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Mechanical scripting interface


Last update: 14.01.2025

class Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.MeshControls.Mesh

Bases: object

Defines a Mesh.



Name Description
Activate Activate the current object.
ActivateAllSolidSurfaceWorksheetRows ActivateAllSolidSurfaceWorksheetRows method.
ActivateAllSurfaceWorksheetRows ActivateAllSurfaceWorksheetRows method.
ActivateAllVolumeWorksheetRows ActivateAllVolumeWorksheetRows method.
AddAutomaticMethod Creates a new AutomaticMethod
AddComment Creates a new child Comment.
AddConnect Creates a new Connect Control
AddContactMatchGroup Add a new AddContactMatchGroup.
AddContactSizing Creates a new ContactSizing
AddDeviation Creates a new SagControl
AddDirectMorph Add a new DirectMorph.
AddFaceMeshing Creates a new FaceMeshing
AddFeatureSuppress Creates a new FeatureSuppress
AddFigure Creates a new child Figure.
AddGeometryFidelity Creates a new GeometryFidelity
AddImage Creates a new child Image.
AddInflation Creates a new Inflation
AddManualMeshConnection Add a new ManualMeshConnection
AddMatchControl Creates a new MatchControl
AddMeshConnectionGroup Add a new MeshConnectionGroup.
AddMeshCopy Creates a new MeshCopy
AddMeshLayers Adds Mesh Layers when contour enabled in Mesh Quality Workhseet mode.
AddNodeMerge Add a new NodeMerge.
AddNodeMergeGroup Add a new NodeMergeGroup.
AddPinch Creates a new Pinch
AddPullExtrude Add a new Pull (Extrude).
AddPullRevolve Add a new Pull (Revolve).
AddPullSurfaceCoating Add a new Pull (Surface Coating)).
AddRefinement Creates a new Refinement
AddRepairTopology Creates a new RepairTopology
AddSizing Creates a new Sizing
AddTopologySuppressControl Creates a new TopologySuppressControl
AddWasher Creates a new SagControl
AddWeld Creates a new WeldControl
CleanPartOrBody Clear generated data for parts and/or bodies provided.
ClearGeneratedData Run the ClearGeneratedData action.
CopyTo Copies all visible properties from this object to another.
CreateMQSolidSurfaceElementsNamedSelection Create Mesh Quality SolidSurface Element Name Selection
CreateMQSurfaceElementsNamedSelection Create Mesh Quality Surface Element Named Selection
CreateMQVolumeElementsNamedSelection Create Mesh Quality Volume Element Name Selection
CreateParameter Creates a new parameter for a Property.
CreatePinchControls Run the CreatePinchControls action.
DeactivateAllSolidSurfaceWorksheetRows DeactivateAllSolidSurfaceWorksheetRows method.
DeactivateAllSurfaceWorksheetRows DeactivateAllSurfaceWorksheetRows method.
DeactivateAllVolumeWorksheetRows DeactivateAllVolumeWorksheetRows method.
Duplicate Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.
ExportWeldDefinitionFile Export the weld definition file to the specified location.
GenerateMesh Run the GenerateMesh action.
GetActiveSurfaceMeshQuality Get Active User Mesh Quality
GetChildren Gets the list of children, filtered by type.
GetIsShellTargetMetric Get Shell Target Metric
GetIsSolidSurfaceTargetMetric Get SolidSurface Target Metric
GetIsSolidTargetMetric Get Solid Target Metric
GetMeshMetricOptions GetMeshMetricOptions method.
GetParameter Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.
GetSolidSurfaceMeshMetrics GetSolidSurfaceMeshMetrics method.
GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityAverageMetricValue Get Mesh Quality Average Metric Value
GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityCountFailed Get Mesh Quality Count Failed
GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityErrorLimit Get Mesh Quality Error Limit
GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityName Get Mesh Quality Name
GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityPercentageFailed Get Mesh Quality Percentage Failed
GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWarningCountFailed Get Mesh Quality Warning Count Failed
GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWarningLimit Get Mesh Quality Warning Limit
GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWarningPercentageFailed Get Mesh Quality Warning Percentage Failed
GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWorstMetricBackgroundColor Get Mesh Quality Worst Metric BackgroundColor
GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWorstMetricValue Get Mesh Quality Worst Metric Value
GetSurfaceMeshQualityAverageMetricValue Get Mesh Quality Average Metric Value
GetSurfaceMeshQualityCountFailed Get Mesh Quality Count Failed
GetSurfaceMeshQualityErrorLimit Get User Mesh Quality Error Limit
GetSurfaceMeshQualityName Get Mesh Quality Name
GetSurfaceMeshQualityPercentageFailed Get Mesh Quality Percentage Failed
GetSurfaceMeshQualityWarningCountFailed Get Mesh Quality Warning Count Failed
GetSurfaceMeshQualityWarningLimit Get User Mesh Quality Warning Limit
GetSurfaceMeshQualityWarningPercentageFailed Get Mesh Quality Warning Percentage Failed
GetSurfaceMeshQualityWorstMetricValue Get Mesh Quality Worst Metric Value
GetVolumeMeshMetrics GetVolumeMeshMetrics method.
GetVolumeMeshQualityAverageMetricValue Get Mesh Quality Average Metric Value
GetVolumeMeshQualityCountFailed Get Mesh Quality Count Failed
GetVolumeMeshQualityErrorLimit Get Mesh Quality Error Limit
GetVolumeMeshQualityName Get Mesh Quality Name
GetVolumeMeshQualityPercentageFailed Get Mesh Quality Percentage Failed
GetVolumeMeshQualityWarningCountFailed Get Mesh Quality Warning Count Failed
GetVolumeMeshQualityWarningLimit Get Mesh Quality Warning Limit
GetVolumeMeshQualityWarningPercentageFailed Get Mesh Quality Warning Percentage Failed
GetVolumeMeshQualityWorstMetricBackgroundColor Get Mesh Quality Worst Metric BackgroundColor
GetVolumeMeshQualityWorstMetricValue Get Mesh Quality Worst Metric Value
GroupAllSimilarChildren Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.
GroupSimilarObjects Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.
IsMeshMetricVisible IsMeshMetricVisible method.
LoadMQWorksheetFile LoadMQWorksheetFile method.
PinchControlGeomtry Set the geometry type for the Pinch Control.
PreviewInflation Run the PreviewInflation action.
PreviewMeshOnAllWelds Preview model mesh on all weld controls of the Mesh.
PreviewMeshOnWeld Preview model mesh on one weld control provided.
PreviewMeshOnWeldWorksheet PreviewMeshOnWeldWorksheet method.
PreviewMeshOnWelds PreviewMeshOnWelds method.
PreviewSurfaceMesh Run the PreviewSurfaceMesh action.
PreviewWelds Preview Welds.
PropertyByAPIName Get a property by its API name.
PropertyByName Get a property by its unique name.
RemoveMeshLayers Removes Mesh Layers when contour enabled in Mesh Quality Workhseet mode.
RemoveParameter Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.
SaveMQWorksheetFile SaveMQWorksheetFile method.
SetActiveSolidSurfaceMeshQuality Set Active Mesh Quality
SetActiveSurfaceMeshQuality Set Active Mesh Quality
SetActiveVolumeMeshQuality Set Active Mesh Quality
SetMeshMetricOptions SetMeshMetricOptions method.
SetSolidMeshMetricLimits SetSolidMeshMetricLimits method.
SetSolidSurfaceMeshMetricLimits SetSolidSurfaceMeshMetricLimits method.
SetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityErrorLimit Set Mesh Quality Error Limit
SetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWarningLimit Set Mesh Quality Warning Limit
SetSurfaceMeshMetricLimits SetSurfaceMeshMetricLimits method.
SetSurfaceMeshQualityErrorLimit Set Mesh Quality Error Level
SetSurfaceMeshQualityWarningLimit Set Mesh Quality Warning Limit
SetVolumeMeshQualityErrorLimit Set Mesh Quality Error Limit
SetVolumeMeshQualityWarningLimit Set Mesh Quality Warning Limit
ShowFeatureSuppressibleFaces Run the ShowFeatureSuppressibleFaces action.
ShowMappableBodies Run the ShowMappableBodies action.
ShowOverlappingFaces Run the ShowOverlappingFaces action.
ShowSweepableBodies Run the ShowSweepableBodies action.
ShowUnconnectedFacesNearEdges Run the ShowUnconnectedFreeEdges action.
Update Run the Update action.


Name Description
AspectRatio Gets or sets the AspectRatio.
AutomaticMeshBasedDefeaturing Gets or sets the AutomaticMeshBasedDefeaturing.
Average Gets the Average.
Beam3 Gets the Beam3.
Beam4 Gets the Beam4.
BeamElements Gets the BeamElements.
CaptureCurvature Gets or sets the CaptureCurvature.
CaptureProximity Gets or sets the CaptureProximity.
CheckMeshQuality Gets or sets the CheckMeshQuality.
Children Gets the list of children.
CollisionAvoidance Gets or sets the CollisionAvoidance.
Comments Gets the list of associated comments.
ConnectionSize Gets or sets the ConnectionSize.
ConnectionTolerance Gets or sets the ConnectionTolerance.
ConnectionToleranceList Gets or sets the ConnectionToleranceList.
CoplanarAngleTol Gets or sets the CoplanarAngleTol.
CornerNodes Gets the CornerNodes.
CurrentConfiguration Gets the Assembly Mesh’s current configuration Id.
CurvatureNormalAngle Gets or sets the CurvatureNormalAngle.
DataModelObjectCategory Gets the current DataModelObject’s category.
DefaultShellMesher Gets or sets the default meshing engine used to mesh sheet bodies. The default value is Quad Dominant.
DefeatureTolerance Gets or sets the DefeatureTolerance.
DisplayStyle Gets or sets the DisplayStyle.
ElementOrder Gets or sets the ElementOrder.
ElementSize Gets or sets the ElementSize.
Elements Gets the Elements.
ExportFormat Gets or sets the ExportFormat.
ExportUnit Gets or sets the ExportUnit.
ExtraRetriesForAssembly Gets or sets the ExtraRetriesForAssembly.
Figures Gets the list of associated figures.
FilletRatio Gets or sets the FilletRatio.
FirstLayerHeight Gets or sets the FirstLayerHeight.
GapFactor Gets or Sets the Gap factor for Global Inflation
GasketElements Gets the GasketElements.
GeneratePinchOnRefresh Gets or sets the GeneratePinchOnRefresh.
GlobalUseCustomTargetLimit Gets or sets the GlobalUseCustomTargetLimit.
GrowthRate Gets or sets the GrowthRate.
GrowthRateSF Gets or sets the GrowthRateSF.
GrowthRateType Gets or sets the GrowthRateType.
Hex20 Gets the Hex20.
Hex8 Gets the Hex8.
HoleRemovalTolerance Gets or sets the HoleRemovalTolerance.
Images Gets the list of associated images.
InflationAlgorithm Gets or sets the InflationAlgorithm.
InflationElementType Gets or Sets the InflationElementType
InflationOption Gets or sets the InflationOption.
InitialSizeSeed Gets or sets the InitialSizeSeed.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
Line2 Gets the Line2.
Line3 Gets the Line3.
Maximum Gets the Maximum.
MaximumAngle Gets or sets the MaximumAngle.
MaximumHeightOverBase Gets or sets the MaximumHeightOverBase.
MaximumLayers Gets or sets the MaximumLayers.
MaximumSize Gets or sets the MaximumSize.
MaximumThickness Gets or sets the MaximumThickness.
MeshBasedConnection Gets or sets the MeshBasedConnection.
MeshMetric Gets or sets the MeshMetric.
MeshMorphing Gets or sets the MeshMorphing.
Method Gets or sets the Method.
MidNodes Gets the MidNodes.
MinimizeNumTriangles Gets or sets the TriangleReduction option for Batch Connections.
Minimum Gets the Minimum.
MinimumEdgeLength Gets the MinimumEdgeLength.
MinimumSize Gets or sets the MinimumSize.
MultiConnectionSteps Gets or sets the MultiConnectionSteps.
NamedSelection Gets or sets the NamedSelection.
Nodes Gets the Nodes.
NumLayers Gets or Sets the Number of Layers of Global Inflation
NumberOfCPUsForParallelPartMeshing Gets or sets the NumberOfCPUsForParallelPartMeshing.
NumberOfRetries Gets or sets the NumberOfRetries.
NumberOfShellMeshQualityMetrics Gets the number of Mesh Quality Metrics
OrientationNodes Gets the OrientationNodes.
PhysicsPreference Gets or sets the PhysicsPreference.
PinchTolerance Gets or sets the PinchTolerance.
Properties Gets the list of properties for this object.
ProximityGapFactor Gets or sets the ProximityGapFactor.
ProximityMinimumSize Gets or sets the ProximityMinimumSize.
ProximitySizeSources Gets or sets the ProximitySizeSources.
Pyramid13 Gets the Pyramid13.
Pyramid5 Gets the Pyramid5.
Quad4 Gets the Quad4.
Quad8 Gets the Quad8.
QuadMesh Gets or sets the QuadMesh.
ReadOnly Gets the ReadOnly.
Relevance Gets or sets the Relevance.
RelevanceCenter Gets or sets the RelevanceCenter.
Resolution Gets or sets the Resolution.
RigidBodyBehavior Gets or sets the BoundaryCondition.
RigidBodyFaceMeshType Gets or sets the RigidBodyFaceMeshType.
ShapeChecking Gets or sets the ShapeChecking.
SharedNodes Gets the SharedNodes.
SheetLoopRemoval Gets or sets the SheetLoopRemoval.
ShellElements Gets the ShellElements.
ShowDetailedStatistics Gets or sets the ShowDetailedStatistics.
Smoothing Gets or sets the Smoothing.
SmoothingIterations Gets or sets the SmoothingIterations.
SolidElements Gets the SolidElements.
SolidShellElements Gets the SolidShellElements.
SolverPreference Gets or sets the SolverPreference.
SpanAngleCenter Gets or sets the SpanAngleCenter.
StandardDeviation Gets the StandardDeviation.
StraightSidedElements Gets or sets the StraightSidedElements.
TargetCharacteristicLength Gets or sets the TargetCharacteristicLength.
TargetExplicitAspectRatio Gets or sets the TargetExplicitAspectRatio.
TargetQuality Gets or sets the TargetQuality.
TargetSkewness Gets or sets the TargetSkewness.
Tet10 Gets the Tet10.
Tet4 Gets the Tet4.
TopologyChecking Gets or sets the TopologyChecking.
TransitionOption Gets or sets the TransitionOption.
TransitionRatio Gets or sets the TransitionRatio.
Tri3 Gets the Tri3.
Tri6 Gets the Tri6.
TriangleSurfaceMesher Gets or sets the TriangleSurfaceMesher.
UseAdaptiveSizing Gets or sets the UseAdaptiveSizing.
UseAdvancedSizeFunction Gets or sets the UseAdvancedSizeFunction.
UseAutomaticInflation Gets or sets the UseAutomaticInflation.
UseFixedSizeFunctionForSheets Gets or sets the UseFixedSizeFunctionForSheets.
UsePostSmoothing Gets or sets the UsePostSmoothing.
UseSheetThicknessForPinch Gets or sets the UseSheetThicknessForPinch.
ViewAdvancedOptions Gets or sets the ViewAdvancedOptions.
VisibleProperties Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.
Wedge15 Gets the Wedge15.
Wedge6 Gets the Wedge6.
Worksheet Get the MeshControlWorksheet action.

Property detail

property Mesh.AspectRatio : float | None

Gets or sets the AspectRatio.

property Mesh.AutomaticMeshBasedDefeaturing : int | None

Gets or sets the AutomaticMeshBasedDefeaturing.

property Mesh.Average : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets the Average.

property Mesh.Beam3 : int | None

Gets the Beam3.

property Mesh.Beam4 : int | None

Gets the Beam4.

property Mesh.BeamElements : int | None

Gets the BeamElements.

property Mesh.CaptureCurvature : bool | None

Gets or sets the CaptureCurvature.

property Mesh.CaptureProximity : bool | None

Gets or sets the CaptureProximity.

property Mesh.CheckMeshQuality : int | None

Gets or sets the CheckMeshQuality.

property Mesh.Children : List[Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Interfaces.IDataModelObject] | None

Gets the list of children.

property Mesh.CollisionAvoidance : int | None

Gets or sets the CollisionAvoidance.

property Mesh.Comments : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Comment] | None

Gets the list of associated comments.

property Mesh.ConnectionSize : float | None

Gets or sets the ConnectionSize.

property Mesh.ConnectionTolerance : float | None

Gets or sets the ConnectionTolerance.

property Mesh.ConnectionToleranceList : str | None

Gets or sets the ConnectionToleranceList.

property Mesh.CoplanarAngleTol : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the CoplanarAngleTol.

property Mesh.CornerNodes : int | None

Gets the CornerNodes.

property Mesh.CurrentConfiguration : int | None

Gets the Assembly Mesh’s current configuration Id.

property Mesh.CurvatureNormalAngle : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the CurvatureNormalAngle.

property Mesh.DataModelObjectCategory : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.DataModelObjectCategory | None

Gets the current DataModelObject’s category.

property Mesh.DefaultShellMesher : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.DefaultShellMesherType | None

Gets or sets the default meshing engine used to mesh sheet bodies. The default value is Quad Dominant.

property Mesh.DefeatureTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the DefeatureTolerance.

property Mesh.DisplayStyle : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshDisplayStyle | None

Gets or sets the DisplayStyle.

property Mesh.ElementOrder : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ElementOrder | None

Gets or sets the ElementOrder.

property Mesh.ElementSize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ElementSize.

property Mesh.Elements : int | None

Gets the Elements.

property Mesh.ExportFormat : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.FluentExportMeshType | None

Gets or sets the ExportFormat.

property Mesh.ExportUnit : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.PolyflowExportUnit | None

Gets or sets the ExportUnit.

property Mesh.ExtraRetriesForAssembly : bool | None

Gets or sets the ExtraRetriesForAssembly.

property Mesh.Figures : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Figure] | None

Gets the list of associated figures.

property Mesh.FilletRatio : float | None

Gets or sets the FilletRatio.

property Mesh.FirstLayerHeight : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the FirstLayerHeight.

property Mesh.GapFactor : float | None

Gets or Sets the Gap factor for Global Inflation

property Mesh.GasketElements : int | None

Gets the GasketElements.

property Mesh.GeneratePinchOnRefresh : int | None

Gets or sets the GeneratePinchOnRefresh.

property Mesh.GlobalUseCustomTargetLimit : int | None

Gets or sets the GlobalUseCustomTargetLimit.

property Mesh.GrowthRate : float | None

Gets or sets the GrowthRate.

property Mesh.GrowthRateSF : float | None

Gets or sets the GrowthRateSF.

property Mesh.GrowthRateType : int | None

Gets or sets the GrowthRateType.

property Mesh.Hex20 : int | None

Gets the Hex20.

property Mesh.Hex8 : int | None

Gets the Hex8.

property Mesh.HoleRemovalTolerance : float | None

Gets or sets the HoleRemovalTolerance.

property Mesh.Images : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Image] | None

Gets the list of associated images.

property Mesh.InflationAlgorithm : int | None

Gets or sets the InflationAlgorithm.

property Mesh.InflationElementType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshInflationElementType | None

Gets or Sets the InflationElementType

property Mesh.InflationOption : int | None

Gets or sets the InflationOption.

property Mesh.InitialSizeSeed : int | None

Gets or sets the InitialSizeSeed.

property Mesh.InternalObject : Ansys.Common.Interop.DSObjectsAuto.IDSMeshControlGroupAuto | None

Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.

property Mesh.Line2 : int | None

Gets the Line2.

property Mesh.Line3 : int | None

Gets the Line3.

property Mesh.Maximum : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets the Maximum.

property Mesh.MaximumAngle : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the MaximumAngle.

property Mesh.MaximumHeightOverBase : float | None

Gets or sets the MaximumHeightOverBase.

property Mesh.MaximumLayers : int | None

Gets or sets the MaximumLayers.

property Mesh.MaximumSize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the MaximumSize.

property Mesh.MaximumThickness : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the MaximumThickness.

property Mesh.MeshBasedConnection : bool | None

Gets or sets the MeshBasedConnection.

property Mesh.MeshMetric : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType | None

Gets or sets the MeshMetric.

property Mesh.MeshMorphing : bool | None

Gets or sets the MeshMorphing.

property Mesh.Method : int | None

Gets or sets the Method.

property Mesh.MidNodes : int | None

Gets the MidNodes.

property Mesh.MinimizeNumTriangles : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.TriangleReduction | None

Gets or sets the TriangleReduction option for Batch Connections.

property Mesh.Minimum : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets the Minimum.

property Mesh.MinimumEdgeLength : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets the MinimumEdgeLength.

property Mesh.MinimumSize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the MinimumSize.

property Mesh.MultiConnectionSteps : bool | None

Gets or sets the MultiConnectionSteps.

property Mesh.NamedSelection : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.NamedSelection | None

Gets or sets the NamedSelection.

property Mesh.Nodes : int | None

Gets the Nodes.

property Mesh.NumLayers : int | None

Gets or Sets the Number of Layers of Global Inflation

property Mesh.NumberOfCPUsForParallelPartMeshing : int | None

Gets or sets the NumberOfCPUsForParallelPartMeshing.

property Mesh.NumberOfRetries : int | None

Gets or sets the NumberOfRetries.

property Mesh.NumberOfShellMeshQualityMetrics : int | None

Gets the number of Mesh Quality Metrics

property Mesh.OrientationNodes : int | None

Gets the OrientationNodes.

property Mesh.PhysicsPreference : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshPhysicsPreferenceType | None

Gets or sets the PhysicsPreference.

property Mesh.PinchTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the PinchTolerance.

property Mesh.Properties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None

Gets the list of properties for this object.

property Mesh.ProximityGapFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the ProximityGapFactor.

property Mesh.ProximityMinimumSize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ProximityMinimumSize.

property Mesh.ProximitySizeSources : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ProximitySFSourcesType | None

Gets or sets the ProximitySizeSources.

property Mesh.Pyramid13 : int | None

Gets the Pyramid13.

property Mesh.Pyramid5 : int | None

Gets the Pyramid5.

property Mesh.Quad4 : int | None

Gets the Quad4.

property Mesh.Quad8 : int | None

Gets the Quad8.

property Mesh.QuadMesh : bool | None

Gets or sets the QuadMesh.

property Mesh.ReadOnly : bool | None

Gets the ReadOnly.

property Mesh.Relevance : int | None

Gets or sets the Relevance.

property Mesh.RelevanceCenter : int | None

Gets or sets the RelevanceCenter.

property Mesh.Resolution : int | None

Gets or sets the Resolution.

property Mesh.RigidBodyBehavior : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshControlGroupRigidBodyBehaviorType | None

Gets or sets the BoundaryCondition.

property Mesh.RigidBodyFaceMeshType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshControlGroupRigidBodyFaceMeshType | None

Gets or sets the RigidBodyFaceMeshType.

property Mesh.ShapeChecking : int | None

Gets or sets the ShapeChecking.

property Mesh.SharedNodes : int | None

Gets the SharedNodes.

property Mesh.SheetLoopRemoval : bool | None

Gets or sets the SheetLoopRemoval.

property Mesh.ShellElements : int | None

Gets the ShellElements.

property Mesh.ShowDetailedStatistics : bool | None

Gets or sets the ShowDetailedStatistics.

property Mesh.Smoothing : int | None

Gets or sets the Smoothing.

property Mesh.SmoothingIterations : int | None

Gets or sets the SmoothingIterations.

property Mesh.SolidElements : int | None

Gets the SolidElements.

property Mesh.SolidShellElements : int | None

Gets the SolidShellElements.

property Mesh.SolverPreference : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshSolverPreferenceType | None

Gets or sets the SolverPreference.

property Mesh.SpanAngleCenter : int | None

Gets or sets the SpanAngleCenter.

property Mesh.StandardDeviation : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets the StandardDeviation.

property Mesh.StraightSidedElements : bool | None

Gets or sets the StraightSidedElements.

property Mesh.TargetCharacteristicLength : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the TargetCharacteristicLength.

property Mesh.TargetExplicitAspectRatio : float | None

Gets or sets the TargetExplicitAspectRatio.

property Mesh.TargetQuality : float | None

Gets or sets the TargetQuality.

property Mesh.TargetSkewness : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the TargetSkewness.

property Mesh.Tet10 : int | None

Gets the Tet10.

property Mesh.Tet4 : int | None

Gets the Tet4.

property Mesh.TopologyChecking : bool | None

Gets or sets the TopologyChecking.

property Mesh.TransitionOption : int | None

Gets or sets the TransitionOption.

property Mesh.TransitionRatio : float | None

Gets or sets the TransitionRatio.

property Mesh.Tri3 : int | None

Gets the Tri3.

property Mesh.Tri6 : int | None

Gets the Tri6.

property Mesh.TriangleSurfaceMesher : int | None

Gets or sets the TriangleSurfaceMesher.

property Mesh.UseAdaptiveSizing : bool | None

Gets or sets the UseAdaptiveSizing.

property Mesh.UseAdvancedSizeFunction : int | None

Gets or sets the UseAdvancedSizeFunction.

property Mesh.UseAutomaticInflation : int | None

Gets or sets the UseAutomaticInflation.

property Mesh.UseFixedSizeFunctionForSheets : bool | None

Gets or sets the UseFixedSizeFunctionForSheets.

property Mesh.UsePostSmoothing : int | None

Gets or sets the UsePostSmoothing.

property Mesh.UseSheetThicknessForPinch : bool | None

Gets or sets the UseSheetThicknessForPinch.

property Mesh.ViewAdvancedOptions : bool | None

Gets or sets the ViewAdvancedOptions.

property Mesh.VisibleProperties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None

Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.

property Mesh.Wedge15 : int | None

Gets the Wedge15.

property Mesh.Wedge6 : int | None

Gets the Wedge6.

property Mesh.Worksheet : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.IWorksheet | None

Get the MeshControlWorksheet action.

Method detail


Activate the current object.


ActivateAllSolidSurfaceWorksheetRows method.


ActivateAllSurfaceWorksheetRows method.


ActivateAllVolumeWorksheetRows method.


Creates a new AutomaticMethod


Creates a new child Comment.


Creates a new Connect Control


Add a new AddContactMatchGroup.


Creates a new ContactSizing


Creates a new SagControl


Add a new DirectMorph.


Creates a new FaceMeshing


Creates a new FeatureSuppress


Creates a new child Figure.


Creates a new GeometryFidelity

Mesh.AddImage(filePath: str)

Creates a new child Image.
If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file,
if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window.


Creates a new Inflation


Add a new ManualMeshConnection


Creates a new MatchControl


Add a new MeshConnectionGroup.


Creates a new MeshCopy


Adds Mesh Layers when contour enabled in Mesh Quality Workhseet mode.


Add a new NodeMerge.


Add a new NodeMergeGroup.


Creates a new Pinch


Add a new Pull (Extrude).


Add a new Pull (Revolve).


Add a new Pull (Surface Coating)).


Creates a new Refinement


Creates a new RepairTopology


Creates a new Sizing


Creates a new TopologySuppressControl


Creates a new SagControl


Creates a new WeldControl

Mesh.CleanPartOrBody(dataModelObjects: Iterable)

Clear generated data for parts and/or bodies provided.


Run the ClearGeneratedData action.

Mesh.CopyTo(other: Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.DataModelObject)

Copies all visible properties from this object to another.

Mesh.CreateMQSolidSurfaceElementsNamedSelection(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, failCode: int)

Create Mesh Quality SolidSurface Element Name Selection

Mesh.CreateMQSurfaceElementsNamedSelection(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, failCode: int)

Create Mesh Quality Surface Element Named Selection

Mesh.CreateMQVolumeElementsNamedSelection(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, failCode: int)

Create Mesh Quality Volume Element Name Selection

Mesh.CreateParameter(propName: str)

Creates a new parameter for a Property.


Run the CreatePinchControls action.


DeactivateAllSolidSurfaceWorksheetRows method.


DeactivateAllSurfaceWorksheetRows method.


DeactivateAllVolumeWorksheetRows method.


Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.

Mesh.ExportWeldDefinitionFile(filePath: str)

Export the weld definition file to the specified location.
If the folder does not exist or file cannot be written to the location, an exception will be thrown.
Pre-existing files will be overwritten.


Run the GenerateMesh action.

Mesh.GetActiveSurfaceMeshQuality(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Active User Mesh Quality

Mesh.GetChildren(recurses: bool, children: List[ChildrenType])

Gets the list of children, filtered by type.

Mesh.GetIsShellTargetMetric(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Shell Target Metric

Mesh.GetIsSolidSurfaceTargetMetric(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get SolidSurface Target Metric

Mesh.GetIsSolidTargetMetric(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Solid Target Metric

Mesh.GetMeshMetricOptions(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

GetMeshMetricOptions method.

Mesh.GetParameter(propName: str)

Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.


GetSolidSurfaceMeshMetrics method.

Mesh.GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityAverageMetricValue(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Average Metric Value

Mesh.GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityCountFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Count Failed

Mesh.GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityErrorLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Error Limit

Mesh.GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityName(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Name

Mesh.GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityPercentageFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Percentage Failed

Mesh.GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWarningCountFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Warning Count Failed

Mesh.GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWarningLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Warning Limit

Mesh.GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWarningPercentageFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Warning Percentage Failed

Mesh.GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWorstMetricBackgroundColor(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Worst Metric BackgroundColor

Mesh.GetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWorstMetricValue(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Worst Metric Value

Mesh.GetSurfaceMeshQualityAverageMetricValue(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Average Metric Value

Mesh.GetSurfaceMeshQualityCountFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Count Failed

Mesh.GetSurfaceMeshQualityErrorLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get User Mesh Quality Error Limit

Mesh.GetSurfaceMeshQualityName(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Name

Mesh.GetSurfaceMeshQualityPercentageFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Percentage Failed

Mesh.GetSurfaceMeshQualityWarningCountFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Warning Count Failed

Mesh.GetSurfaceMeshQualityWarningLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get User Mesh Quality Warning Limit

Mesh.GetSurfaceMeshQualityWarningPercentageFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Warning Percentage Failed

Mesh.GetSurfaceMeshQualityWorstMetricValue(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Worst Metric Value


GetVolumeMeshMetrics method.

Mesh.GetVolumeMeshQualityAverageMetricValue(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Average Metric Value

Mesh.GetVolumeMeshQualityCountFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Count Failed

Mesh.GetVolumeMeshQualityErrorLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Error Limit

Mesh.GetVolumeMeshQualityName(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Name

Mesh.GetVolumeMeshQualityPercentageFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Percentage Failed

Mesh.GetVolumeMeshQualityWarningCountFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Warning Count Failed

Mesh.GetVolumeMeshQualityWarningLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Warning Limit

Mesh.GetVolumeMeshQualityWarningPercentageFailed(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Warning Percentage Failed

Mesh.GetVolumeMeshQualityWorstMetricBackgroundColor(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Worst Metric BackgroundColor

Mesh.GetVolumeMeshQualityWorstMetricValue(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType)

Get Mesh Quality Worst Metric Value


Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.


Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.

Mesh.IsMeshMetricVisible(index: int)

IsMeshMetricVisible method.

Mesh.LoadMQWorksheetFile(filePath: str)

LoadMQWorksheetFile method.

Mesh.PinchControlGeomtry(geomType: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshControlPinchGeomtryType)

Set the geometry type for the Pinch Control.


Run the PreviewInflation action.


Preview model mesh on all weld controls of the Mesh.

Mesh.PreviewMeshOnWeld(dataModelObject: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Interfaces.IDataModelObject)

Preview model mesh on one weld control provided.

Mesh.PreviewMeshOnWeldWorksheet(dataModelObject: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Interfaces.IDataModelObject, indices: Iterable[int])

PreviewMeshOnWeldWorksheet method.

Mesh.PreviewMeshOnWelds(dataModelObjects: Iterable[Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Interfaces.IDataModelObject])

PreviewMeshOnWelds method.


Run the PreviewSurfaceMesh action.


Preview Welds.

Mesh.PropertyByAPIName(name: str)

Get a property by its API name.
If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned.

Mesh.PropertyByName(name: str)

Get a property by its unique name.


Removes Mesh Layers when contour enabled in Mesh Quality Workhseet mode.

Mesh.RemoveParameter(propName: str)

Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.

Mesh.SaveMQWorksheetFile(filePath: str)

SaveMQWorksheetFile method.

Mesh.SetActiveSolidSurfaceMeshQuality(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, activeMetric: float)

Set Active Mesh Quality

Mesh.SetActiveSurfaceMeshQuality(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, activeMetric: float)

Set Active Mesh Quality

Mesh.SetActiveVolumeMeshQuality(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, activeMetric: float)

Set Active Mesh Quality

Mesh.SetMeshMetricOptions(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, prefValue: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MetricPreference)

SetMeshMetricOptions method.

Mesh.SetSolidMeshMetricLimits(metricType: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, warningLimit: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity, ErrorLimit: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)

SetSolidMeshMetricLimits method.

Mesh.SetSolidSurfaceMeshMetricLimits(metricType: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, warningLimit: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity, ErrorLimit: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)

SetSolidSurfaceMeshMetricLimits method.

Mesh.SetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityErrorLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, errorLevel: float)

Set Mesh Quality Error Limit

Mesh.SetSolidSurfaceMeshQualityWarningLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, warningLevel: float)

Set Mesh Quality Warning Limit

Mesh.SetSurfaceMeshMetricLimits(metricType: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, warningLimit: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity, ErrorLimit: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)

SetSurfaceMeshMetricLimits method.

Mesh.SetSurfaceMeshQualityErrorLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, errorLevel: float)

Set Mesh Quality Error Level

Mesh.SetSurfaceMeshQualityWarningLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, warningLevel: float)

Set Mesh Quality Warning Limit

Mesh.SetVolumeMeshQualityErrorLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, errorLevel: float)

Set Mesh Quality Error Limit

Mesh.SetVolumeMeshQualityWarningLimit(meshMetric: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshMetricType, warningLevel: float)

Set Mesh Quality Warning Limit


Run the ShowFeatureSuppressibleFaces action.


Run the ShowMappableBodies action.


Run the ShowOverlappingFaces action.


Run the ShowSweepableBodies action.


Run the ShowUnconnectedFreeEdges action.


Run the Update action.