Last update: 14.01.2025
Name | Description |
AdditiveManufacturing |
AdditiveManufacturing module. |
AnalysisSettings |
AnalysisSettings module. |
BoundaryConditions |
BoundaryConditions module. |
CondensedParts |
CondensedParts module. |
Connections |
Connections module. |
ConstructionLines |
ConstructionLines module. |
FE |
FE module. |
ImportedLoads |
ImportedLoads module. |
MaterialObject |
MaterialObject module. |
MeshControls |
MeshControls module. |
Results |
Results module. |
Substructure |
Substructure module. |
Name | Description |
ICrossSection |
Defines a ICrossSection. |
Name | Description |
AMOverhangConstraint |
Defines a AMOverhangConstraint. |
AcousticsFarFieldResultWorksheet |
AcousticsFarFieldResultWorksheet class. |
Analysis |
Defines a Analysis. |
AnalysisPly |
Defines a AnalysisPly. |
ArbitraryCrack |
Defines a ArbitraryCrack. |
ArchiveSettings |
A settings class for the project Archive operation |
BatchConnectionsWorksheet |
BatchConnectionsWorksheet class. |
Body |
Defines a Body. |
CenterOfGravityConstraint |
Defines a CenterOfGravityConstraint. |
ChannelCrossSection |
Defines a ChannelCrossSection. |
Chart |
Defines a Chart. |
ChartXAxis |
ChartXAxis class. |
CircularCrossSection |
Defines a CircularCrossSection. |
CircularTubeCrossSection |
Defines a CircularTubeCrossSection. |
CoSimulationPin |
Defines a CoSimulationPin. |
Column |
Column class. |
CommandSnippet |
Defines a CommandSnippet. |
Comment |
Defines a Comment. |
ComplexityIndexConstraint |
Defines a ComplexityIndexConstraint. |
ComplianceConstraint |
Defines a ComplianceConstraint. |
CompositeCriterion |
Defines a CompositeCriterion. |
CompositeCriterionDefinition |
CompositeCriterionDefinition class. |
CompositeCriterionTerm |
CompositeCriterionTerm class. |
CondensedGeometry |
Defines a CondensedGeometry. |
CondensedPart |
Defines a CondensedPart. |
CondensedPartBase |
Defines a CondensedPartBase. |
CondensedPartExpansionState |
CondensedPartExpansionState class. |
CondensedPartInfoTool |
Defines a CondensedPartInfoTool. |
CondensedPartInterface |
CondensedPartInterface class. |
CondensedPartInterfaces |
A collection of condensed part interface. |
ConstructionGeometry |
Defines a ConstructionGeometry. |
ConstructionPoint |
Defines a ConstructionPoint. |
ContactDebonding |
Defines a ContactDebonding. |
ContactMatch |
Defines a ContactMatch. |
ContactMatchGroup |
Defines a ContactMatchGroup. |
ContactSolutionInformation |
Defines a ContactSolutionInformation. |
CoordinateSystem |
Defines a CoordinateSystem. |
CoordinateSystems |
Defines a CoordinateSystems. |
CornerCrack |
Defines a CornerCrack. |
Crack |
Defines a Crack. |
CrackInitiation |
Defines a CrackInitiation. |
Criterion |
Defines a Criterion. |
CriterionConstraint |
Defines a CriterionConstraint. |
CrossSection |
Defines a CrossSection. |
CrossSections |
Defines a CrossSections. |
CyclicManufacturingConstraint |
Defines a CyclicManufacturingConstraint. |
CyclicRegion |
Defines a CyclicRegion. |
CylindricalCrack |
Defines a CylindricalCrack. |
DirectMorph |
Defines a DirectMorph. |
DisplacementConstraint |
Defines a DisplacementConstraint. |
DistributedMass |
Defines a DistributedMass. |
DynamicComplianceConstraint |
Defines a DynamicComplianceConstraint. |
EdgeCrack |
Defines a EdgeCrack. |
ElementOrientation |
Defines a ElementOrientation. |
EllipticalCrack |
Defines a EllipticalCrack. |
EndRelease |
Defines a EndRelease. |
ExclusionRegion |
ExclusionRegion class. |
ExpansionSettings |
Defines a ExpansionSettings. |
ExternalEnhancedModel |
Defines a ExternalEnhancedModel. |
ExternalModelDataColl |
Defines a ExternalModelDataColl. |
ExtrusionManufacturingConstraint |
Defines a ExtrusionManufacturingConstraint. |
FatigueCombination |
Defines a FatigueCombination. |
FatigueTool |
Defines a FatigueTool. |
FeatureDetection |
Defines a FeatureDetection. |
FeatureDetectionDefinition |
FeatureDetectionDefinition class. |
Figure |
Defines a Figure. |
Fracture |
Defines a Fracture. |
GeneralAxisymmetric |
Defines a GeneralAxisymmetric. |
GenericCrack |
Defines a GenericCrack. |
GenericDelamination |
Defines a GenericDelamination. |
GenericPointMass |
Defines a GenericPointMass. |
Geometry |
Defines a Geometry. |
GeometryFileContainer |
Defines a GeometryFileContainer. |
GeometryImport |
Defines a GeometryImport. |
GeometryImportGroup |
Defines a GeometryImportGroup. |
GlobalVonMisesStressConstraint |
Defines a GlobalVonMisesStressConstraint. |
HatCrossSection |
Defines a HatCrossSection. |
HollowRectangularCrossSection |
Defines a HollowRectangularCrossSection. |
HousingConstraint |
Defines a HousingConstraint. |
Image |
Defines a Image. |
ImagePlane |
Defines a ImagePlane. |
ImportedBoltPretensions |
Defines a ImportedBoltPretensions. |
ImportedCondensedPart |
Defines a ImportedCondensedPart. |
ImportedConstraintEquations |
Defines a ImportedConstraintEquations. |
ImportedContacts |
Defines a ImportedContacts. |
ImportedCoordinateSystems |
Defines a ImportedCoordinateSystems. |
ImportedElementOrientations |
Defines a ImportedElementOrientations. |
ImportedFlexibleRemoteConnectors |
Defines a ImportedFlexibleRemoteConnectors. |
ImportedLayeredSection |
Defines a ImportedLayeredSection. |
ImportedNodalOrientations |
Defines a ImportedNodalOrientations. |
ImportedObject |
Defines a row object in Imported Objects. |
ImportedPlies |
Defines a ImportedPlies. |
ImportedPliesCollection |
Defines a ImportedPliesCollection. |
ImportedPointMasses |
Defines a ImportedPointMasses. |
ImportedPremeshedBoltPretensions |
Defines a ImportedPremeshedBoltPretensions. |
ImportedRigidRemoteConnectors |
Defines a ImportedRigidRemoteConnectors. |
ImportedShellThicknesses |
Defines a ImportedShellThicknesses. |
ImportedSpringConnectors |
Defines a ImportedSpringConnectors. |
ImportedStresses |
Defines a ImportedStresses. |
InitialCondition |
Defines a InitialCondition. |
InitialConditions |
Defines a InitialConditions. |
InterfaceDelamination |
Defines a InterfaceDelamination. |
JointBushingWorksheet |
The worksheet of stiffness and damping coefficients for a bushing type joint. |
LCrossSection |
Defines a LCrossSection. |
LayeredSection |
Defines a LayeredSection. |
LayeredSectionWorksheet |
LayeredSectionWorksheet class. |
LineChart2D |
Defines a LineChart2D. |
LoadHelper |
LoadHelper class. |
LocalDesignRestriction |
Defines a LocalDesignRestriction. |
LocalVonMisesStressConstraint |
Defines a LocalVonMisesStressConstraint. |
ManufacturingConstraint |
Defines a ManufacturingConstraint. |
MappingValidation |
Defines a MappingValidation. |
MassConstraint |
Defines a MassConstraint. |
Material |
Defines a Material. |
MaterialAssignment |
Defines a MaterialAssignment. |
MaterialCombination |
MaterialCombination class. |
MaterialPlot |
Defines a MaterialPlot. |
Materials |
Defines a Materials. |
Measures |
Defines a Measures. |
MemberSizeManufacturingConstraint |
Defines a MemberSizeManufacturingConstraint. |
MeshConnection |
Defines a MeshConnection. |
MeshConnectionBase |
Defines a MeshConnectionBase. |
MeshConnectionGroup |
Defines a MeshConnectionGroup. |
MeshControlWorksheet |
MeshControlWorksheet class. |
MeshEdit |
Defines a MeshEdit. |
MeshExtrude |
Pull method enables you to extrude or revolve element faces, topofaces or scoped bodies (only shell body) from a surface or solid mesh. Pull also allows to create surface coating on solid bodies, element faces and topofaces. |
MeshNumbering |
Defines a MeshNumbering. |
MeshWorkflow |
Object that wraps IDSEngineeringModelWorkflowGroup. |
MeshWorkflowControl |
Object that wraps IDSEngineeringModelControl. |
MeshWorkflowGroup |
Defines a MeshWorkflowGroup. |
MeshWorkflowInput |
Object that wraps IDSEngineeringModelGeometryDomainAuto. |
MeshWorkflowOutcome |
Object that wraps IDSEngineeringModelOutcome. |
MeshWorkflowOutput |
Object that wraps IDSEngineeringModelMeshDomainAuto. |
MeshWorkflowStep |
Object that wraps IDSEngineeringModelGeometryOperationAuto. |
MeshWorkflowStepGroup |
Object that wraps IDSEngineeringModelWorkflow. |
Model |
Defines a Model. |
ModelImport |
Defines a ModelImport. |
MomentOfInertiaConstraint |
Defines a MomentOfInertiaConstraint. |
MorphingRegion |
Defines a MorphingRegion. |
NamedSelection |
Defines a NamedSelection. |
NamedSelectionCriteria |
A collection of named selection criteria. |
NamedSelectionCriterion |
NamedSelectionCriterion class. |
NamedSelections |
Defines a NamedSelections. |
NastranExportOptions |
Defines the NastranExportOptions. |
NaturalFrequencyConstraint |
Defines a NaturalFrequencyConstraint. |
NodeMerge |
Defines a NodeMerge. |
NodeMergeGroup |
Defines a NodeMergeGroup. |
NodeMove |
Defines a NodeMove. |
NumberingControl |
Defines a NumberingControl. |
Objective |
Defines a Objective. |
ObjectiveWorksheet |
ObjectiveWorksheet class. |
OptimizationMaterial |
OptimizationMaterial class. |
OptimizationRegion |
Defines a OptimizationRegion. |
OptimizationRegionBaseClass |
Defines a OptimizationRegionBaseClass. |
ParameterVariable |
Defines a ParameterVariable. |
ParameterVariableGroup |
Defines a ParameterVariableGroup. |
Part |
Defines a Part. |
PartTransform |
Defines a PartTransform. |
PartTransformGroup |
Defines a PartTransformGroup. |
Path |
Defines a Path. |
PatternRepetitionConstraint |
Defines a PatternRepetitionConstraint. |
PeriodicRegion |
Defines a PeriodicRegion. |
PhysicsRegion |
Defines a PhysicsRegion. |
PipeIdealization |
Defines a PipeIdealization. |
PointMass |
Defines a PointMass. |
PostContactTool |
Defines a PostContactTool. |
PreContactTool |
Defines a PreContactTool. |
PreMeshedCrack |
Defines a PreMeshedCrack. |
PreMeshedCyclicRegion |
Defines a PreMeshedCyclicRegion. |
PrimaryCriterion |
Defines a PrimaryCriterion. |
Project |
Defines a Project. |
PullOutDirectionManufacturingConstraint |
Defines a PullOutDirectionManufacturingConstraint. |
PythonCode |
Defines a PythonCode. |
PythonCodeEventBased |
Defines a PythonCodeEventBased. |
ReactionForceConstraint |
Defines a ReactionForceConstraint. |
RectangularCrossSection |
Defines a RectangularCrossSection. |
RemotePoint |
Defines a RemotePoint. |
RemotePoints |
Defines a RemotePoints. |
ResponseConstraint |
Defines a ResponseConstraint. |
ResponsePSDTool |
Defines a ResponsePSDTool. |
ResultMesh |
Defines a ResultMesh. |
RingCrack |
Defines a RingCrack. |
SMARTCrackGrowth |
Defines a SMARTCrackGrowth. |
Defines a STL. |
SelectionWorksheet |
SelectionWorksheet class. |
SemiEllipticalCrack |
Defines a SemiEllipticalCrack. |
Solid |
Defines a Solid. |
Solution |
Defines a Solution. |
SolutionCombination |
Defines a SolutionCombination. |
SolutionCombinationDefinition |
SolutionCombinationDefinition class. |
SolutionInformation |
Defines a SolutionInformation. |
Stage |
Defines a Stage. |
SubstructureGenerationCondensedPart |
Defines a SubstructureGenerationCondensedPart. |
Surface |
Defines a Surface. |
SurfaceCoating |
Defines a SurfaceCoating. |
Symmetry |
Defines a Symmetry. |
SymmetryGeneral |
Defines a SymmetryGeneral. |
SymmetryManufacturingConstraint |
Defines a SymmetryManufacturingConstraint. |
SymmetryRegion |
Defines a SymmetryRegion. |
TCrossSection |
Defines a TCrossSection. |
Table |
Defines a Table. |
TableGroup |
Defines a TableGroup. |
TemperatureConstraint |
Defines a TemperatureConstraint. |
ThermalComplianceConstraint |
Defines a ThermalComplianceConstraint. |
ThermalPointMass |
Defines a ThermalPointMass. |
Thickness |
Defines a Thickness. |
ThroughCrack |
Defines a ThroughCrack. |
Tree |
Tree class. |
TreeGroupingFolder |
Defines a TreeGroupingFolder. |
UniformConstraint |
Defines a UniformConstraint. |
UserDefinedCrossSection |
Defines a UserDefinedCrossSection. |
VirtualCell |
Defines a VirtualCell. |
VirtualTopology |
Defines a VirtualTopology. |
VolumeConstraint |
Defines a VolumeConstraint. |
Worksheet |
Worksheet class. |
ZCrossSection |
Defines a ZCrossSection. |
Mechanical module.