Last update: 14.01.2025
class Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.MeshControls.Weld
Bases: object
Defines a Weld.
Name | Description |
Activate |
Activate the current object. |
ActivateAllWorksheetEntries |
set the ActivateAllWorksheetEntries |
AddComment |
Creates a new child Comment. |
AddFigure |
Creates a new child Figure. |
AddImage |
Creates a new child Image. |
AddWeldWorksheetScopeToSelection |
Create worksheet entry scope to selection |
AppendWeldControlIntersectionTag |
append the WeldControlIntersectionTag |
AppendWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag |
AppendWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag method. |
ClearAutoWeldIntersectionTag |
Clear Auto Intersection Tags |
ClearWeldControlIntersectionTag |
clear the WeldControlIntersectionTag |
ClearWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag |
ClearWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag method. |
CopyTo |
Copies all visible properties from this object to another. |
CreateParameter |
Creates a new parameter for a Property. |
DeactivateAllWorksheetEntries |
set the DeactivateAllWorksheetEntries |
DeactivateProblematicWorksheetEntries |
Deactivate Problematic Worksheet Entries |
Delete |
Run the Delete action. |
Duplicate |
Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject. |
GenerateMesh |
Generate the Mesh. |
GenerateWeldIntersectionTag |
Auto detect Intersection Tags within specified tolerance |
GetChildren |
Gets the list of children, filtered by type. |
GetCrossSectionIds |
get CrossSection Ids |
GetMaterialIds |
get Material Ids |
GetParameter |
Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property. |
GetWeldWorksheetAbsTol |
get the WeldControlWorksheetAbsTol |
GetWeldWorksheetActive |
get the WeldWorksheetActive |
GetWeldWorksheetBottomEntities |
get the WeldControlWorksheetBottomEntities |
GetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSize |
get the WeldControlWorksheetEdgeMeshSize |
GetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSizeExpression |
get the WeldControlWorksheetEdgeMeshSizeExpression |
GetWeldWorksheetEdges |
get the WeldControlWorksheetEdges |
GetWeldWorksheetGenerateEndCaps |
get the WeldControlWorksheetGenerateEndCaps |
GetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceBottomPlate |
get the WeldControlWorksheetHAZDistance |
GetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate |
get WorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate |
GetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionTopPlate |
get WorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionTopPlate |
GetWeldWorksheetHAZGrowthRate |
get the WeldControlWorksheetHAZGrowthRate |
GetWeldWorksheetHeight |
get the WeldControlWorksheetHeight |
GetWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag |
get the WeldControlWorksheetIntersectionTag |
GetWeldWorksheetLapAngleTol |
get the WeldControlWorksheetLapAngleTol |
GetWeldWorksheetLength |
get the WeldControlWorksheetLength |
GetWeldWorksheetMaxThicknessFactor |
get the WeldControlWorksheetMaxThicknessFactor |
GetWeldWorksheetMinThicknessFactor |
get the WeldControlWorksheetMinThicknessFactor |
GetWeldWorksheetNumError |
Get Number of Errored rows |
GetWeldWorksheetNumLayers |
get the WeldControlWorksheetNumLayers |
GetWeldWorksheetNumWarning |
Get Number of rows with warnings |
GetWeldWorksheetNumWelds |
get the WeldControlWorksheetNumWelds |
GetWeldWorksheetOffset1 |
get the WeldControlWorksheetOffset1 |
GetWeldWorksheetOffset2 |
get the WeldControlWorksheetOffset2 |
GetWeldWorksheetPitch |
get the WeldControlWorksheetPitch |
GetWeldWorksheetSharpAngle |
get the WeldControlWorksheetSharpAngle |
GetWeldWorksheetSmoothing |
get the WeldControlWorksheetSmoothing option |
GetWeldWorksheetThickness |
get the WeldControlWorksheetThickness |
GetWeldWorksheetThicknessExpression |
get the WeldControlWorksheetThicknessExpression |
GetWeldWorksheetTopEntities |
get the WeldControlWorksheetTopEntities |
GetWeldWorksheetWeldAngle |
get the WeldControlWorksheetWeldAngle |
GetWeldWorksheetWeldCurve |
get the WeldControlWorksheetWeldCurve |
GetWeldWorksheetWeldHeightExpression |
get the WeldControlWorksheetWeldHeight |
GetWeldWorksheetWeldWidthExpression |
get the WeldControlWorksheetWeldWidth |
GetWeldWorksheetWidth |
get the WeldControlWorksheetWidth |
GroupAllSimilarChildren |
Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action. |
GroupSimilarObjects |
Run the GroupSimilarObjects action. |
PreviewMeshOnWeldWorksheet |
PreviewMeshOnWeldWorksheet method. |
PromoteToWeldControl |
PromoteToWeldControl method. |
PropertyByAPIName |
Get a property by its API name. |
PropertyByName |
Get a property by its unique name. |
RemoveParameter |
Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property. |
RenameBasedOnDefinition |
Run the RenameBasedOnDefinition action. |
SetWeldWorksheetAbsTol |
SetWeldWorksheetAbsTol method. |
SetWeldWorksheetActive |
SetWeldWorksheetActive method. |
SetWeldWorksheetBottomEntities |
SetWeldWorksheetBottomEntities method. |
SetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSize |
SetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSize method. |
SetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSizeExpression |
SetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSizeExpression method. |
SetWeldWorksheetEdges |
SetWeldWorksheetEdges method. |
SetWeldWorksheetGenerateEndCaps |
SetWeldWorksheetGenerateEndCaps method. |
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceBottomPlate |
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceBottomPlate method. |
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate |
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate method. |
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionTopPlate |
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionTopPlate method. |
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceTopPlate |
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceTopPlate method. |
SetWeldWorksheetHAZGrowthRate |
SetWeldWorksheetHAZGrowthRate method. |
SetWeldWorksheetHeight |
SetWeldWorksheetHeight method. |
SetWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag |
SetWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag method. |
SetWeldWorksheetLapAngleTol |
SetWeldWorksheetLapAngleTol method. |
SetWeldWorksheetLength |
SetWeldWorksheetLength method. |
SetWeldWorksheetMaxThicknessFactor |
SetWeldWorksheetMaxThicknessFactor method. |
SetWeldWorksheetMinThicknessFactor |
SetWeldWorksheetMinThicknessFactor method. |
SetWeldWorksheetNumLayers |
SetWeldWorksheetNumLayers method. |
SetWeldWorksheetNumWelds |
SetWeldWorksheetNumWelds method. |
SetWeldWorksheetOffset1 |
SetWeldWorksheetOffset1 method. |
SetWeldWorksheetOffset2 |
SetWeldWorksheetOffset2 method. |
SetWeldWorksheetPitch |
SetWeldWorksheetPitch method. |
SetWeldWorksheetSharpAngle |
SetWeldWorksheetSharpAngle method. |
SetWeldWorksheetSmoothing |
SetWeldWorksheetSmoothing method. |
SetWeldWorksheetThickness |
SetWeldWorksheetThickness method. |
SetWeldWorksheetThicknessExpression |
SetWeldWorksheetThicknessExpression method. |
SetWeldWorksheetTopEntities |
SetWeldWorksheetTopEntities method. |
SetWeldWorksheetWeldAngle |
SetWeldWorksheetWeldAngle method. |
SetWeldWorksheetWeldBody |
SetWeldWorksheetWeldBody method. |
SetWeldWorksheetWeldCurve |
SetWeldWorksheetWeldCurve method. |
SetWeldWorksheetWeldHeightExpression |
SetWeldWorksheetWeldHeightExpression method. |
SetWeldWorksheetWeldWidthExpression |
SetWeldWorksheetWeldWidthExpression method. |
SetWeldWorksheetWidth |
SetWeldWorksheetWidth method. |
WeldWorksheetAddEntry |
add an entry to WeldWorksheet |
WeldWorksheetCreateControlForCurveBodies |
Create worksheet entries for all curve bodies |
WeldWorksheetDeleteEntry |
WeldWorksheetDeleteEntry method. |
WeldWorksheetExport |
export WeldWorksheet |
WeldWorksheetImport |
import WeldWorksheet |
WeldWorksheetNumEntries |
Get total number of entries in worksheet |
WeldWorksheetStatus |
Get state of a given row |
Name | Description |
AdjustWeldHeight |
Gets or sets the WeldControlAdjustWeldHeight. |
AngledDirection |
Gets or sets the WeldControlAngledDirection. |
BottomEntities |
Gets or sets the Bottom Entities (Bodies / Faces ) or Extension. |
BottomEntitiesNamedSelection |
Gets or sets the BottomEntitiesNamedSelection. |
ButtWeldOption |
Gets or sets the ButtWeldOption. |
Children |
Gets the list of children. |
Comments |
Gets the list of associated comments. |
ConnectionTolerance |
Gets or sets the WeldControlConnectionTolerance |
ControlType |
Gets or sets the WeldControlType. |
CreateHAZLayer |
Gets or sets the WeldControlCreateHAZLayer. |
CreateUsing |
Gets or sets the WeldControlCreateUsing. |
CreationCriteria |
Gets or sets the WeldControlCreationCriteria. |
CrossSectionId |
Gets or sets the WeldControlCrossSectionId. |
CurveScoping |
Gets or sets the WeldControlCurveScoping. |
DataModelObjectCategory |
Gets the current DataModelObject’s category. |
EdgeMeshSize |
Gets or sets the WeldControlEdgeMeshSize |
EdgeMeshSizeAssignment |
Gets or sets the WeldControlEdgeMeshSizeAssignment. |
EdgeMeshSizeExpression |
Gets or sets the WeldControlEdgeMeshSizeExpression Value. |
EdgeSelection |
Gets or sets the Edges. |
Figures |
Gets the list of associated figures. |
GenerateEndCaps |
Gets or sets the WeldControlSmoothing. |
GenerateNamedSelection |
Gets or sets the WeldControlGenerateNamedSelection. |
HAZDistanceAssignment |
Gets or sets the WeldControlHAZDistanceAssignment. |
HAZDistanceBottomPlate |
Gets or sets HAZDistanceBottomPlate |
HAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate |
Gets or sets HAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate Value. |
HAZDistanceExpressionTopPlate |
Gets or sets the WeldControlHAZDistanceExpression Value. |
HAZDistanceOption |
Gets or sets the WeldControlHAZDistanceOption. |
HAZDistanceTopPlate |
Gets or sets HAZDistanceTopPlate |
HAZGrowthRate |
Gets or sets the WeldControlHAZGrowthRate |
Images |
Gets the list of associated images. |
InternalObject |
Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
LapWeldAngleTolerance |
Gets or sets the LapWeldAngleTolerance. |
LayerTransitionType |
Gets or sets the WeldControlHAZLayerTransitionType. |
MaterialId |
Gets or sets the WeldControlMaterialId. |
MaxThicknessFactor |
Gets or sets the WeldControlMaxThicknessFactor |
MinThicknessFactor |
Gets or sets the WeldControlMinThicknessFactor |
ModeledAs |
Gets or sets the WeldControlModeledAs. |
NameFilter |
Gets or sets the NameFilter. |
NumberOfLayers |
Gets or sets WeldControlNumberOfLayers |
NumberOfWelds |
Gets or sets WeldControlNumberOfLayers |
Offset1 |
Gets or sets the WeldControlOffsetLayerHeight |
Offset2 |
Gets or sets the WeldControlOffsetLayerHeight |
Properties |
Gets the list of properties for this object. |
Relaxation |
Gets or sets the WeldControlRelaxation. |
ScopingMethod |
Gets or sets the ScopingMethod. |
SharpAngle |
Gets or sets the WeldSharpAngle. |
Smoothing |
Gets or sets the WeldControlSmoothing. |
Source |
Gets or sets the WeldControlSource. |
Suppressed |
Gets or sets the Suppressed. |
Thickness |
Gets or sets the WeldControlThickness |
ThicknessAssignment |
Gets or sets the WeldControlThicknessAssignment. |
TopEntities |
Gets or sets the Top Entities (Bodies / Faces ) or Extension. |
TopEntitiesNamedSelection |
Gets or sets the TopEntitiesNamedSelection. |
UseWorksheet |
Gets or sets the WeldControlUseWorksheet. |
VisibleProperties |
Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object. |
WeldAngle |
Gets or sets the WeldAngle. |
WeldControlWeldWidth |
Gets or sets the WeldControlWeldWidth |
WeldCurves |
Gets or sets the Weld Curves. |
WeldCurvesBody |
WeldCurvesBody property. |
WeldDefinitionFileLocation |
Gets or sets the WeldDefinitionFile Location. |
WeldEdgesNamedSelection |
Gets or sets the WeldEdgesNamedSelection. |
WeldElementRows |
Gets or sets the WeldControlElementRows. |
WeldFormulation |
Gets or sets the WeldFormulation. |
WeldHeight |
Gets or sets the WeldControlOffsetLayerHeight |
WeldHeightAssignment |
Gets or sets the WeldControlWeldHeightAssignment. |
WeldHeightExpression |
Gets or sets the WeldControlWeldHeightExpression Value. |
WeldIntersectionTag |
Gets or sets the WeldControlIntersectionTag Value. |
WeldIntersectionTolerance |
Gets or sets the WeldControlIntersectionTolerance Value. |
WeldLength |
Gets or sets the WeldControlOffsetLayerHeight |
WeldPinballRadius |
Gets or sets the WeldPinballRadius |
WeldPitch |
Gets or sets the WeldControlOffsetLayerHeight |
WeldTargetShellFace |
Gets or sets the WeldTargetShellFace. |
WeldThicknessExpression |
Gets or sets the WeldControlThicknessExpression Value. |
WeldWidthAssignment |
Gets or sets the WeldControlWeldWidthAssignment. |
WeldWidthExpression |
Gets or sets the WeldControlWeldWidthExpression Value. |
WriteDefinitionFile |
Gets or sets the WeldControlSmoothing. |
Property detail
property Weld.AdjustWeldHeight : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.YesNoType | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlAdjustWeldHeight.
property Weld.AngledDirection : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldAngledDirection | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlAngledDirection.
property Weld.BottomEntities : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.ISelectionInfo | None
Gets or sets the Bottom Entities (Bodies / Faces ) or Extension.
property Weld.BottomEntitiesNamedSelection : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.NamedSelection | None
Gets or sets the BottomEntitiesNamedSelection.
property Weld.ButtWeldOption : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.YesNoType | None
Gets or sets the ButtWeldOption.
property Weld.Children : List[Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Interfaces.IDataModelObject] | None
Gets the list of children.
property Weld.Comments : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Comment] | None
Gets the list of associated comments.
property Weld.ConnectionTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlConnectionTolerance
property Weld.ControlType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldType | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlType.
property Weld.CreateHAZLayer : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.YesNoType | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlCreateHAZLayer.
property Weld.CreateUsing : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldCreateUsing | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlCreateUsing.
property Weld.CreationCriteria : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldCreationCriteria | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlCreationCriteria.
property Weld.CrossSectionId : int | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlCrossSectionId.
property Weld.CurveScoping : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldCurveScoping | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlCurveScoping.
property Weld.DataModelObjectCategory : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.DataModelObjectCategory | None
Gets the current DataModelObject’s category.
property Weld.EdgeMeshSize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlEdgeMeshSize
property Weld.EdgeMeshSizeAssignment : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldEdgeMeshSizeAssignment | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlEdgeMeshSizeAssignment.
property Weld.EdgeMeshSizeExpression : str | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlEdgeMeshSizeExpression Value.
property Weld.EdgeSelection : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.ISelectionInfo | None
Gets or sets the Edges.
property Weld.Figures : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Figure] | None
Gets the list of associated figures.
property Weld.GenerateEndCaps : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.YesNoType | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlSmoothing.
property Weld.GenerateNamedSelection : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldGeneratedNamedSelection | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlGenerateNamedSelection.
property Weld.HAZDistanceAssignment : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldHAZDistanceAssignment | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlHAZDistanceAssignment.
property Weld.HAZDistanceBottomPlate : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets HAZDistanceBottomPlate
property Weld.HAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate : str | None
Gets or sets HAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate Value.
property Weld.HAZDistanceExpressionTopPlate : str | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlHAZDistanceExpression Value.
property Weld.HAZDistanceOption : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldHAZDistanceOption | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlHAZDistanceOption.
property Weld.HAZDistanceTopPlate : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets HAZDistanceTopPlate
property Weld.HAZGrowthRate : float | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlHAZGrowthRate
property Weld.Images : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Image] | None
Gets the list of associated images.
property Weld.InternalObject : Ansys.Common.Interop.DSObjectsAuto.IDSMeshControlAuto | None
Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
property Weld.LapWeldAngleTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the LapWeldAngleTolerance.
property Weld.LayerTransitionType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.LayerTransitionType | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlHAZLayerTransitionType.
property Weld.MaterialId : int | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlMaterialId.
property Weld.MaxThicknessFactor : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlMaxThicknessFactor
property Weld.MinThicknessFactor : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlMinThicknessFactor
property Weld.ModeledAs : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldModeledAs | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlModeledAs.
property Weld.NameFilter : str | None
Gets or sets the NameFilter.
property Weld.NumberOfLayers : int | None
Gets or sets WeldControlNumberOfLayers
property Weld.NumberOfWelds : int | None
Gets or sets WeldControlNumberOfLayers
property Weld.Offset1 : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlOffsetLayerHeight
property Weld.Offset2 : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlOffsetLayerHeight
property Weld.Properties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None
Gets the list of properties for this object.
property Weld.Relaxation : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldRelaxation | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlRelaxation.
property Weld.ScopingMethod : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.GeometryDefineByType | None
Gets or sets the ScopingMethod.
property Weld.SharpAngle : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldSharpAngle.
property Weld.Smoothing : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.YesNoType | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlSmoothing.
property Weld.Source : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldSource | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlSource.
property Weld.Suppressed : bool | None
Gets or sets the Suppressed.
property Weld.Thickness : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlThickness
property Weld.ThicknessAssignment : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldThickness | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlThicknessAssignment.
property Weld.TopEntities : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.ISelectionInfo | None
Gets or sets the Top Entities (Bodies / Faces ) or Extension.
property Weld.TopEntitiesNamedSelection : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.NamedSelection | None
Gets or sets the TopEntitiesNamedSelection.
property Weld.UseWorksheet : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.YesNoType | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlUseWorksheet.
property Weld.VisibleProperties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None
Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.
property Weld.WeldAngle : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldAngle.
property Weld.WeldControlWeldWidth : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlWeldWidth
property Weld.WeldCurves : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.ISelectionInfo | None
Gets or sets the Weld Curves.
property Weld.WeldCurvesBody : int | None
WeldCurvesBody property.
property Weld.WeldDefinitionFileLocation : str | None
Gets or sets the WeldDefinitionFile Location.
property Weld.WeldEdgesNamedSelection : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.NamedSelection | None
Gets or sets the WeldEdgesNamedSelection.
property Weld.WeldElementRows : int | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlElementRows.
property Weld.WeldFormulation : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactFormulation | None
Gets or sets the WeldFormulation.
property Weld.WeldHeight : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlOffsetLayerHeight
property Weld.WeldHeightAssignment : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldHeightAssignment | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlWeldHeightAssignment.
property Weld.WeldHeightExpression : str | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlWeldHeightExpression Value.
property Weld.WeldIntersectionTag : str | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlIntersectionTag Value.
property Weld.WeldIntersectionTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlIntersectionTolerance Value.
property Weld.WeldLength : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlOffsetLayerHeight
property Weld.WeldPinballRadius : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldPinballRadius
property Weld.WeldPitch : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlOffsetLayerHeight
property Weld.WeldTargetShellFace : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldTargetShellFaceType | None
Gets or sets the WeldTargetShellFace.
property Weld.WeldThicknessExpression : str | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlThicknessExpression Value.
property Weld.WeldWidthAssignment : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeldWidthAssignment | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlWeldWidthAssignment.
property Weld.WeldWidthExpression : str | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlWeldWidthExpression Value.
property Weld.WriteDefinitionFile : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.YesNoType | None
Gets or sets the WeldControlSmoothing.
Method detail
Activate the current object.
set the ActivateAllWorksheetEntries
Creates a new child Comment.
Creates a new child Figure.
Weld.AddImage(filePath: str)
Creates a new child Image.
If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file,
if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window.
Weld.AddWeldWorksheetScopeToSelection(index: int, subset: int)
Create worksheet entry scope to selection
Weld.AppendWeldControlIntersectionTag(val: str)
append the WeldControlIntersectionTag
Weld.AppendWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: str)
AppendWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag method.
Weld.ClearAutoWeldIntersectionTag(includeInactive: bool)
Clear Auto Intersection Tags
clear the WeldControlIntersectionTag
Weld.ClearWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag(rowIndices: Iterable[int])
ClearWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag method.
Weld.CopyTo(other: Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.DataModelObject)
Copies all visible properties from this object to another.
Weld.CreateParameter(propName: str)
Creates a new parameter for a Property.
set the DeactivateAllWorksheetEntries
Deactivate Problematic Worksheet Entries
Run the Delete action.
Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.
Generate the Mesh.
Auto detect Intersection Tags within specified tolerance
Weld.GetChildren(recurses: bool, children: List[ChildrenType])
Gets the list of children, filtered by type.
Weld.GetCrossSectionIds(rowIndex: int)
get CrossSection Ids
Weld.GetMaterialIds(rowIndex: int)
get Material Ids
Weld.GetParameter(propName: str)
Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetAbsTol(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetAbsTol
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetActive(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldWorksheetActive
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetBottomEntities(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetBottomEntities
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSize(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetEdgeMeshSize
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSizeExpression(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetEdgeMeshSizeExpression
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetEdges(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetEdges
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetGenerateEndCaps(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetGenerateEndCaps
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceBottomPlate(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetHAZDistance
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate(rowIndex: int)
get WorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionTopPlate(rowIndex: int)
get WorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionTopPlate
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetHAZGrowthRate(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetHAZGrowthRate
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetHeight(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetHeight
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetIntersectionTag
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetLapAngleTol(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetLapAngleTol
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetLength(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetLength
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetMaxThicknessFactor(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetMaxThicknessFactor
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetMinThicknessFactor(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetMinThicknessFactor
Get Number of Errored rows
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetNumLayers(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetNumLayers
Get Number of rows with warnings
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetNumWelds(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetNumWelds
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetOffset1(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetOffset1
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetOffset2(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetOffset2
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetPitch(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetPitch
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetSharpAngle(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetSharpAngle
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetSmoothing(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetSmoothing option
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetThickness(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetThickness
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetThicknessExpression(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetThicknessExpression
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetTopEntities(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetTopEntities
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetWeldAngle(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetWeldAngle
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetWeldCurve(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetWeldCurve
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetWeldHeightExpression(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetWeldHeight
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetWeldWidthExpression(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetWeldWidth
Weld.GetWeldWorksheetWidth(rowIndex: int)
get the WeldControlWorksheetWidth
Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.
Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.
Weld.PreviewMeshOnWeldWorksheet(rowIndices: Iterable[int])
PreviewMeshOnWeldWorksheet method.
Weld.PromoteToWeldControl(indices: Iterable[int])
PromoteToWeldControl method.
Weld.PropertyByAPIName(name: str)
Get a property by its API name.
If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned.
Weld.PropertyByName(name: str)
Get a property by its unique name.
Weld.RemoveParameter(propName: str)
Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.
Run the RenameBasedOnDefinition action.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetAbsTol(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetAbsTol method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetActive(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: bool)
SetWeldWorksheetActive method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetBottomEntities(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: int)
SetWeldWorksheetBottomEntities method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSize(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSize method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSizeExpression(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: str)
SetWeldWorksheetEdgeMeshSizeExpression method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetEdges(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: int)
SetWeldWorksheetEdges method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetGenerateEndCaps(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: bool)
SetWeldWorksheetGenerateEndCaps method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceBottomPlate(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceBottomPlate method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: str)
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionBottomPlate method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionTopPlate(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: str)
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceExpressionTopPlate method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceTopPlate(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetHAZDistanceTopPlate method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetHAZGrowthRate(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetHAZGrowthRate method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetHeight(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetHeight method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: str)
SetWeldWorksheetIntersectionTag method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetLapAngleTol(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetLapAngleTol method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetLength(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetLength method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetMaxThicknessFactor(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetMaxThicknessFactor method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetMinThicknessFactor(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetMinThicknessFactor method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetNumLayers(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: int)
SetWeldWorksheetNumLayers method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetNumWelds(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: int)
SetWeldWorksheetNumWelds method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetOffset1(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetOffset1 method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetOffset2(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetOffset2 method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetPitch(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetPitch method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetSharpAngle(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetSharpAngle method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetSmoothing(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: bool)
SetWeldWorksheetSmoothing method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetThickness(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetThickness method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetThicknessExpression(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: str)
SetWeldWorksheetThicknessExpression method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetTopEntities(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: int)
SetWeldWorksheetTopEntities method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetWeldAngle(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetWeldAngle method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetWeldBody(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: int)
SetWeldWorksheetWeldBody method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetWeldCurve(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: int)
SetWeldWorksheetWeldCurve method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetWeldHeightExpression(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: str)
SetWeldWorksheetWeldHeightExpression method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetWeldWidthExpression(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: str)
SetWeldWorksheetWeldWidthExpression method.
Weld.SetWeldWorksheetWidth(rowIndices: Iterable[int], val: float)
SetWeldWorksheetWidth method.
add an entry to WeldWorksheet
Create worksheet entries for all curve bodies
Weld.WeldWorksheetDeleteEntry(indices: Iterable[int])
WeldWorksheetDeleteEntry method.
Weld.WeldWorksheetExport(fileName: str)
export WeldWorksheet
Weld.WeldWorksheetImport(fileName: str)
import WeldWorksheet
Get total number of entries in worksheet
Weld.WeldWorksheetStatus(rowIndex: int)
Get state of a given row