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Mechanical scripting interface


Last update: 14.01.2025

class Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Connections.ContactRegion

Bases: object

Defines a ContactRegion.



Name Description
Activate Activate the current object.
AddCommandSnippet Creates a new CommandSnippet
AddComment Creates a new child Comment.
AddFigure Creates a new child Figure.
AddImage Creates a new child Image.
AddPythonCodeEventBased Creates a new PythonCodeEventBased
CopyTo Copies all visible properties from this object to another.
CreateParameter Creates a new parameter for a Property.
Delete Run the Delete action.
Duplicate Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.
FlipContactTarget Run the FlipContactTarget action.
GetChildren Gets the list of children, filtered by type.
GetParameter Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.
GroupAllSimilarChildren Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.
GroupSimilarObjects Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.
LoadContactRegionSettings Run the LoadContactRegionSettings action.
PromoteToNamedSelection Run the PromoteToNamedSelection action.
PromoteToRemotePoint Run the PromoteToRemotePoint action.
PropertyByAPIName Get a property by its API name.
PropertyByName Get a property by its unique name.
RemoveParameter Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.
RenameBasedOnDefinition Run the RenameBasedOnDefinition action.
ResetToDefault Run the ResetToDefault action.
SaveContactRegionSettings Run the SaveContactRegionSettings action.
SearchConnectionsForDuplicatePairs Run the SearchConnectionsForDuplicatePairs action.
SetDefaultAPDLNames Run the SetDefaultAPDLNames action.


Name Description
AutomaticDetectionValue Gets the AutomaticDetectionValue.
AutomaticElectricCapacitance Gets or sets the AutomaticElectricCapacitance.
AutomaticElectricConductance Gets or sets the AutomaticElectricConductance.
AutomaticNormalStiffness Gets or sets the AutomaticNormalStiffness.
AutomaticThermalConductance Gets or sets the AutomaticThermalConductance.
BeamBeamDetection Gets or sets the BeamBeamDetection.
BeamBeamModel Gets or sets the BeamBeamModel.
BeamMaterialName Gets or sets the BeamMaterialName.
BeamRadius Gets or sets the BeamRadius.
Behavior Gets or sets the Behavior.
BondedMaximumOffset Gets or sets the BondedMaximumOffset.
Breakable Gets or sets the Breakable.
Children Gets the list of children.
Comments Gets the list of associated comments.
ConstraintType Gets or sets the ConstraintType.
ContactAPDLName Gets or sets the ContactAPDLName.
ContactBodies Gets the ContactBodies.
ContactCenterPoint Gets or sets the ContactCenterPoint.
ContactEndingPoint Gets or sets the ContactEndingPoint.
ContactFormulation Gets or sets the ContactFormulation.
ContactGeometryCorrection Gets or sets the ContactGeometryCorrection.
ContactOrientation Gets or sets the ContactOrientation.
ContactShellFace Gets or sets the ContactShellFace.
ContactStartingPoint Gets or sets the ContactStartingPoint.
ContactType Gets or sets the ContactType.
ContinuousDistanceComputation Gets or sets the ContinuousDistanceComputation.
DataModelObjectCategory Gets the current DataModelObject’s category.
DecayConstant Gets or sets the DecayConstant.
DetectionMethod Gets or sets the DetectionMethod.
DisplayElementNormal Gets or sets the DisplayElementNormal.
DynamicCoefficient Gets or sets the DynamicCoefficient.
EdgeContactType Gets or sets the EdgeContactType.
ElasticSlipTolerance Gets or sets the ElasticSlipTolerance.
ElasticSlipToleranceFactor Gets or sets the ElasticSlipToleranceFactor.
ElasticSlipToleranceValue Gets or sets the ElasticSlipToleranceValue.
ElectricCapacitanceValue Gets or sets the ElectricCapacitanceValue.
ElectricConductanceValue Gets or sets the ElectricConductanceValue.
Figures Gets the list of associated figures.
FlipContact Gets or sets the FlipContact.
FlipTarget Gets or sets the FlipTarget.
FrictionCoefficient Gets or sets the FrictionCoefficient.
Handedness Gets or sets the Handedness.
Images Gets the list of associated images.
InitialClearance Gets or sets the InitialClearance.
InitialClearanceFactor Gets or sets the InitialClearanceFactor.
InitialClearanceValue Gets or sets the InitialClearanceValue.
InterfaceTreatment Gets or sets the InterfaceTreatment.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
LineLineDetection Gets or sets the LineLineDetection.
Material Gets or sets the Material.
MeanPitchDiameter Gets or sets the MeanPitchDiameter.
NormalForceExponent Gets or sets the NormalForceExponent.
NormalForceLimit Gets or sets the NormalForceLimit.
NormalStiffnessFactor Gets or sets the NormalStiffnessFactor.
NormalStiffnessValue Gets or sets the NormalStiffnessValue.
NormalStiffnessValueType Gets or sets the NormalStiffnessValueType.
NormalStressExponent Gets or sets the NormalStressExponent.
NormalStressLimit Gets or sets the NormalStressLimit.
PenetrationTolerance Gets or sets the PenetrationTolerance.
PenetrationToleranceFactor Gets or sets the PenetrationToleranceFactor.
PenetrationToleranceValue Gets or sets the PenetrationToleranceValue.
PinballFactor Gets or sets the PinballFactor.
PinballRadius Gets or sets the PinballRadius.
PinballRegion Gets or sets the PinballRegion.
PitchDistance Gets or sets the PitchDistance.
PressureAtZeroPenetration Gets or sets the PressureAtZeroPenetration.
PressureAtZeroPenetrationFactor Gets or sets the PressureAtZeroPenetrationFactor.
PressureAtZeroPenetrationValue Gets or sets the PressureAtZeroPenetrationValue.
Properties Gets the list of properties for this object.
Protected Gets or sets the Protected.
RBDContactDetection Gets or sets the RBDContactDetection.
ReadOnly Gets or sets the ReadOnly.
RestitutionFactor Gets or sets the RestitutionFactor.
ScopeMode Gets the ScopeMode.
SharedSourceBody Gets or sets the SharedSourceBody.
SharedSourceReverseNormalLocation Gets or sets the SharedSourceReverseNormalLocation.
SharedTargetBody Gets or sets the SharedTargetBody.
SharedTargetReverseNormalLocation Gets or sets the SharedTargetReverseNormalLocation.
ShearForceExponent Gets or sets the ShearForceExponent.
ShearForceLimit Gets or sets the ShearForceLimit.
ShearStressExponent Gets or sets the ShearStressExponent.
ShearStressLimit Gets or sets the ShearStressLimit.
ShellThicknessEffect Gets or sets the ShellThicknessEffect.
SmallSliding Gets or sets the SmallSliding.
SourceLocation Gets or sets the SourceLocation.
StabilizationDampingFactor Gets or sets the StabilizationDampingFactor.
Suppressed Gets or sets the Suppressed.
TargetAPDLName Gets or sets the TargetAPDLName.
TargetBodies Gets the TargetBodies.
TargetCenterPoint Gets or sets the TargetCenterPoint.
TargetEndingPoint Gets or sets the TargetEndingPoint.
TargetGeometryCorrection Gets or sets the TargetGeometryCorrection.
TargetLocation Gets or sets the TargetLocation.
TargetOrientation Gets or sets the TargetOrientation.
TargetShellFace Gets or sets the TargetShellFace.
TargetStartingPoint Gets or sets the TargetStartingPoint.
ThermalConductanceValue Gets or sets the ThermalConductanceValue.
ThreadAngle Gets or sets the ThreadAngle.
ThreadType Gets or sets the ThreadType.
TimeStepControls Gets or sets the TimeStepControls.
TrimContact Gets or sets the TrimContact.
TrimTolerance Gets or sets the TrimTolerance.
UpdateStiffness Gets or sets the UpdateStiffness.
UserOffset Gets or sets the UserOffset.
VisibleProperties Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.

Property detail

property ContactRegion.AutomaticDetectionValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets the AutomaticDetectionValue.

property ContactRegion.AutomaticElectricCapacitance : bool | None

Gets or sets the AutomaticElectricCapacitance.

property ContactRegion.AutomaticElectricConductance : bool | None

Gets or sets the AutomaticElectricConductance.

property ContactRegion.AutomaticNormalStiffness : bool | None

Gets or sets the AutomaticNormalStiffness.

property ContactRegion.AutomaticThermalConductance : bool | None

Gets or sets the AutomaticThermalConductance.

property ContactRegion.BeamBeamDetection : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.BeamBeamContactDetectionType | None

Gets or sets the BeamBeamDetection.

property ContactRegion.BeamBeamModel : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.BeamBeamModel | None

Gets or sets the BeamBeamModel.

property ContactRegion.BeamMaterialName : str | None

Gets or sets the BeamMaterialName.

property ContactRegion.BeamRadius : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the BeamRadius.

property ContactRegion.Behavior : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactBehavior | None

Gets or sets the Behavior.

property ContactRegion.BondedMaximumOffset : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the BondedMaximumOffset.

property ContactRegion.Breakable : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.BondedBreakableType | None

Gets or sets the Breakable.

property ContactRegion.Children : List[Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Interfaces.IDataModelObject] | None

Gets the list of children.

property ContactRegion.Comments : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Comment] | None

Gets the list of associated comments.

property ContactRegion.ConstraintType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactConstraintType | None

Gets or sets the ConstraintType.

property ContactRegion.ContactAPDLName : str | None

Gets or sets the ContactAPDLName.

property ContactRegion.ContactBodies : str | None

Gets the ContactBodies.

property ContactRegion.ContactCenterPoint : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.CoordinateSystem | None

Gets or sets the ContactCenterPoint.

property ContactRegion.ContactEndingPoint : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.CoordinateSystem | None

Gets or sets the ContactEndingPoint.

property ContactRegion.ContactFormulation : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactFormulation | None

Gets or sets the ContactFormulation.

property ContactRegion.ContactGeometryCorrection : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactCorrection | None

Gets or sets the ContactGeometryCorrection.

property ContactRegion.ContactOrientation : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactOrientation | None

Gets or sets the ContactOrientation.

property ContactRegion.ContactShellFace : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ShellFaceType | None

Gets or sets the ContactShellFace.

property ContactRegion.ContactStartingPoint : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.CoordinateSystem | None

Gets or sets the ContactStartingPoint.

property ContactRegion.ContactType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactType | None

Gets or sets the ContactType.

property ContactRegion.ContinuousDistanceComputation : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.YesNoProgrammedControlled | None

Gets or sets the ContinuousDistanceComputation.

property ContactRegion.DataModelObjectCategory : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.DataModelObjectCategory | None

Gets the current DataModelObject’s category.

property ContactRegion.DecayConstant : float | None

Gets or sets the DecayConstant.

property ContactRegion.DetectionMethod : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactDetectionPoint | None

Gets or sets the DetectionMethod.

property ContactRegion.DisplayElementNormal : bool | None

Gets or sets the DisplayElementNormal.

property ContactRegion.DynamicCoefficient : float | None

Gets or sets the DynamicCoefficient.

property ContactRegion.EdgeContactType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EdgeContactType | None

Gets or sets the EdgeContactType.

property ContactRegion.ElasticSlipTolerance : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactElasticSlipToleranceType | None

Gets or sets the ElasticSlipTolerance.

property ContactRegion.ElasticSlipToleranceFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the ElasticSlipToleranceFactor.

property ContactRegion.ElasticSlipToleranceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ElasticSlipToleranceValue.

property ContactRegion.ElectricCapacitanceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ElectricCapacitanceValue.

property ContactRegion.ElectricConductanceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ElectricConductanceValue.

property ContactRegion.Figures : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Figure] | None

Gets the list of associated figures.

property ContactRegion.FlipContact : bool | None

Gets or sets the FlipContact.

property ContactRegion.FlipTarget : bool | None

Gets or sets the FlipTarget.

property ContactRegion.FrictionCoefficient : float | None

Gets or sets the FrictionCoefficient.

property ContactRegion.Handedness : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactBoltThreadHand | None

Gets or sets the Handedness.

property ContactRegion.Images : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Image] | None

Gets the list of associated images.

property ContactRegion.InitialClearance : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.InitialClearanceType | None

Gets or sets the InitialClearance.

property ContactRegion.InitialClearanceFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the InitialClearanceFactor.

property ContactRegion.InitialClearanceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the InitialClearanceValue.

property ContactRegion.InterfaceTreatment : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactInitialEffect | None

Gets or sets the InterfaceTreatment.

property ContactRegion.InternalObject : Ansys.Common.Interop.DSObjectsAuto.IDSContactRegionAuto | None

Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.

property ContactRegion.LineLineDetection : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.LineLineContactDetectionType | None

Gets or sets the LineLineDetection.

property ContactRegion.Material : str | None

Gets or sets the Material.

property ContactRegion.MeanPitchDiameter : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the MeanPitchDiameter.

property ContactRegion.NormalForceExponent : float | None

Gets or sets the NormalForceExponent.

property ContactRegion.NormalForceLimit : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the NormalForceLimit.

property ContactRegion.NormalStiffnessFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the NormalStiffnessFactor.

property ContactRegion.NormalStiffnessValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the NormalStiffnessValue.

property ContactRegion.NormalStiffnessValueType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ElementControlsNormalStiffnessType | None

Gets or sets the NormalStiffnessValueType.

property ContactRegion.NormalStressExponent : float | None

Gets or sets the NormalStressExponent.

property ContactRegion.NormalStressLimit : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the NormalStressLimit.

property ContactRegion.PenetrationTolerance : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactPenetrationToleranceType | None

Gets or sets the PenetrationTolerance.

property ContactRegion.PenetrationToleranceFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the PenetrationToleranceFactor.

property ContactRegion.PenetrationToleranceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the PenetrationToleranceValue.

property ContactRegion.PinballFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the PinballFactor.

property ContactRegion.PinballRadius : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the PinballRadius.

property ContactRegion.PinballRegion : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactPinballType | None

Gets or sets the PinballRegion.

property ContactRegion.PitchDistance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the PitchDistance.

property ContactRegion.PressureAtZeroPenetration : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.PressureAtZeroPenetrationType | None

Gets or sets the PressureAtZeroPenetration.

property ContactRegion.PressureAtZeroPenetrationFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the PressureAtZeroPenetrationFactor.

property ContactRegion.PressureAtZeroPenetrationValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the PressureAtZeroPenetrationValue.

property ContactRegion.Properties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None

Gets the list of properties for this object.

property ContactRegion.Protected : bool | None

Gets or sets the Protected.

property ContactRegion.RBDContactDetection : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.DSRBDContactDetection | None

Gets or sets the RBDContactDetection.

property ContactRegion.ReadOnly : bool | None

Gets or sets the ReadOnly.

property ContactRegion.RestitutionFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the RestitutionFactor.

property ContactRegion.ScopeMode : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.AutomaticOrManual | None

Gets the ScopeMode.

property ContactRegion.SharedSourceBody : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Body | None

Gets or sets the SharedSourceBody.

property ContactRegion.SharedSourceReverseNormalLocation : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.ISelectionInfo | None

Gets or sets the SharedSourceReverseNormalLocation.

property ContactRegion.SharedTargetBody : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Body | None

Gets or sets the SharedTargetBody.

property ContactRegion.SharedTargetReverseNormalLocation : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.ISelectionInfo | None

Gets or sets the SharedTargetReverseNormalLocation.

property ContactRegion.ShearForceExponent : float | None

Gets or sets the ShearForceExponent.

property ContactRegion.ShearForceLimit : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ShearForceLimit.

property ContactRegion.ShearStressExponent : float | None

Gets or sets the ShearStressExponent.

property ContactRegion.ShearStressLimit : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ShearStressLimit.

property ContactRegion.ShellThicknessEffect : bool | None

Gets or sets the ShellThicknessEffect.

property ContactRegion.SmallSliding : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactSmallSlidingType | None

Gets or sets the SmallSliding.

property ContactRegion.SourceLocation : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.ISelectionInfo | None

Gets or sets the SourceLocation.

property ContactRegion.StabilizationDampingFactor : float | None

Gets or sets the StabilizationDampingFactor.

property ContactRegion.Suppressed : bool | None

Gets or sets the Suppressed.

property ContactRegion.TargetAPDLName : str | None

Gets or sets the TargetAPDLName.

property ContactRegion.TargetBodies : str | None

Gets the TargetBodies.

property ContactRegion.TargetCenterPoint : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.CoordinateSystem | None

Gets or sets the TargetCenterPoint.

property ContactRegion.TargetEndingPoint : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.CoordinateSystem | None

Gets or sets the TargetEndingPoint.

property ContactRegion.TargetGeometryCorrection : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.TargetCorrection | None

Gets or sets the TargetGeometryCorrection.

property ContactRegion.TargetLocation : Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.ISelectionInfo | None

Gets or sets the TargetLocation.

property ContactRegion.TargetOrientation : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.TargetOrientation | None

Gets or sets the TargetOrientation.

property ContactRegion.TargetShellFace : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ShellFaceType | None

Gets or sets the TargetShellFace.

property ContactRegion.TargetStartingPoint : Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.CoordinateSystem | None

Gets or sets the TargetStartingPoint.

property ContactRegion.ThermalConductanceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ThermalConductanceValue.

property ContactRegion.ThreadAngle : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ThreadAngle.

property ContactRegion.ThreadType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactBoltThreadType | None

Gets or sets the ThreadType.

property ContactRegion.TimeStepControls : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactTimeStepControls | None

Gets or sets the TimeStepControls.

property ContactRegion.TrimContact : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactTrimType | None

Gets or sets the TrimContact.

property ContactRegion.TrimTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the TrimTolerance.

property ContactRegion.UpdateStiffness : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.UpdateContactStiffness | None

Gets or sets the UpdateStiffness.

property ContactRegion.UserOffset : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the UserOffset.

property ContactRegion.VisibleProperties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None

Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.

Method detail


Activate the current object.


Creates a new CommandSnippet


Creates a new child Comment.


Creates a new child Figure.

ContactRegion.AddImage(filePath: str)

Creates a new child Image.
If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file,
if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window.


Creates a new PythonCodeEventBased

ContactRegion.CopyTo(other: Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.DataModelObject)

Copies all visible properties from this object to another.

ContactRegion.CreateParameter(propName: str)

Creates a new parameter for a Property.


Run the Delete action.


Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.


Run the FlipContactTarget action.

ContactRegion.GetChildren(recurses: bool, children: List[ChildrenType])

Gets the list of children, filtered by type.

ContactRegion.GetParameter(propName: str)

Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.


Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.


Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.

ContactRegion.LoadContactRegionSettings(fName: str)

Run the LoadContactRegionSettings action.


Run the PromoteToNamedSelection action.


Run the PromoteToRemotePoint action.

ContactRegion.PropertyByAPIName(name: str)

Get a property by its API name.
If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned.

ContactRegion.PropertyByName(name: str)

Get a property by its unique name.

ContactRegion.RemoveParameter(propName: str)

Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.


Run the RenameBasedOnDefinition action.


Run the ResetToDefault action.

ContactRegion.SaveContactRegionSettings(fName: str)

Run the SaveContactRegionSettings action.


Run the SearchConnectionsForDuplicatePairs action.


Run the SetDefaultAPDLNames action.