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Mechanical scripting interface


Last update: 14.01.2025

class Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Results.CompositeFailureResults.PuckSettings

Bases: object

Defines the configuration for the Puck failure criterion for reinforced materials.



Name Description
Reset Resets the settings to their default values.


Name Description
ConsiderInterFiberParallelStresses Gets or sets whether inter-fiber failure will include the influence of the fiber parallel stresses.
DegradationInitiationFactor Gets or sets the degradation initiation factor s (0 < s < 1).
DegradationResidualStrengthFactor Gets or sets the degradation residual strength factor M (0 < M < 1).
DelaminationWeightingFactor Gets or sets the weighting factor for the delamination (pd) evaluation.
EvaluateDelamination Gets or sets whether delamination is evaluated. Only applies when three-dimensional
EvaluateFiberFailure Gets or sets whether fiber failure (pf) is evaluated. The corresponding failure label is ‘pf’.
EvaluateMatrixCompressionFailure Gets or sets whether matrix compression failure is evaluated. The corresponding failure label is ‘pmB’.
EvaluateMatrixShearFailure Gets or sets whether matrix shear failure is evaluated. The corresponding failure label is ‘pmC’.
EvaluateMatrixTensionFailure Gets or sets whether matrix tension failure is evaluated. The corresponding failure label is ‘pmA’.
FiberFailureWeightingFactor Gets or sets the weighting factor for the fiber failure evaluation.
Formulation Gets or sets whether the simplified, 2D, or 3D Puck formulation is used.
InclinationFactorTwoOneNegative Gets or sets the p21(-) Puck constant.
InclinationFactorTwoOnePositive Gets or sets the p21(+) Puck constant.
InclinationFactorTwoTwoNegative Gets or sets the p22(-) Puck constant.
InclinationFactorTwoTwoPositive Gets or sets the p22(+) Puck constant.
InterfaceWeakeningFactor Gets or sets the interface weakening factor.
MatrixCompressionFailureWeightingFactor Gets or sets the weighting factor for the matrix compression (pmB) failure evaluation.
MatrixShearFailureWeightingFactor Gets or sets the weighting factor for the matrix shear (pmC) failure evaluation.
MatrixTensionFailureWeightingFactor Gets or sets the weighting factor for the matrix tension (pmA) failure evaluation.
OverrideMaterial Gets or sets whether the global Puck constants are used overriding material-specific constants.

Property detail

property PuckSettings.ConsiderInterFiberParallelStresses : bool | None

Gets or sets whether inter-fiber failure will include the influence of the fiber parallel stresses.

property PuckSettings.DegradationInitiationFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the degradation initiation factor s (0 < s < 1).

property PuckSettings.DegradationResidualStrengthFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the degradation residual strength factor M (0 < M < 1).

property PuckSettings.DelaminationWeightingFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the weighting factor for the delamination (pd) evaluation.

property PuckSettings.EvaluateDelamination : bool | None

Gets or sets whether delamination is evaluated. Only applies when three-dimensional : evaluation is selected. The corresponding failure label is ‘pd’.

property PuckSettings.EvaluateFiberFailure : bool | None

Gets or sets whether fiber failure (pf) is evaluated. The corresponding failure label is ‘pf’.

property PuckSettings.EvaluateMatrixCompressionFailure : bool | None

Gets or sets whether matrix compression failure is evaluated. The corresponding failure label is ‘pmB’.

property PuckSettings.EvaluateMatrixShearFailure : bool | None

Gets or sets whether matrix shear failure is evaluated. The corresponding failure label is ‘pmC’.

property PuckSettings.EvaluateMatrixTensionFailure : bool | None

Gets or sets whether matrix tension failure is evaluated. The corresponding failure label is ‘pmA’.

property PuckSettings.FiberFailureWeightingFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the weighting factor for the fiber failure evaluation.

property PuckSettings.Formulation : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.MechanicalEnums.CompositeFailure.PuckFormulation | None

Gets or sets whether the simplified, 2D, or 3D Puck formulation is used.

property PuckSettings.InclinationFactorTwoOneNegative : float | None

Gets or sets the p21(-) Puck constant.

property PuckSettings.InclinationFactorTwoOnePositive : float | None

Gets or sets the p21(+) Puck constant.

property PuckSettings.InclinationFactorTwoTwoNegative : float | None

Gets or sets the p22(-) Puck constant.

property PuckSettings.InclinationFactorTwoTwoPositive : float | None

Gets or sets the p22(+) Puck constant.

property PuckSettings.InterfaceWeakeningFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the interface weakening factor.

property PuckSettings.MatrixCompressionFailureWeightingFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the weighting factor for the matrix compression (pmB) failure evaluation.

property PuckSettings.MatrixShearFailureWeightingFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the weighting factor for the matrix shear (pmC) failure evaluation.

property PuckSettings.MatrixTensionFailureWeightingFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the weighting factor for the matrix tension (pmA) failure evaluation.

property PuckSettings.OverrideMaterial : bool | None

Gets or sets whether the global Puck constants are used overriding material-specific constants.

Method detail


Resets the settings to their default values.