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Mechanical scripting interface


Last update: 14.01.2025

class Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.AnalysisSettings.RBDAnalysisSettings

Bases: object

RBDAnalysisSettings class.



Name Description
Activate Activate the current object.
AddComment Creates a new child Comment.
AddFigure Creates a new child Figure.
AddImage Creates a new child Image.
CopyTo Copies all visible properties from this object to another.
CreateParameter Creates a new parameter for a Property.
DeleteAllRestartPoints DeleteAllRestartPoints method.
Duplicate Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.
GetAutomaticTimeStepping Gets the Automatic Time Stepping at a given solution step.
GetCarryOverTimeStep Gets the Carry Over Time Step at a given solution step.
GetChildren Gets the list of children, filtered by type.
GetInitialTimeStep Gets the Initial Time Step at a given solution step.
GetMaximumTimeStep Gets the Maximum Time Step at a given solution step.
GetMinimumTimeStep Gets the Minimum Time Step at a given solution step.
GetParameter Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.
GetStepEndTime Gets the Step End Time at a given solution step.
GetStoreResultAt Gets the StoreResultAt setting at a given solution step.
GetStoreResultAtValue Gets the StoreResultAtValue setting at a given solution step.
GetTimeStep Gets the (fixed) Time Step at a given solution step.
GroupAllSimilarChildren Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.
GroupSimilarObjects Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.
PropertyByAPIName Get a property by its API name.
PropertyByName Get a property by its unique name.
RemoveParameter Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.
SetAutomaticTimeStepping Sets the Automatic Time Stepping for a given solution step.
SetCarryOverTimeStep Sets the Carry Over Time Step for a given solution step.
SetInitialTimeStep Sets the Initial Time Step for a given solution step.
SetMaximumTimeStep Sets the Maximum Time Step for a given solution step.
SetMinimumTimeStep Sets the Minimum Time Step for a given solution step.
SetStepEndTime Sets the Step End Time for a given solution step.
SetStoreResultAt Sets the StoreResultAt setting for a given solution step.
SetStoreResultAtValue Sets the StoreResultAtValue setting for a given solution step.
SetTimeStep Sets the (fixed) Time Step for a given solution step.


Name Description
AssemblyType Gets or sets the AssemblyType.
Children Gets the list of children.
Comments Gets the list of associated comments.
ConstraintEquationResidualTolerance Gets or sets the ConstraintEquationResidualTolerance activity.
ConstraintEquationResidualToleranceValue Gets or sets the ConstraintEquationResidualToleranceValue.
CorrectionType Gets or sets the CorrectionType.
CurrentStepNumber Gets or sets the CurrentStepNumber.
DataModelObjectCategory Gets the current DataModelObject’s category.
DropoffTolerance Gets or sets the DropoffTolerance.
EnergyAccuracyTolerance Gets or sets the EnergyAccuracyTolerance activity.
EnergyAccuracyToleranceValue Gets or sets the EnergyAccuracyToleranceValue.
Figures Gets the list of associated figures.
ForceResidualTolerance Gets or sets the ForceResidualTolerance activity.
ForceResidualToleranceValue Gets or sets the ForceResidualToleranceValue.
Graph Graph property.
Images Gets the list of associated images.
InternalObject InternalObject property.
NumberOfSteps Gets or sets the NumberOfSteps.
NumericalDampingTolerance Gets or sets the NumericalDamping activity.
NumericalDampingValue Gets or sets the NumericalDampingValue.
PerformStaticAnalysis Gets or sets the .
PositionCorrection Gets or sets the PositionCorrection.
Properties Gets the list of properties for this object.
RelativeAssemblyTolerance Gets or sets the RelativeAssemblyTolerance activity.
RelativeAssemblyToleranceValue Gets or sets the RelativeAssemblyToleranceValue.
ScratchSolverFilesDirectory Gets the ScratchSolverFilesDirectory.
SolverFilesDirectory Gets the SolverFilesDirectory.
TimeIntegrationType Gets or sets the Integration Method.
VelocityConstraintEquationResidualTolerance Gets or sets the VelocityConstraintEquationResidualTolerance activity.
VelocityConstraintEquationResidualToleranceValue Gets or sets the ConstraintEquationResidualToleranceValue.
VelocityCorrection Gets or sets the VelocityCorrection.
VisibleProperties Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.

Property detail

property RBDAnalysisSettings.AssemblyType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RBDCorrectionType | None

Gets or sets the AssemblyType.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.Children : List[Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Interfaces.IDataModelObject] | None

Gets the list of children.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.Comments : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Comment] | None

Gets the list of associated comments.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.ConstraintEquationResidualTolerance : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RBDProgramControlType | None

Gets or sets the ConstraintEquationResidualTolerance activity.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.ConstraintEquationResidualToleranceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ConstraintEquationResidualToleranceValue.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.CorrectionType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RBDCorrectionType | None

Gets or sets the CorrectionType.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.CurrentStepNumber : int | None

Gets or sets the CurrentStepNumber.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.DataModelObjectCategory : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.DataModelObjectCategory | None

Gets the current DataModelObject’s category.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.DropoffTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the DropoffTolerance.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.EnergyAccuracyTolerance : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RBDProgramControlType | None

Gets or sets the EnergyAccuracyTolerance activity.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.EnergyAccuracyToleranceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the EnergyAccuracyToleranceValue.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.Figures : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Figure] | None

Gets the list of associated figures.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.ForceResidualTolerance : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RBDProgramControlType | None

Gets or sets the ForceResidualTolerance activity.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.ForceResidualToleranceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ForceResidualToleranceValue.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.Graph : Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.AnalysisSettingsGraph | None

Graph property.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.Images : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Image] | None

Gets the list of associated images.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.InternalObject : Any | None

InternalObject property.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.NumberOfSteps : int | None

Gets or sets the NumberOfSteps.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.NumericalDampingTolerance : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RBDProgramControlType | None

Gets or sets the NumericalDamping activity.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.NumericalDampingValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the NumericalDampingValue.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.PerformStaticAnalysis : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RBDDoStaticAnalysisType | None

Gets or sets the .

property RBDAnalysisSettings.PositionCorrection : bool | None

Gets or sets the PositionCorrection.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.Properties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None

Gets the list of properties for this object.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.RelativeAssemblyTolerance : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RBDProgramControlType | None

Gets or sets the RelativeAssemblyTolerance activity.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.RelativeAssemblyToleranceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the RelativeAssemblyToleranceValue.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.ScratchSolverFilesDirectory : str | None

Gets the ScratchSolverFilesDirectory.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.SolverFilesDirectory : str | None

Gets the SolverFilesDirectory.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.TimeIntegrationType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RBDTimeIntegrationType | None

Gets or sets the Integration Method.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.VelocityConstraintEquationResidualTolerance : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RBDProgramControlType | None

Gets or sets the VelocityConstraintEquationResidualTolerance activity.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.VelocityConstraintEquationResidualToleranceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None

Gets or sets the ConstraintEquationResidualToleranceValue.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.VelocityCorrection : bool | None

Gets or sets the VelocityCorrection.

property RBDAnalysisSettings.VisibleProperties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None

Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.

Method detail


Activate the current object.


Creates a new child Comment.


Creates a new child Figure.

RBDAnalysisSettings.AddImage(filePath: str)

Creates a new child Image.
If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file,
if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window.

RBDAnalysisSettings.CopyTo(other: Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.DataModelObject)

Copies all visible properties from this object to another.

RBDAnalysisSettings.CreateParameter(propName: str)

Creates a new parameter for a Property.


DeleteAllRestartPoints method.


Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetAutomaticTimeStepping(stepNumber: int)

Gets the Automatic Time Stepping at a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetCarryOverTimeStep(stepNumber: int)

Gets the Carry Over Time Step at a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetChildren(recurses: bool, children: List[ChildrenType])

Gets the list of children, filtered by type.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetInitialTimeStep(stepNumber: int)

Gets the Initial Time Step at a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetMaximumTimeStep(stepNumber: int)

Gets the Maximum Time Step at a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetMinimumTimeStep(stepNumber: int)

Gets the Minimum Time Step at a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetParameter(propName: str)

Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetStepEndTime(stepNumber: int)

Gets the Step End Time at a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetStoreResultAt(stepNumber: int)

Gets the StoreResultAt setting at a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetStoreResultAtValue(stepNumber: int)

Gets the StoreResultAtValue setting at a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.GetTimeStep(stepNumber: int)

Gets the (fixed) Time Step at a given solution step.


Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.


Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.

RBDAnalysisSettings.PropertyByAPIName(name: str)

Get a property by its API name.
If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned.

RBDAnalysisSettings.PropertyByName(name: str)

Get a property by its unique name.

RBDAnalysisSettings.RemoveParameter(propName: str)

Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.

RBDAnalysisSettings.SetAutomaticTimeStepping(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.AutomaticTimeStepping)

Sets the Automatic Time Stepping for a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.SetCarryOverTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: bool)

Sets the Carry Over Time Step for a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.SetInitialTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)

Sets the Initial Time Step for a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.SetMaximumTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)

Sets the Maximum Time Step for a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.SetMinimumTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)

Sets the Minimum Time Step for a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.SetStepEndTime(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)

Sets the Step End Time for a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.SetStoreResultAt(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.TimePointsOptions)

Sets the StoreResultAt setting for a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.SetStoreResultAtValue(stepNumber: int, value: int)

Sets the StoreResultAtValue setting for a given solution step.

RBDAnalysisSettings.SetTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)

Sets the (fixed) Time Step for a given solution step.