automatic or not.
GetLowerBound Gets lower bound value of the specified band.
GetUpperBandValueAuto Gets whether the specified upper band value is set to Automatic or not.
GetUpperBound Gets upper bound value of the specified band.
MakeCopy Makes a copy of the CurrentLegendSettings object.
Reset Resets all legend customizations into default values.
ResetColors Resets all colors to default values.
SetBandColor Sets the color of the specified band.
SetBandColorAuto Sets the specified band to Automatic.
SetLowerBound Sets lower bound value of the specified band.
SetUpperBound Sets upper bound value of the specified band.


Name Description
AllScientificNotation Whether the result values are displayed in scientific notation.
ColorScheme Color Scheme for the legend.
Digits Number of significant digits(min:2, max:8).
HighFidelity Whether to replot and improve the synchronization of the result values.
LogarithmicScale Whether the result values are distributed in a Logarithmic scale.
NumberOfBands Number of bands on the legend (min:3, max:30). Bands are added/removed from the top of the legend.
SemiTransparency Whether the legend is semi-transparent.

Property detail

property CurrentLegendSettings.AllScientificNotation : bool | None

Whether the result values are displayed in scientific notation.

property CurrentLegendSettings.ColorScheme : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.LegendColorSchemeType | None

Color Scheme for the legend.

property CurrentLegendSettings.Digits : int | None

Number of significant digits(min:2, max:8).

property CurrentLegendSettings.HighFidelity : bool | None

Whether to replot and improve the synchronization of the result values.

property CurrentLegendSettings.LogarithmicScale : bool | None

Whether the result values are distributed in a Logarithmic scale.

property CurrentLegendSettings.NumberOfBands : int | None

Number of bands on the legend (min:3, max:30). Bands are added/removed from the top of the legend.

property CurrentLegendSettings.SemiTransparency : bool | None

Whether the legend is semi-transparent.

Method detail

CurrentLegendSettings.GetBandColor(index: int)

Gets the color of the specified band.

CurrentLegendSettings.GetBandColorAuto(index: int)

Gets whether the specified band is set to Automatic or not.

CurrentLegendSettings.GetLowerBandValueAuto(index: int)

Gets whether the specified lower band value is set to Automatic or not.

CurrentLegendSettings.GetLowerBound(index: int)

Gets lower bound value of the specified band.

CurrentLegendSettings.GetUpperBandValueAuto(index: int)

Gets whether the specified upper band value is set to Automatic or not.

CurrentLegendSettings.GetUpperBound(index: int)

Gets upper bound value of the specified band.


Makes a copy of the CurrentLegendSettings object.


Resets all legend customizations into default values.


Resets all colors to default values.

CurrentLegendSettings.SetBandColor(index: int, ColorValue: int)

Sets the color of the specified band.

CurrentLegendSettings.SetBandColorAuto(index: int, val: bool)

Sets the specified band to Automatic.

CurrentLegendSettings.SetLowerBound(index: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)

Sets lower bound value of the specified band.

CurrentLegendSettings.SetUpperBound(index: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)

Sets upper bound value of the specified band.