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Mechanical scripting interface


Last update: 14.01.2025

class Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.FeatureDetectionDefinition

Bases: object

FeatureDetectionDefinition class.



Name Description
AddFeatureDetection Add a FeatureDetection to the FeatureDetection Definition
DeleteFeatureDetection Delete a FeatureDetection from the Feature Detection Definition
ExecuteDetectFeatures ExecuteDetectFeatures method.
Export Export Feature Detection Definition data to Comma Separated Value (CSV) files
GetFeatureCriteriaAngle Gets the Angle property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index
GetFeatureCriteriaMaxBound Gets the Max-Bound property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index
GetFeatureCriteriaMinBound Gets the Min Bound property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index
GetFeatureCriteriaValue Gets the Value property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index
GetFeatureDetectionCriteria Gets the Feature Detection Criteria property at given index
GetFeatureDetectionName Gets the FeatureDetection Name property at given index
GetFeatureDetectionOperator Gets the Feature Detection Operator property at given index
GetFeatureDetectionTreatment Gets the Feature Detection Criteria property at given index
GetFeatureDetectionType Gets the Feature Detection Type property at given index
Import Import Feature Detection Definition data from Comma Separated Value (CSV) files
SetFeatureCriteriaAngle Sets the Angle property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index
SetFeatureCriteriaMaxBound Sets the Max Bound property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index
SetFeatureCriteriaMinBound Sets the Min Bound property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index
SetFeatureCriteriaValue Sets the Value property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index
SetFeatureDetectionCriteria Sets the Feature Detection Criteria property at given index
SetFeatureDetectionName Sets the FeatureDetection Name property at given index
SetFeatureDetectionOperator Sets the Feature Detection Operator property at given index
SetFeatureDetectionOptions Set Feature Detection Solid / Sheet / Beta settings
SetFeatureDetectionTreatment Sets the Feature Detection Criteria property at given index
SetFeatureDetectionType Sets the Feature Detection Type property at given index


Name Description
FeatureDetectionCount Gets the number of Feature Detections

Property detail

property FeatureDetectionDefinition.FeatureDetectionCount : int | None

Gets the number of Feature Detections

Method detail

FeatureDetectionDefinition.AddFeatureDetection(name: str, type: int, criteria: int, fdOperator: int, critValue: float, angleValue: float, minBound: float, maxBound: float, meshTreatment: int)

Add a FeatureDetection to the FeatureDetection Definition

FeatureDetectionDefinition.DeleteFeatureDetection(index: int)

Delete a FeatureDetection from the Feature Detection Definition


ExecuteDetectFeatures method.

FeatureDetectionDefinition.Export(filepath: str)

Export Feature Detection Definition data to Comma Separated Value (CSV) files

FeatureDetectionDefinition.GetFeatureCriteriaAngle(index: int)

Gets the Angle property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.GetFeatureCriteriaMaxBound(index: int)

Gets the Max-Bound property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.GetFeatureCriteriaMinBound(index: int)

Gets the Min Bound property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.GetFeatureCriteriaValue(index: int)

Gets the Value property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.GetFeatureDetectionCriteria(index: int)

Gets the Feature Detection Criteria property at given index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.GetFeatureDetectionName(index: int)

Gets the FeatureDetection Name property at given index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.GetFeatureDetectionOperator(index: int)

Gets the Feature Detection Operator property at given index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.GetFeatureDetectionTreatment(index: int)

Gets the Feature Detection Criteria property at given index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.GetFeatureDetectionType(index: int)

Gets the Feature Detection Type property at given index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.Import(filepath: str)

Import Feature Detection Definition data from Comma Separated Value (CSV) files

FeatureDetectionDefinition.SetFeatureCriteriaAngle(index: int, value: float)

Sets the Angle property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.SetFeatureCriteriaMaxBound(index: int, value: float)

Sets the Max Bound property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.SetFeatureCriteriaMinBound(index: int, value: float)

Sets the Min Bound property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.SetFeatureCriteriaValue(index: int, value: float)

Sets the Value property at given FeatureDetection index and BaseCase index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.SetFeatureDetectionCriteria(index: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.FeatureDetectionCriteria)

Sets the Feature Detection Criteria property at given index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.SetFeatureDetectionName(index: int, name: str)

Sets the FeatureDetection Name property at given index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.SetFeatureDetectionOperator(index: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.FeatureDetectionOperator)

Sets the Feature Detection Operator property at given index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.SetFeatureDetectionOptions(isSolid: bool, isSheet: bool, isBeta: bool)

Set Feature Detection Solid / Sheet / Beta settings

FeatureDetectionDefinition.SetFeatureDetectionTreatment(index: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.FeatureDetectionTreatment)

Sets the Feature Detection Criteria property at given index

FeatureDetectionDefinition.SetFeatureDetectionType(index: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.FeatureDetectionType)

Sets the Feature Detection Type property at given index