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Mechanical scripting interface


Last update: 14.01.2025

class Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.ConstructionLines.Plane

Bases: object

A 2D sketching planes in a ConstructionLine instance.



Name Description
Equivalent Checks to see if another plane is equivalent to this one.


Name Description
Definition Definition property.
IsRepresentation Check to see if there is a valid entity that this instance represents.
Normal The plane’s normal vector (Z axis orientation) orientation.
ObjectId Get the ID of the represented entity.
Origin The global location of this plane’s origin.
PrimaryAxisDirection The orientation of the plane’s primary (X) axis orientation.
SecondaryAxisDirection The orientation of the plane’s secondary (Y) axis orientation.
Type Type property.

Property detail

property Plane.Definition : Any | None

Definition property.

property Plane.IsRepresentation : bool | None

Check to see if there is a valid entity that this instance represents.

property Plane.Normal : Ansys.ACT.Core.Math.Vector3D | None

The plane’s normal vector (Z axis orientation) orientation.

property Plane.ObjectId : int | None

Get the ID of the represented entity.

property Plane.Origin : Ansys.ACT.Core.Math.Point3D | None

The global location of this plane’s origin.

property Plane.PrimaryAxisDirection : Ansys.ACT.Core.Math.Vector3D | None

The orientation of the plane’s primary (X) axis orientation.

property Plane.SecondaryAxisDirection : Ansys.ACT.Core.Math.Vector3D | None

The orientation of the plane’s secondary (Y) axis orientation.

property Plane.Type : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.ConstructionLines.PlaneType | None

Type property.

Method detail

Plane.Equivalent(other: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.ConstructionLines.Plane)

Checks to see if another plane is equivalent to this one.