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Mechanical scripting interface


Last update: 14.01.2025

class Ansys.ACT.Common.Graphics.MechanicalGraphicsWrapper

Bases: object

Wrapper for Graphics in Mechanical.



Name Description
CreatePixelPoint Creates a point from pixel coordinates (ie. window coordinates).
CreateVector3D Create a 3D vector from world coordinates.
CreateWorldPoint Create a point from world coordinates.
Export3D Exports the current Graphics display in a 3d format to a file.
ExportImage Exports the current graphics display to a 2D image file.
ExportScreenToImage ExportScreenToImage method.
ExportViewports Creates a composite of images exported from each open viewport.
ForceResume Forces the scene to resume. Useful in interactive context (console) if a reference on an
Redraw Forces the scene to redraw its content.
Suspend Prevents the scene to redraw until the Resume controller method was called.


Name Description
Camera Gets the camera.
GlobalLegendSettings Gets the Global Graphics Legend Settings.
KeyframeAnimationUtility A utility for creating animations based on keyframes.
ModelViewManager An instance of the ModelViewManager.
ResultAnimationOptions Gets the Global Result Animation options.
Scene Gets the scene.
SectionPlanes Returns the collection of section planes used by graphics
Unit Gets the current graphics unit.
ViewOptions Gets the Graphics View Options.

Property detail

property MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.Camera : Ansys.ACT.Common.Graphics.MechanicalCameraWrapper | None

Gets the camera.

property MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.GlobalLegendSettings : Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.GlobalLegendSettings | None

Gets the Global Graphics Legend Settings.

property MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.KeyframeAnimationUtility : Ansys.ACT.Common.Graphics.KeyframeAnimationUtility | None

A utility for creating animations based on keyframes.

property MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.ModelViewManager : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Graphics.IModelViewManager | None

An instance of the ModelViewManager.

property MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.ResultAnimationOptions : Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.ResultAnimationOptions | None

Gets the Global Result Animation options.

property MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.Scene : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Graphics.IGraphicsCollection | None

Gets the scene.

property MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.SectionPlanes : Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.SectionPlanes | None

Returns the collection of section planes used by graphics

property MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.Unit : str | None

Gets the current graphics unit.

property MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.ViewOptions : Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.ViewOptions | None

Gets the Graphics View Options.

Method detail

MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.CreatePixelPoint(x: int, y: int)

Creates a point from pixel coordinates (ie. window coordinates).

MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.CreateVector3D(x: float, y: float, z: float)

Create a 3D vector from world coordinates.

MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.CreateWorldPoint(x: float, y: float, z: float)

Create a point from world coordinates.

MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.Export3D(filePath: str, format3d: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.Graphics3DExportFormat, settings: Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.Graphics3DExportSettings)

Exports the current Graphics display in a 3d format to a file.

MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.ExportImage(filePath: str, formatImage: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.GraphicsImageExportFormat, settings: Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.GraphicsImageExportSettings)

Exports the current graphics display to a 2D image file.

MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.ExportScreenToImage(filePath: str)

ExportScreenToImage method.

MechanicalGraphicsWrapper.ExportViewports(filePath: str, format: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.GraphicsImageExportFormat, settings: Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.GraphicsViewportsExportSettings)

Creates a composite of images exported from each open viewport.


Forces the scene to resume. Useful in interactive context (console) if a reference on an
operation has been lost.


Forces the scene to redraw its content.


Prevents the scene to redraw until the Resume controller method was called.