Last update: 14.01.2025
class Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.AnalysisSettings.EXDAnalysisSettings
Bases: object
Defines Analysis Settings for Explicit Dynamics System. Note: Cycles in the UI are referred to as TimeSteps in API
Name | Description |
Activate |
Activate the current object. |
AddComment |
Creates a new child Comment. |
AddFigure |
Creates a new child Figure. |
AddImage |
Creates a new child Image. |
CopyTo |
Copies all visible properties from this object to another. |
CreateParameter |
Creates a new parameter for a Property. |
DeleteAllRestartPoints |
DeleteAllRestartPoints method. |
Duplicate |
Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject. |
GetAutomaticMassScalingType |
Gets the AutomaticMassScalingType for a load step. |
GetChildren |
Gets the list of children, filtered by type. |
GetLoadStepType |
Gets the LoadStepType for a step. |
GetMassScalingMinTimeStep |
Gets the MassScalingMinTimeStep for a load step. |
GetParameter |
Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property. |
GetSaveProbeDataOnTime |
Gets the Time increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step. |
GetSaveProbeDataOnTimeSteps |
Gets the Cycle increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step. |
GetSaveProbeDataOnType |
Gets the Save ProbeData Type for a load step. |
GetSaveRestartsOnPoints |
Gets the Points increment for Save Restarts On Points for a load step. |
GetSaveRestartsOnTime |
Gets the Time increment for Save Restarts On for a load step. |
GetSaveRestartsOnTimeSteps |
Gets the Cycle increment for Save Restarts On for a load step. |
GetSaveRestartsOnType |
Gets the Save Restarts Type for a load step. |
GetSaveResultsOnPoints |
Gets the Points increment for Save Results On for a load step. |
GetSaveResultsOnTime |
Gets the Time increment for Save Results On for a load step. |
GetSaveResultsOnTimeSteps |
Gets the Cycle increment for Save Results On for a load step. |
GetSaveResultsOnType |
Gets the Save Results Type for a load step. |
GetStaticDamping |
Gets the StaticDamping. |
GetStepEndTime |
Gets the Step End Time at a given solution step. |
GroupAllSimilarChildren |
Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action. |
GroupSimilarObjects |
Run the GroupSimilarObjects action. |
PropertyByAPIName |
Get a property by its API name. |
PropertyByName |
Get a property by its unique name. |
RemoveParameter |
Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property. |
SetAutomaticMassScalingType |
Sets the AutomaticMassScalingType for a load step. |
SetLoadStepType |
Sets the LoadStepType for a step. |
SetMassScalingMinTimeStep |
Sets the MassScalingMinTimeStep for a load step. |
SetSaveProbeDataOnTime |
Set the Time increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step. |
SetSaveProbeDataOnTimeSteps |
Set the Cycle increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step. |
SetSaveProbeDataOnType |
Sets the Save ProbeData Type for a load step. |
SetSaveRestartsOnPoints |
Set the Points increment for Save Restarts On for a load step. |
SetSaveRestartsOnTime |
Set the Time increment for Save Restarts On for a load step. |
SetSaveRestartsOnTimeSteps |
Set the Cycle increment for Save Restarts On for a load step. |
SetSaveRestartsOnType |
Sets the Save Restarts Type for a load step. |
SetSaveResultsOnPoints |
Set the Points increment for Save Results On for a load step. |
SetSaveResultsOnTime |
Set the Time increment for Save Results On for a load step. |
SetSaveResultsOnTimeSteps |
Sets the Cycle increment for Save Results On for a load step. |
SetSaveResultsOnType |
Sets the Save Results Type for a load step. |
SetStaticDamping |
Sets the StaticDamping. |
SetStepEndTime |
Sets the Step End Time for a given solution step. |
getADRConvergenceMethod |
Gets the Covergence Method for ADR loadstep. |
getADRConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the Covergence Tolerance for ADR loadstep. |
getADRMaximumIterations |
Gets the Maximum Iterations for ADR loadstep. |
setADRConvergenceMethod |
Sets the Covergence Method for ADR loadstep. |
setADRConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Covergence Tolerance for ADR loadstep. |
setADRMaximumIterations |
Sets the Maximum Iterations for ADR loadstep. |
Name | Description |
ArtificialViscosityForShellsType |
Gets or sets the ArtificialViscosityForShellsType. |
AutomaticMassScalingType |
Gets or sets the AutomaticMassScaling. |
BeamSolutionType |
Gets or sets the BeamSolutionType. |
BeamTimeStepSafetyFactor |
Gets or sets the BeamTimeStepSafetyFactor. |
CharZoneDimensionType |
Gets or sets the CharZoneDimensionType. |
Children |
Gets the list of children. |
Comments |
Gets the list of associated comments. |
CurrentStepNumber |
Gets or sets the CurrentStepNumber. |
DataModelObjectCategory |
Gets the current DataModelObject’s category. |
DensityUpdateType |
Gets or sets the DensityUpdateType. |
DetonationBurnType |
Gets or sets the DetonationBurnType. |
ErosionGeomStrainLimit |
Gets or sets the ErosionGeomStrainLimit |
ErosionMinElemTimestep |
Gets or sets the ErosionMinElemTimestep |
ErosionOnGeomStrainType |
Gets or sets the ErosionOnGeomStrainType. |
ErosionOnMaterialFailureType |
Gets or sets the ErosionOnMaterialFailureType |
ErosionOnMinElemTimestepType |
Gets or sets the ErosionOnMinElemTimestepType |
ErosionRetainIntertiaType |
Gets or sets the ErosionRetainIntertiaType |
EulerBoundLowerX |
Gets or sets the EulerBoundLowerX. |
EulerBoundLowerY |
Gets or sets the EulerBoundLowerY. |
EulerBoundLowerZ |
Gets or sets the EulerBoundLowerZ. |
EulerBoundUpperX |
Gets or sets the EulerBoundUpperX. |
EulerBoundUpperY |
Gets or sets the EulerBoundUpperY. |
EulerBoundUpperZ |
Gets or sets the EulerBoundUpperZ. |
EulerCellSize |
Gets or sets the EulerCellSize. |
EulerDisplayBox |
Gets or sets the EulerDisplayBox. |
EulerDomScopeDefType |
Gets or sets the EulerDomScopeDefType. |
EulerDomainType |
Gets or sets the EulerDomainType. |
EulerGradeIncrement |
Gets or sets the EulerGradeIncrement. |
EulerGradeNumberOfTimes |
Gets or sets the EulerGradeNumberOfTimes. |
EulerGradedDefinition |
Gets or sets the EulerGradedDefinition. |
EulerPropertyDisplayBox |
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyDisplayBox. |
EulerPropertyXmin |
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyXmin. |
EulerPropertyXres |
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyXres. |
EulerPropertyXsize |
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyXsize. |
EulerPropertyYmin |
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyYmin. |
EulerPropertyYres |
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyYres. |
EulerPropertyYsize |
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyYsize. |
EulerPropertyZmin |
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyZmin. |
EulerPropertyZres |
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyZres. |
EulerPropertyZsize |
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyZsize. |
EulerResolutionDefType |
Gets or sets the EulerResolutionDefType. |
EulerSizeDefType |
Gets or sets the EulerSizeDefType. |
EulerTotalCells |
Gets or sets the EulerTotalCells. |
EulerTrackType |
Gets the EulerTrackType. |
EulerXDim |
Gets or sets the EulerXDim. |
EulerXOrigin |
Gets or sets the EulerXOrigin. |
EulerXScaleFactor |
Gets or sets the EulerXScaleFactor. |
EulerXZones |
Gets or sets the EulerXZones. |
EulerYDim |
Gets or sets the EulerYDim. |
EulerYOrigin |
Gets or sets the EulerYOrigin. |
EulerYScaleFactor |
Gets or sets the EulerYScaleFactor. |
EulerYZones |
Gets or sets the EulerYZones. |
EulerZDim |
Gets or sets the EulerZDim. |
EulerZOrigin |
Gets or sets the EulerZOrigin. |
EulerZScaleFactor |
Gets or sets the EulerZScaleFactor. |
EulerZZones |
Gets or sets the EulerZZones. |
Figures |
Gets the list of associated figures. |
Graph |
Graph property. |
HexIntegrationType |
Gets or sets the HexIntegrationType. |
HourglassDampingType |
Gets or sets the HourglassDampingType. |
Images |
Gets the list of associated images. |
InitialTimeStep |
Gets or sets the InitialTimeStep. |
InternalObject |
Gets the Internal Object. For advanced usage only. |
LinearArtificialViscosity |
Gets or sets the LinearArtificialViscosity. |
LinearViscosityExpansionType |
Gets or sets the LinearViscosityExpansionType. |
LinearViscositySPH |
Gets or sets the Linear Artificial Viscosity for SPH. |
MassScalingMaxElem |
Gets or sets the MassScalingMaxElem. |
MassScalingMaxPart |
Gets or sets the MassScalingMaxPart. |
MassScalingMinTimeStep |
Gets or sets the MassScalingMinTimeStep. |
MassScalingUpdateFreq |
Gets or sets the MassScalingUpdateFreq. |
MaximumEnergyError |
Gets or sets the MaximumEnergyError. |
MaximumTimeStep |
Gets or sets the MaximumTimeStep. |
MaximumTimeSteps |
Gets or sets the MaximumNumberofCycles. |
MaximumVelocity |
Gets or sets the MaximumVelocity. |
MinimumStrainCutOff |
Gets or sets the MinimumStrainCutOff. |
MinimumTimeStep |
Gets or sets the MinimumTimeStep. |
MinimumVelocity |
Gets or sets the MinimumVelocity. |
NumberOfSteps |
Gets or sets the NumberOfSteps. |
OutputContactForcesOnPoints |
Gets or Sets the Points increment for OutputContactForcesOnPoints. |
OutputContactForcesOnTime |
Gets or Sets the Time increment for OutputContactForcesOnTime. |
OutputContactForcesOnTimeSteps |
Gets or Sets the Cycle increment for OutputContactForcesOnTimeSteps. |
OutputContactForcesOnType |
Gets or Sets OutputContactForces Increment Type. |
OutputRemapFile |
Gets or Sets the Output Remap File Type. |
PreferenceType |
Gets or sets the PreferenceType |
Properties |
Gets the list of properties for this object. |
PusoCoefficient |
Gets or sets the PusoCoefficient. |
QuadraticArtificialViscosity |
Gets or sets the QuadraticArtificialViscosity. |
QuadratricViscositySPH |
Gets or sets the Quadratic Artificial Viscosity for SPH. |
RadiusCutoff |
Gets or sets the RadiusCutoff. |
ReferenceEnergyTimeStep |
Gets or sets the ReferenceEnergyCycle. |
ResumeFromTimeStep |
Gets or sets the ResumeFromCycle. |
SPHMaxDensityFactor |
Gets or sets the Maximum Density Factor for SPH. |
SPHMinDensityFactor |
Gets or sets the Minimum Density Factor for SPH. |
SPHNodeDensityCutoffOption |
Gets or sets the SPHNodeDensityCutoffOption. |
SavePrintSummaryOnTime |
Gets or Sets the Time increment for SavePrintSummaryOnTime. |
SavePrintSummaryOnTimeSteps |
Gets or Sets Cycle increment for SavePrintSummaryOnTimeSteps. |
SavePrintSummaryOnType |
Gets or Sets SavePrintSummaryOnType. |
SaveUserEditOnTime |
Gets or Sets Time increment for SaveUserEditOnTime. |
SaveUserEditOnTimeSteps |
Gets or Sets Cycle increment for SaveUserEditOnTimeSteps. |
SaveUserEditOnType |
Gets or Sets SaveUserEditOnType. |
ScratchSolverFilesDirectory |
Gets the ScratchSolverFilesDirectory. |
ShellInertiaUpdateType |
Gets or sets the ShellInertiaUpdateType. |
ShellShearCorrectionFactor |
Gets or sets the ShellShearCorrectionFactor. |
ShellSublayers |
Gets or sets the ShellSublayers. |
ShellThicknessUpdateType |
Gets or sets the ShellThicknessUpdateType. |
ShellWarpCorrection |
Gets or sets the ShellWarpCorrection. |
SolveUnits |
Gets or sets the SolveUnits. |
SolverFilesDirectory |
Gets the SolverFilesDirectory. |
SolverPrecisionType |
Gets or sets the SolverPrecisionType. |
SphMinTimeStep |
Gets or sets the Minimum Timestep for SPH. |
StepawareMassScalingType |
Gets or Sets the Step aware Mass Scaling Controls. |
StepawareOutputControlsType |
Gets or Sets the Step aware Output Controls. |
StiffnessCoefficient |
Gets or sets the StiffnessCoefficient. |
TetPressureIntegrationType |
Gets or sets the TetIntegrationType. |
TimeStepSafetyFactor |
Gets or sets the TimeStepSafetyFactor. |
ViscousCoefficient |
Gets or sets the ViscousCoefficient. |
ViscousCoefficientFB |
Gets or sets the ViscousCoefficientFB. |
VisibleProperties |
Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object. |
Property detail
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ArtificialViscosityForShellsType : bool | None
Gets or sets the ArtificialViscosityForShellsType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.AutomaticMassScalingType : bool | None
Gets or sets the AutomaticMassScaling.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.BeamSolutionType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDBeamSolutionType | None
Gets or sets the BeamSolutionType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.BeamTimeStepSafetyFactor : float | None
Gets or sets the BeamTimeStepSafetyFactor.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.CharZoneDimensionType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDCharZoneDimensionType | None
Gets or sets the CharZoneDimensionType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.Children : List[Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Interfaces.IDataModelObject] | None
Gets the list of children.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.Comments : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Comment] | None
Gets the list of associated comments.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.CurrentStepNumber : int | None
Gets or sets the CurrentStepNumber.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.DataModelObjectCategory : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.DataModelObjectCategory | None
Gets the current DataModelObject’s category.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.DensityUpdateType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDDensityUpdateType | None
Gets or sets the DensityUpdateType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.DetonationBurnType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDDetonationBurnType | None
Gets or sets the DetonationBurnType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ErosionGeomStrainLimit : float | None
Gets or sets the ErosionGeomStrainLimit
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ErosionMinElemTimestep : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the ErosionMinElemTimestep
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ErosionOnGeomStrainType : bool | None
Gets or sets the ErosionOnGeomStrainType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ErosionOnMaterialFailureType : bool | None
Gets or sets the ErosionOnMaterialFailureType
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ErosionOnMinElemTimestepType : bool | None
Gets or sets the ErosionOnMinElemTimestepType
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ErosionRetainIntertiaType : bool | None
Gets or sets the ErosionRetainIntertiaType
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerBoundLowerX : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerBoundaryDefType | None
Gets or sets the EulerBoundLowerX.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerBoundLowerY : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerBoundaryDefType | None
Gets or sets the EulerBoundLowerY.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerBoundLowerZ : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerBoundaryDefType | None
Gets or sets the EulerBoundLowerZ.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerBoundUpperX : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerBoundaryDefType | None
Gets or sets the EulerBoundUpperX.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerBoundUpperY : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerBoundaryDefType | None
Gets or sets the EulerBoundUpperY.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerBoundUpperZ : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerBoundaryDefType | None
Gets or sets the EulerBoundUpperZ.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerCellSize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerCellSize.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerDisplayBox : bool | None
Gets or sets the EulerDisplayBox.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerDomScopeDefType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerDomScopeDefType | None
Gets or sets the EulerDomScopeDefType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerDomainType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerDomainType | None
Gets or sets the EulerDomainType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerGradeIncrement : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerGradeIncrement.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerGradeNumberOfTimes : int | None
Gets or sets the EulerGradeNumberOfTimes.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerGradedDefinition : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerGradedDefinition | None
Gets or sets the EulerGradedDefinition.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerPropertyDisplayBox : bool | None
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyDisplayBox.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerPropertyXmin : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyXmin.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerPropertyXres : int | None
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyXres.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerPropertyXsize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyXsize.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerPropertyYmin : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyYmin.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerPropertyYres : int | None
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyYres.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerPropertyYsize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyYsize.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerPropertyZmin : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyZmin.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerPropertyZres : int | None
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyZres.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerPropertyZsize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerPropertyZsize.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerResolutionDefType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerResolutionDefType | None
Gets or sets the EulerResolutionDefType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerSizeDefType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerSizeDefType | None
Gets or sets the EulerSizeDefType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerTotalCells : int | None
Gets or sets the EulerTotalCells.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerTrackType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDEulerTrackType | None
Gets the EulerTrackType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerXDim : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerXDim.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerXOrigin : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerXOrigin.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerXScaleFactor : float | None
Gets or sets the EulerXScaleFactor.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerXZones : int | None
Gets or sets the EulerXZones.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerYDim : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerYDim.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerYOrigin : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerYOrigin.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerYScaleFactor : float | None
Gets or sets the EulerYScaleFactor.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerYZones : int | None
Gets or sets the EulerYZones.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerZDim : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerZDim.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerZOrigin : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EulerZOrigin.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerZScaleFactor : float | None
Gets or sets the EulerZScaleFactor.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.EulerZZones : int | None
Gets or sets the EulerZZones.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.Figures : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Figure] | None
Gets the list of associated figures.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.Graph : Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.AnalysisSettingsGraph | None
Graph property.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.HexIntegrationType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDHexIntegrationType | None
Gets or sets the HexIntegrationType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.HourglassDampingType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDHourglassDampingType | None
Gets or sets the HourglassDampingType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.Images : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Image] | None
Gets the list of associated images.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.InitialTimeStep : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the InitialTimeStep.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.InternalObject : Any | None
Gets the Internal Object. For advanced usage only.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.LinearArtificialViscosity : float | None
Gets or sets the LinearArtificialViscosity.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.LinearViscosityExpansionType : bool | None
Gets or sets the LinearViscosityExpansionType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.LinearViscositySPH : float | None
Gets or sets the Linear Artificial Viscosity for SPH.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MassScalingMaxElem : float | None
Gets or sets the MassScalingMaxElem.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MassScalingMaxPart : float | None
Gets or sets the MassScalingMaxPart.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MassScalingMinTimeStep : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the MassScalingMinTimeStep.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MassScalingUpdateFreq : int | None
Gets or sets the MassScalingUpdateFreq.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MaximumEnergyError : float | None
Gets or sets the MaximumEnergyError.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MaximumTimeStep : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the MaximumTimeStep.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MaximumTimeSteps : int | None
Gets or sets the MaximumNumberofCycles.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MaximumVelocity : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the MaximumVelocity.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MinimumStrainCutOff : float | None
Gets or sets the MinimumStrainCutOff.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MinimumTimeStep : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the MinimumTimeStep.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.MinimumVelocity : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the MinimumVelocity.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.NumberOfSteps : int | None
Gets or sets the NumberOfSteps.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.OutputContactForcesOnPoints : int | None
Gets or Sets the Points increment for OutputContactForcesOnPoints.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.OutputContactForcesOnTime : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or Sets the Time increment for OutputContactForcesOnTime.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.OutputContactForcesOnTimeSteps : int | None
Gets or Sets the Cycle increment for OutputContactForcesOnTimeSteps.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.OutputContactForcesOnType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDOutputContactForcesOnType | None
Gets or Sets OutputContactForces Increment Type.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.OutputRemapFile : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDOutputRemapFileOnType | None
Gets or Sets the Output Remap File Type.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.PreferenceType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDPreferenceType | None
Gets or sets the PreferenceType
property EXDAnalysisSettings.Properties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None
Gets the list of properties for this object.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.PusoCoefficient : float | None
Gets or sets the PusoCoefficient.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.QuadraticArtificialViscosity : float | None
Gets or sets the QuadraticArtificialViscosity.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.QuadratricViscositySPH : float | None
Gets or sets the Quadratic Artificial Viscosity for SPH.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.RadiusCutoff : float | None
Gets or sets the RadiusCutoff.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ReferenceEnergyTimeStep : int | None
Gets or sets the ReferenceEnergyCycle.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ResumeFromTimeStep : int | None
Gets or sets the ResumeFromCycle.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SPHMaxDensityFactor : float | None
Gets or sets the Maximum Density Factor for SPH.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SPHMinDensityFactor : float | None
Gets or sets the Minimum Density Factor for SPH.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SPHNodeDensityCutoffOption : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDSPHNodeDensityCutoffOption | None
Gets or sets the SPHNodeDensityCutoffOption.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SavePrintSummaryOnTime : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or Sets the Time increment for SavePrintSummaryOnTime.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SavePrintSummaryOnTimeSteps : int | None
Gets or Sets Cycle increment for SavePrintSummaryOnTimeSteps.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SavePrintSummaryOnType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDSavePrintSummaryOnType | None
Gets or Sets SavePrintSummaryOnType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SaveUserEditOnTime : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or Sets Time increment for SaveUserEditOnTime.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SaveUserEditOnTimeSteps : int | None
Gets or Sets Cycle increment for SaveUserEditOnTimeSteps.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SaveUserEditOnType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDSaveUserEditOnType | None
Gets or Sets SaveUserEditOnType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ScratchSolverFilesDirectory : str | None
Gets the ScratchSolverFilesDirectory.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ShellInertiaUpdateType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDShellInertiaUpdateType | None
Gets or sets the ShellInertiaUpdateType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ShellShearCorrectionFactor : float | None
Gets or sets the ShellShearCorrectionFactor.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ShellSublayers : int | None
Gets or sets the ShellSublayers.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ShellThicknessUpdateType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDShellThicknessUpdateType | None
Gets or sets the ShellThicknessUpdateType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ShellWarpCorrection : bool | None
Gets or sets the ShellWarpCorrection.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SolveUnits : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDSolveUnitsType | None
Gets or sets the SolveUnits.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SolverFilesDirectory : str | None
Gets the SolverFilesDirectory.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SolverPrecisionType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDSolverPrecisionType | None
Gets or sets the SolverPrecisionType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.SphMinTimeStep : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the Minimum Timestep for SPH.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.StepawareMassScalingType : bool | None
Gets or Sets the Step aware Mass Scaling Controls.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.StepawareOutputControlsType : bool | None
Gets or Sets the Step aware Output Controls.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.StiffnessCoefficient : float | None
Gets or sets the StiffnessCoefficient.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.TetPressureIntegrationType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDTetPressureIntegrationType | None
Gets or sets the TetIntegrationType.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.TimeStepSafetyFactor : float | None
Gets or sets the TimeStepSafetyFactor.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ViscousCoefficient : float | None
Gets or sets the ViscousCoefficient.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.ViscousCoefficientFB : float | None
Gets or sets the ViscousCoefficientFB.
property EXDAnalysisSettings.VisibleProperties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None
Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.
Method detail
Activate the current object.
Creates a new child Comment.
Creates a new child Figure.
EXDAnalysisSettings.AddImage(filePath: str)
Creates a new child Image.
If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file,
if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window.
EXDAnalysisSettings.CopyTo(other: Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.DataModelObject)
Copies all visible properties from this object to another.
EXDAnalysisSettings.CreateParameter(propName: str)
Creates a new parameter for a Property.
DeleteAllRestartPoints method.
Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetAutomaticMassScalingType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the AutomaticMassScalingType for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetChildren(recurses: bool, children: List[ChildrenType])
Gets the list of children, filtered by type.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetLoadStepType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the LoadStepType for a step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetMassScalingMinTimeStep(stepNumber: int)
Gets the MassScalingMinTimeStep for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetParameter(propName: str)
Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveProbeDataOnTime(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Time increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveProbeDataOnTimeSteps(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Cycle increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveProbeDataOnType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Save ProbeData Type for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveRestartsOnPoints(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Points increment for Save Restarts On Points for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveRestartsOnTime(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Time increment for Save Restarts On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveRestartsOnTimeSteps(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Cycle increment for Save Restarts On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveRestartsOnType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Save Restarts Type for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveResultsOnPoints(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Points increment for Save Results On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveResultsOnTime(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Time increment for Save Results On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveResultsOnTimeSteps(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Cycle increment for Save Results On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetSaveResultsOnType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Save Results Type for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetStaticDamping(stepNumber: int)
Gets the StaticDamping.
EXDAnalysisSettings.GetStepEndTime(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Step End Time at a given solution step.
Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.
Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.
EXDAnalysisSettings.PropertyByAPIName(name: str)
Get a property by its API name.
If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned.
EXDAnalysisSettings.PropertyByName(name: str)
Get a property by its unique name.
EXDAnalysisSettings.RemoveParameter(propName: str)
Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetAutomaticMassScalingType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDAutomaticMassScalingType)
Sets the AutomaticMassScalingType for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetLoadStepType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDLoadStepType)
Sets the LoadStepType for a step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetMassScalingMinTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the MassScalingMinTimeStep for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveProbeDataOnTime(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Set the Time increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveProbeDataOnTimeSteps(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Set the Cycle increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveProbeDataOnType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDSaveProbeDataOnType)
Sets the Save ProbeData Type for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveRestartsOnPoints(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Set the Points increment for Save Restarts On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveRestartsOnTime(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Set the Time increment for Save Restarts On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveRestartsOnTimeSteps(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Set the Cycle increment for Save Restarts On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveRestartsOnType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDSaveRestartsOnType)
Sets the Save Restarts Type for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveResultsOnPoints(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Set the Points increment for Save Results On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveResultsOnTime(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Set the Time increment for Save Results On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveResultsOnTimeSteps(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Sets the Cycle increment for Save Results On for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetSaveResultsOnType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDSaveResultsOnType)
Sets the Save Results Type for a load step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetStaticDamping(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the StaticDamping.
EXDAnalysisSettings.SetStepEndTime(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Step End Time for a given solution step.
EXDAnalysisSettings.getADRConvergenceMethod(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Covergence Method for ADR loadstep.
EXDAnalysisSettings.getADRConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Covergence Tolerance for ADR loadstep.
EXDAnalysisSettings.getADRMaximumIterations(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Maximum Iterations for ADR loadstep.
EXDAnalysisSettings.setADRConvergenceMethod(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.EXDADRConvergenceMethod)
Sets the Covergence Method for ADR loadstep.
EXDAnalysisSettings.setADRConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Covergence Tolerance for ADR loadstep.
EXDAnalysisSettings.setADRMaximumIterations(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Sets the Maximum Iterations for ADR loadstep.