Last update: 14.01.2025
class Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.AnalysisSettings.ANSYSAnalysisSettings
Bases: object
Defines a ANSYSAnalysisSettings.
Name | Description |
Activate |
Activate the current object. |
AddComment |
Creates a new child Comment. |
AddFigure |
Creates a new child Figure. |
AddImage |
Creates a new child Image. |
CopyTo |
CopyTo method. |
CreateParameter |
Creates a new parameter for a Property. |
DeleteAllRestartPoints |
DeleteAllRestartPoints method. |
Duplicate |
Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject. |
GetAMStepType |
Gets the AM Process Step Type at a given step. |
GetAutomaticTimeStepping |
Gets the Automatic Time Stepping at a given solution step. |
GetCarryOverTimeStep |
Gets the Carry Over Time Step at a given solution step. |
GetChildren |
Gets the list of children, filtered by type. |
GetCreepEffects |
Gets the Creep Effects for a given solution step. |
GetCreepLimitRatio |
Gets the Creep Limit Ratio for a given solution step. |
GetCurrentConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the Current Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetCurrentConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the Current Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetCurrentConvergenceType |
Gets the Current Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetCurrentConvergenceValue |
Gets the Current Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetDefineBy |
Gets the Define By at a given solution step. |
GetDisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the Displacement Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetDisplacementConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetDisplacementConvergenceType |
Gets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetDisplacementConvergenceValue |
Gets the Displacement Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetEmagAMPSConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the EmagAMPS Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetEmagAMPSConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the EmagAMPS Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetEmagAMPSConvergenceType |
Gets the EmagAMPS Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetEmagAMPSConvergenceValue |
Gets the EmagAMPS Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetEmagCSGConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the EmagCSG Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetEmagCSGConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the EmagCSG Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetEmagCSGConvergenceType |
Gets the EmagCSG Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetEmagCSGConvergenceValue |
Gets the EmagCSG Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetEnergyConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the Energy Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetEnergyConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the Energy Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetEnergyConvergenceType |
Gets the Energy Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetEnergyConvergenceValue |
Gets the Energy Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetForceConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the Force Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetForceConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the Force Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetForceConvergenceType |
Gets the Force Convergence Tolerance Type at a given solution step. |
GetForceConvergenceValue |
Gets the Force Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetHeatConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the Heat Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetHeatConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the Heat Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetHeatConvergenceType |
Gets the Heat Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetHeatConvergenceValue |
Gets the Heat Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetInitialSubsteps |
Gets the Initial Substeps at a given solution step. |
GetInitialTimeStep |
Gets the Initial Time Step at a given solution step. |
GetLineSearch |
Gets the Line Search at a given solution step. |
GetMaximumSubsteps |
Gets the Maximum Substeps at a given solution step. |
GetMaximumTimeStep |
Gets the Maximum Time Step at a given solution step. |
GetMinimumSubsteps |
Gets the Minimum Substeps at a given solution step. |
GetMinimumTimeStep |
Gets the Minimum Time Step at a given solution step. |
GetMomentConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the Moment Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetMomentConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the Moment Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetMomentConvergenceType |
Gets the Moment Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetMomentConvergenceValue |
Gets the Moment Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetNumberOfSubSteps |
Gets the Number of Substeps for a given solution step. |
GetParameter |
Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property. |
GetRotationConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the Rotation Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetRotationConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetRotationConvergenceType |
Gets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetRotationConvergenceValue |
Gets the Rotation Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetStabilization |
Gets the Stabilization at a given solution step. |
GetStabilizationDampingFactor |
Gets the Stabilization Damping Factor at a given solution step. |
GetStabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio |
Gets the Stabilization Energy Dissipation Ratio at a given solution step. |
GetStabilizationFirstSubstepOption |
Gets the Stabilization First Substep Option at a given solution step. |
GetStabilizationForceLimit |
Gets the Stabilization Force Limit at a given solution step. |
GetStabilizationMethod |
Gets the Stabilization Method at a given solution step. |
GetStepEndTime |
Gets the Step End Time at a given solution step. |
GetStepName |
Gets the Step name at a given step. |
GetStoreResulsAtValue |
Gets the Store Results At Value at a given solution step. |
GetStoreResultsAt |
Gets the Store Results At at a given solution step. |
GetStructuralOnly |
Gets the TimeIntegration Structural for a given solution step. |
GetTemperatureConvergenceInputValue |
Gets the Temperature Convergence Input Value at a given solution step. |
GetTemperatureConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the Temperature Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetTemperatureConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the Temperature Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetTemperatureConvergenceType |
Gets the Temperature Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetTemperatureConvergenceValue |
Gets the Temperature Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetThermalOnly |
Sets the TimeIntegration Thermal for a given solution step. |
GetTimeIntegration |
Gets the TimeIntegration for a given solution step. |
GetTimeStep |
Sets the Time Step for a given solution step. |
GetVoltageConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets the Voltage Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetVoltageConvergenceTolerance |
Gets the Voltage Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step. |
GetVoltageConvergenceType |
Gets the Voltage Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetVoltageConvergenceValue |
Gets the Voltage Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GroupAllSimilarChildren |
Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action. |
GroupSimilarObjects |
Run the GroupSimilarObjects action. |
PropertyByAPIName |
Get a property by its API name. |
PropertyByName |
Get a property by its unique name. |
RemoveParameter |
Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property. |
SetAutomaticTimeStepping |
Sets the Automatic Time Stepping for a given solution step. |
SetCarryOverTimeStep |
Sets the Carry Over Time Step for a given solution step. |
SetChargeConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the Charge Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetChargeConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Charge Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetChargeConvergenceType |
Sets the Charge Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetChargeConvergenceValue |
Sets the Charge Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetCreepEffects |
Sets the Creep Effects for a given solution step. |
SetCreepLimitRatio |
Sets the Creep Limit Ratio for a given solution step. |
SetCurrentConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the Current Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetCurrentConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Current Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetCurrentConvergenceType |
Sets the Current Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetCurrentConvergenceValue |
Sets the Current Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetDefineBy |
Sets the Define By for a given solution step. |
SetDisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the Displacement Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetDisplacementConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetDisplacementConvergenceType |
Sets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetDisplacementConvergenceValue |
Sets the Displacement Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetEmagAMPSConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the EmagAMPS Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetEmagAMPSConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the EmagAMPS Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetEmagAMPSConvergenceType |
Sets the EmagAMPS Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetEmagAMPSConvergenceValue |
Sets the EmagAMPS Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetEmagCSGConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the EmagCSG Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetEmagCSGConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the EmagCSG Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetEmagCSGConvergenceType |
Sets the EmagCSG Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetEmagCSGConvergenceValue |
Sets the EmagCSG Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetEnergyConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the Energy Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetEnergyConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Energy Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetEnergyConvergenceType |
Sets the Energy Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetEnergyConvergenceValue |
Sets the Energy Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetForceConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the Force Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetForceConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Force Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetForceConvergenceType |
Sets the Force Convergence Tolerance Type for a given solution step. |
SetForceConvergenceValue |
Sets the Force Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetHeatConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the Heat Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetHeatConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Heat Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetHeatConvergenceType |
Sets the Heat Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetHeatConvergenceValue |
Sets the Heat Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetInitialSubsteps |
Sets the Initial Substeps for a given solution step. |
SetInitialTimeStep |
Sets the Initial Time Step for a given solution step. |
SetLineSearch |
Sets the Line Search for a given solution step. |
SetMaximumSubsteps |
Sets the Maximum Substeps for a given solution step. |
SetMaximumTimeStep |
Sets the Maximum Time Step for a given solution step. |
SetMinimumSubsteps |
Sets the Minimum Substeps for a given solution step. |
SetMinimumTimeStep |
Sets the Minimum Time Step for a given solution step. |
SetMomentConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the Moment Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetMomentConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Moment Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetMomentConvergenceType |
Sets the Moment Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetMomentConvergenceValue |
Sets the Moment Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetNumberOfSubSteps |
Sets the Number of Substeps for a given solution step. |
SetRotationConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the Rotation Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetRotationConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetRotationConvergenceType |
Sets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetRotationConvergenceValue |
Sets the Rotation Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetStabilization |
Sets the Stabilization for a given solution step. |
SetStabilizationDampingFactor |
Sets the Stabilization Damping Factor for a given solution step. |
SetStabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio |
Sets the Stabilization Energy Dissipation Ratio for a given solution step. |
SetStabilizationFirstSubstepOption |
Sets the Stabilization First Substep Option for a given solution step. |
SetStabilizationForceLimit |
Sets the Stabilization Force Limit for a given solution step. |
SetStabilizationMethod |
Sets the Stabilization Method for a given solution step. |
SetStepEndTime |
Sets the Step End Time for a given solution step. |
SetStepName |
Sets the Step name at a given step. |
SetStoreResulsAtValue |
Sets the Store Results At Value for a given solution step. |
SetStoreResultsAt |
Sets the Store Results At for a given solution step. |
SetStructuralOnly |
Sets the TimeIntegration Structural for a given solution step. |
SetTemperatureConvergenceInputValue |
Sets the Temperature Convergence Input Value for a given solution step. |
SetTemperatureConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the Temperature Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetTemperatureConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Temperature Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetTemperatureConvergenceType |
Sets the Temperature Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetTemperatureConvergenceValue |
Sets the Temperature Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetThermalOnly |
Sets the TimeIntegration Thermal for a given solution step. |
SetTimeIntegration |
Sets the TimeIntegration for a given solution step. |
SetTimeStep |
Sets the Time Step for a given solution step. |
SetVoltageConvergenceMinimumReference |
Sets the Voltage Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetVoltageConvergenceTolerance |
Sets the Voltage Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step. |
SetVoltageConvergenceType |
Sets the Voltage Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetVoltageConvergenceValue |
Sets the Voltage Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
Name | Description |
AMCooldownNumberOfSubsteps |
Gets or sets the AM Cooldown Number of Substeps. |
AMPSConvergence |
Gets or sets the AMPSConvergence. |
AMStepType |
Gets or sets the AM Process Step Type. |
AMSubstepsBetweenHeating |
Gets or sets the AM Substeps Between Heating. |
AMSubstepsToApplyHeats |
Gets or sets the AM Substeps to Apply Heat. |
AggressiveRemeshing |
Gets or sets the AggressiveRemeshing. |
AutomaticTimeStepping |
Gets or sets the AutomaticTimeStepping. |
AxisymmetryDivisions |
Gets or sets the AxisymmetryDivisions. |
BackStress |
Gets or sets the BackStress. |
BaseRemovalType |
Gets or sets the BaseRemovalType. |
BoundaryAngle |
Gets or sets the BoundaryAngle. |
CSGConvergence |
Gets or sets the CSGConvergence. |
CStarIntegral |
Gets or sets the CStarIntegral. |
CacheResultsInMemory |
Gets or sets the CacheResultsInMemory. |
CalculateAcceleration |
Gets or sets the CalculateAcceleration. |
CalculateEnergy |
Gets or sets the CalculateEnergy. |
CalculateEulerAngles |
Gets or sets the CalculateEulerAngles. |
CalculateReactions |
Gets or sets the CalculateReactions. |
CalculateThermalFlux |
Gets or sets the CalculateThermalFlux. |
CalculateVelocity |
Gets or sets the CalculateVelocity. |
CalculateVelocityAndAcceleration |
Gets or sets the CalculateVelocityAndAcceleration. |
CalculateVolumeEnergy |
Gets or sets the CalculateVolumeEnergy. |
CampbellDiagram |
Gets or sets the CampbellDiagram. |
CarryOverTimeStep |
Gets or sets the CarryOverTimeStep. |
CentralFrequency |
Gets or sets the CentralFrequency. |
ChargeConvergence |
Gets or sets the ChargeConvergence. |
ChargeConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the ChargeConvergenceMinimumReference. |
ChargeConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the ChargeConvergenceTolerance. |
ChargeConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the ChargeConvergenceValue. |
Children |
Gets the list of children. |
ClusterNumber |
Gets or sets the ClusterNumber. |
ClusterResults |
Gets or sets the ClusterResults. |
CombineRestartFiles |
Gets or sets the CombineRestartFiles. |
Comments |
Gets the list of associated comments. |
ConstantDamping |
Gets or sets the ConstantDamping. |
ConstantDampingRatio |
Gets or sets the ConstantDampingRatio. |
ContactData |
Gets or sets the ContactData. |
ContactMiscellaneous |
Gets or sets the ContactMiscellaneous. |
ContactSplit |
Gets or sets the ContactSplit. |
ContactSplitMaxNum |
Gets or sets the ContactSplitMaxNum. |
ContactSummary |
Gets or sets the ContactSummary. |
CooldownTime |
Gets or sets the AM Cooldown Time. |
CooldownTimeType |
Gets or sets the AM Cooldown Time Type. |
CoriolisEffectApplied |
Gets or sets the CoriolisEffectApplied. |
CreepEffects |
Gets or sets the CreepEffects. |
CreepLimitRatio |
Gets or sets the CreepLimitRatio. |
CurrentConvergence |
Gets or sets the CurrentConvergence. |
CurrentConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the CurrentConvergenceMinimumReference. |
CurrentConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the CurrentConvergenceTolerance. |
CurrentConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the CurrentConvergenceValue. |
CurrentRestartPoint |
Gets or sets the Current Restart Point. |
CurrentStepNumber |
Gets or sets the CurrentStepNumber. |
CurrentStepNumberHarmonic |
Gets or sets the CurrentStepNumberHarmonic. |
CyclicModeSuperposition |
Gets or sets the CyclicModeSuperposition. |
Damped |
Gets or sets the Damped. |
DampingDefineBy |
Gets or sets the DampingDefineBy. |
DampingRatio |
Gets or sets the DampingRatio. |
DataModelObjectCategory |
Gets the current DataModelObject’s category. |
DefineBy |
Gets or sets the DefineBy. |
DeleteUnneededFiles |
Gets or sets the DeleteUnneededFiles. |
DisplacementConvergence |
Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergence. |
DisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference. |
DisplacementConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergenceTolerance. |
DisplacementConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergenceValue. |
EdgeSplittingAngle |
Gets or sets the EdgeSplittingAngle. |
ElectricOnly |
Gets or sets the ElectricOnly. |
ElectromagneticNodalForces |
Gets or sets the ElectromagneticNodalForces. |
ElementCurrentDensity |
Gets or sets the ElementCurrentDensity. |
EmagAMPSConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the EmagAMPSConvergenceMinimumReference. |
EmagAMPSConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the EmagAMPSConvergenceTolerance. |
EmagAMPSConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the EmagAMPSConvergenceValue. |
EmagCSGConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the EmagCSGConvergenceMinimumReference. |
EmagCSGConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the EmagCSGConvergenceTolerance. |
EmagCSGConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the EmagCSGConvergenceValue. |
EnergyConvergence |
Gets or sets the EnergyConvergence. |
EnergyConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the EnergyConvergenceMinimumReference. |
EnergyConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the EnergyConvergenceTolerance. |
EnergyConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the EnergyConvergenceValue. |
EngineOrderofExcitation |
Gets or sets the EngineOrderofExcitation. |
EqvDampingRatioFromModal |
Gets or sets the EqvDampingRatioFromModal. |
ExcludeInsignificantModes |
Gets or sets the ExcludeInsignificantModes. |
ExpandResultsFrom |
Gets or sets the ExpandResultsFrom. |
Expansion |
Gets the Expansion. |
ExportHighStrains |
Gets or sets the ExportHighStrains. |
ExportLayerEndTemperature |
Gets or sets the ExportLayerEndTemperature. |
ExportRecoaterInterference |
Gets or sets the ExportRecoaterInterference. |
FarFieldRadiationSurface |
Gets or sets the FarFieldRadiationSurface. |
FieldIntensityandFluxDensity |
Gets or sets the FieldIntensityandFluxDensity. |
Figures |
Gets the list of associated figures. |
FluxConvergence |
Gets or sets the FluxConvergence. |
ForceConvergence |
Gets or sets the ForceConvergence. |
ForceConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the ForceConvergenceMinimumReference. |
ForceConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the ForceConvergenceTolerance. |
ForceConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the ForceConvergenceValue. |
FractureSolverControls |
Gets or sets the FractureSolverControls. |
Frequency |
Gets or sets the Frequency. |
FrequencySpacing |
Gets or sets the FrequencySpacing. |
FutureAnalysis |
Gets or sets the FutureAnalysis. |
GeneralMiscellaneous |
Gets or sets the GeneralMiscellaneous. |
GeneralMiscellaneousOption |
Gets or sets the GeneralMiscellaneousOption. |
GenerateMeshRestartPoints |
Gets or sets the GenerateMeshRestartPoints. |
GenerateRestartPoints |
Gets or sets the GenerateRestartPoints. |
GlobalSizeRatioQualityImprovement |
Gets or sets the GlobalSizeRatioQualityImprovement. |
GlobalSizeRatioQualityRefinement |
Gets or sets the GlobalSizeRatioQualityRefinement. |
Graph |
Graph property. |
HarmonicIndexInterval |
Gets or sets the HarmonicIndexInterval. |
HarmonicIndexRange |
Gets or sets the HarmonicIndexRange. |
HarmonicOrders |
Gets or sets the HarmonicOrders. |
HeatConvergence |
Gets or sets the HeatConvergence. |
HeatConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the HeatConvergenceMinimumReference. |
HeatConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the HeatConvergenceTolerance. |
HeatConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the HeatConvergenceValue. |
HeatGenerationRate |
Gets or sets the HeatGenerationRate. |
HemicubeResolution |
Gets or sets the HemicubeResolution. |
IgnoreAcousticDamping |
Gets or sets the IgnoreAcousticDamping. |
Images |
Gets the list of associated images. |
IncludeNegativeLoadMultiplier |
Gets or sets the IncludeNegativeLoadMultiplier. |
IncludeResidualVector |
Gets or sets the IncludeResidualVector. |
InertiaRelief |
Gets or sets the InertiaRelief. |
InitialSubsteps |
Gets or sets the InitialSubsteps. |
InitialTimeStep |
Gets or sets the InitialTimeStep. |
InternalObject |
Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
InverseOption |
Gets or sets the InverseOption. |
InverseOptionEndStep |
Gets or sets the InverseOptionEndStep. |
JIntegral |
Gets or sets the JIntegral. |
KeepModalResults |
Gets or sets the KeepModalResults. |
KeepPreStressLoadPattern |
Gets or sets the KeepPreStressLoadPattern. |
KrylovResidualTolerance |
Gets or sets the KrylovResidualTolerance. |
KrylovSubspaceDimension |
Gets or sets the KrylovSubspaceDimension. |
KrylovSubspaceFrequency |
Gets or sets the KrylovSubspaceFrequency. |
LargeDeflection |
Gets or sets the LargeDeflection. |
LayersToBuild |
Gets or sets the AM Layers to Build. |
LimitSearchToRange |
Gets or sets the LimitSearchToRange. |
LineSearch |
Gets or sets the LineSearch. |
LoadStepValue |
Gets or sets the LoadStepValue. |
MassCoefficient |
Gets or sets the MassCoefficient. |
MaterialForce |
Gets or sets the MaterialForce. |
MaximumHarmonicIndex |
Gets or sets the MaximumHarmonicIndex. |
MaximumIteration |
Gets or sets the MaximumIteration. |
MaximumModesToFind |
Gets or sets the MaximumModesToFind. |
MaximumPointsToSavePerStep |
Gets or sets the MaximumPointsToSavePerStep. |
MaximumSubsteps |
Gets or sets the MaximumSubsteps. |
MaximumTimeStep |
Gets or sets the MaximumTimeStep. |
MeshLoadStepValue |
Gets or sets the MeshLoadStepValue. |
MeshRetainFilesAfterFullSolve |
Gets or sets the MeshRetainFilesAfterFullSolve. |
MeshSaveAtLoadStep |
Gets or sets the MeshSaveAtLoadStep. |
MeshSaveAtSubstep |
Gets or sets the MeshSaveAtSubstep. |
MinimumElementSize |
Gets or sets the Minimum Element Size property for Geometry Based Adaptivity. |
MinimumHarmonicIndex |
Gets or sets the MinimumHarmonicIndex. |
MinimumSubsteps |
Gets or sets the MinimumSubsteps. |
MinimumTimeStep |
Gets or sets the MinimumTimeStep. |
ModalFrequencyRange |
Gets or sets the ModalFrequencyRange. |
ModalNumberOfPoints |
Gets or sets the ModalNumberOfPoints. |
ModalRangeMaximum |
Gets or sets the ModalRangeMaximum. |
ModalRangeMinimum |
Gets or sets the ModalRangeMinimum. |
ModeReuse |
Gets or sets the ModeReuse. |
ModeSelectionMethod |
Gets or sets the ModeSelectionMethod. |
ModeSignificanceLevel |
Gets or sets the ModeSignificanceLevel. |
ModesCombinationType |
Gets or sets the ModesCombinationType. |
MomentConvergence |
Gets or sets the MomentConvergence. |
MomentConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the MomentConvergenceMinimumReference. |
MomentConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the MomentConvergenceTolerance. |
MomentConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the MomentConvergenceValue. |
Multistep |
Gets or sets the Multistep. |
MultistepType |
Gets or sets the MultistepType. |
NamedSelection |
Gets or sets the objects of type NamedSelection to – Named Selection property in the Output Controls group of Analysis Settings. |
NewtonRaphsonOption |
Gets or sets the NewtonRaphsonOption. |
NodalForces |
Gets or sets the NodalForces. |
NonLinearFormulation |
Gets or sets the NonLinearFormulation. |
NonLinearSolution |
Gets the NonLinearSolution. |
NonlinearData |
Gets or sets the NonlinearData. |
NumLoadVectors |
Gets or sets the NumLoadVectors. |
NumberOfModesToUse |
Gets or sets the NumberOfModesToUse. |
NumberOfRPMs |
Gets or sets the NumberOfRPMs. |
NumberOfRestartPoints |
Gets Number of Restart Points. |
NumberOfSculptedLayersQualityImprovement |
Gets or sets the NumberOfSculptedLayersQualityImprovement. |
NumberOfSculptedLayersRefinement |
Gets or sets the NumberOfSculptedLayersRefinement. |
NumberOfSteps |
Gets or sets the NumberOfSteps. |
NumberOfSubSteps |
Gets or sets the NumberOfSubSteps. |
NumberOfZones |
Gets or sets the NumberOfZones. |
NumericalDamping |
Gets or sets the NumericalDamping. |
NumericalDampingValue |
Gets or sets the NumericalDampingValue. |
OnDemandExpansionOption |
Gets or sets the OnDemandExpansionOption. |
OutputSelection |
Gets or sets the Output Selection property in the Output Controls group of Analysis Settings. |
OverRelaxation |
Gets or sets the OverRelaxation. |
ParticipationFactor |
Gets or sets the ParticipationFactor. |
ProjectToGeometry |
Gets or sets the ProjectToGeometry. |
Properties |
Gets the list of properties for this object. |
QuasiStaticSolution |
Gets or sets the QuasiStaticSolution. |
RadiositySolver |
Gets or sets the RadiositySolver. |
RangeMaximum |
Gets or sets the Range Maximum property in Options group of Analysis Settings in Harmonic Analysis. |
RangeMinimum |
Gets or sets the Range Minimum property in Options group of Analysis Settings in Harmonic Analysis. |
ReferenceTemperature |
Gets or sets the AM Reference Temperature. |
ReferenceTemperatureType |
Gets or sets the AM Reference Temperature Type. |
RefinementAlgorithm |
Gets or sets the RefinementAlgorithm. |
ReformulationTolerance |
Gets or sets the ReformulationTolerance. |
RelaxationTemperature |
Gets or sets the RelaxationTemperature. |
RelaxationTemperatureType |
Gets or sets the AM Relaxation Temperature Type. |
RemeshingGradient |
Gets or sets the RemeshingGradient. |
RemeshingToleranceQualityImprovement |
Gets or sets the RemeshingToleranceQualityImprovement. |
RemeshingToleranceRefinement |
Gets or sets the RemeshingToleranceRefinement. |
RemovalDirection |
Gets or sets the RemovalDirection. |
RemovalStepSize |
Gets or sets the RemovalStepSize. |
RestartAtLoadStep |
Gets the RestartAtLoadStep. |
RestartAtSubstep |
Gets the RestartAtSubstep. |
RestartAtTime |
Gets the RestartAtTime. |
RestartType |
Gets or sets the RestartType. |
ResultFileCompression |
Gets or sets the ResultFileCompression. |
RetainFilesAfterFullSolve |
Gets or sets the RetainFilesAfterFullSolve. |
RetainModesymFileAfterSolve |
Gets or sets the RetainModesymFileAfterSolve. |
RotationConvergence |
Gets or sets the RotationConvergence. |
RotationConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the RotationConvergenceMinimumReference. |
RotationConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the RotationConvergenceTolerance. |
RpmCentralFrequency |
Gets or sets the RpmCentralFrequency. |
RpmClusterNumber |
Gets or sets the RpmClusterNumber. |
RpmFrequencySpacing |
Gets or sets the RpmFrequencySpacing. |
RpmRangeMaximum |
Gets or sets the RpmRangeMaximum. |
RpmRangeMinimum |
Gets or sets the RpmRangeMinimum. |
RpmSolutionIntervals |
Gets or sets the RpmSolutionIntervals. |
RpmValue |
Gets or sets the RpmValue. |
Gets or sets the SIFS. |
SaveAtLoadStep |
Gets or sets the SaveAtLoadStep. |
SaveAtSubstep |
Gets or sets the SaveAtSubstep. |
Gets or sets the SaveMAPDLDB. |
SaveSpecifiedLoadStep |
Gets or sets the SaveSpecifiedLoadStep. |
ScatteredFieldFormulation |
Gets or sets the ScatteredFieldFormulation. |
ScatteringOutputType |
Gets or sets the ScatteringOutputType. |
ScratchSolverFilesDirectory |
Gets the ScratchSolverFilesDirectory. |
SearchRangeMaximum |
Gets or sets the Range Maximum property in Options group of Analysis Settings in Modal Analysis. |
SearchRangeMinimum |
Gets or sets the Range Minimum property in Options group of Analysis Settings in Modal Analysis. |
SignificanceThreshold |
Gets or sets the SignificanceThreshold. |
SolutionIntervals |
Gets or sets the SolutionIntervals. |
SolutionMethod |
Gets or sets the SolutionMethod. |
SolverFilesDirectory |
Gets the SolverFilesDirectory. |
SolverPivotChecking |
Gets or sets the SolverPivotChecking. |
SolverTolerance |
Gets or sets the SolverTolerance. |
SolverType |
Gets or sets the SolverType. |
SolverUnitSystem |
Gets or sets the SolverUnitSystem. |
SolverUnits |
Gets or sets the SolverUnits. |
SpectrumType |
Gets or sets the SpectrumType. |
SpinSoftening |
Gets or sets the SpinSoftening. |
SpringStiffness |
Gets or sets the SpringStiffness. |
SpringStiffnessFactor |
Gets or sets the SpringStiffnessFactor. |
SpringStiffnessValue |
Gets or sets the SpringStiffnessValue. |
Stabilization |
Gets or sets the Stabilization. |
StabilizationActivationForFirstSubstep |
Gets or sets the StabilizationActivationForFirstSubstep. |
StabilizationDampingFactor |
Gets or sets the StabilizationDampingFactor. |
StabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio |
Gets or sets the StabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio. |
StabilizationForceLimit |
Gets or sets the StabilizationForceLimit. |
StabilizationMethod |
Gets or sets the StabilizationMethod. |
StepEndTime |
Gets or sets the StepEndTime. |
StepName |
Gets or sets the Step Name. |
StiffnessCoefficient |
Gets or sets the StiffnessCoefficient. |
StiffnessCoefficientDefineBy |
Gets or sets the StiffnessCoefficientDefineBy. |
StoreComplexSolution |
Gets or sets the StoreComplexSolution. |
StoreModalResults |
Gets or sets the StoreModalResults. |
StoreResulsAtValue |
Gets or sets the StoreResulsAtValue. |
StoreResultsAt |
Gets or sets the StoreResultsAt. |
StoreResultsAtAllFrequencies |
Gets or sets the StoreResultsAtAllFrequencies. |
Strain |
Gets or sets the Strain. |
Stress |
Gets or sets the Stress. |
StructuralDampingCoefficient |
Gets or sets the StructuralDampingCoefficient. |
StructuralOnly |
Gets or sets the StructuralOnly. |
TStress |
Gets or sets the TStress. |
TemperatureConvergence |
Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergence. |
TemperatureConvergenceInputValue |
Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceInputValue. |
TemperatureConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceMinimumReference. |
TemperatureConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceTolerance. |
TemperatureConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceValue. |
ThermalOnly |
Gets or sets the ThermalOnly. |
TimeIntegration |
Gets or sets the TimeIntegration. |
TimeStep |
Gets or sets the TimeStep. |
TransientApplication |
Gets or sets the TransientApplication. |
TransientApplicationUserDefined |
Gets or sets the TransientApplicationUserDefined. |
UpdateViewFactor |
Gets or sets the specification for updating the view factor. |
UserDefinedFrequencies |
Gets or sets the UserDefinedFrequencies. |
UserDefinedFrequencySteps |
Gets or sets the UserDefinedFrequencySteps. |
ViewFactorMethod |
Gets or sets the ViewFactorMethod. |
VisibleProperties |
Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object. |
VoltageConvergence |
Gets or sets the VoltageConvergence. |
VoltageConvergenceMinimumReference |
Gets or sets the VoltageConvergenceMinimumReference. |
VoltageConvergenceTolerance |
Gets or sets the VoltageConvergenceTolerance. |
VoltageConvergenceValue |
Gets or sets the VoltageConvergenceValue. |
WeakSprings |
Gets or sets the WeakSprings. |
Property detail
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.AMCooldownNumberOfSubsteps : int | None
Gets or sets the AM Cooldown Number of Substeps.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.AMPSConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the AMPSConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.AMStepType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.AMProcessStepType | None
Gets or sets the AM Process Step Type.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.AMSubstepsBetweenHeating : int | None
Gets or sets the AM Substeps Between Heating.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.AMSubstepsToApplyHeats : int | None
Gets or sets the AM Substeps to Apply Heat.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.AggressiveRemeshing : bool | None
Gets or sets the AggressiveRemeshing.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.AutomaticTimeStepping : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.AutomaticTimeStepping | None
Gets or sets the AutomaticTimeStepping.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.AxisymmetryDivisions : int | None
Gets or sets the AxisymmetryDivisions.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.BackStress : bool | None
Gets or sets the BackStress.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.BaseRemovalType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.AMBaseRemovalType | None
Gets or sets the BaseRemovalType.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.BoundaryAngle : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the BoundaryAngle.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CSGConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the CSGConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CStarIntegral : bool | None
Gets or sets the CStarIntegral.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CacheResultsInMemory : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.CacheResultsInMemory | None
Gets or sets the CacheResultsInMemory.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CalculateAcceleration : bool | None
Gets or sets the CalculateAcceleration.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CalculateEnergy : bool | None
Gets or sets the CalculateEnergy.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CalculateEulerAngles : bool | None
Gets or sets the CalculateEulerAngles.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CalculateReactions : bool | None
Gets or sets the CalculateReactions.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CalculateThermalFlux : bool | None
Gets or sets the CalculateThermalFlux.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CalculateVelocity : bool | None
Gets or sets the CalculateVelocity.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CalculateVelocityAndAcceleration : bool | None
Gets or sets the CalculateVelocityAndAcceleration.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CalculateVolumeEnergy : bool | None
Gets or sets the CalculateVolumeEnergy.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CampbellDiagram : bool | None
Gets or sets the CampbellDiagram.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CarryOverTimeStep : bool | None
Gets or sets the CarryOverTimeStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CentralFrequency : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the CentralFrequency.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ChargeConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the ChargeConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ChargeConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the ChargeConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ChargeConvergenceTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the ChargeConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ChargeConvergenceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the ChargeConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Children : List[Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Interfaces.IDataModelObject] | None
Gets the list of children.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ClusterNumber : int | None
Gets or sets the ClusterNumber.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ClusterResults : bool | None
Gets or sets the ClusterResults.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CombineRestartFiles : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.CombineRestartFilesType | None
Gets or sets the CombineRestartFiles.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Comments : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Comment] | None
Gets the list of associated comments.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ConstantDamping : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConstantDampingType | None
Gets or sets the ConstantDamping.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ConstantDampingRatio : float | None
Gets or sets the ConstantDampingRatio.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ContactData : bool | None
Gets or sets the ContactData.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ContactMiscellaneous : bool | None
Gets or sets the ContactMiscellaneous.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ContactSplit : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactSplitType | None
Gets or sets the ContactSplit.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ContactSplitMaxNum : int | None
Gets or sets the ContactSplitMaxNum.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ContactSummary : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ContactSummaryType | None
Gets or sets the ContactSummary.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CooldownTime : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the AM Cooldown Time.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CooldownTimeType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.AMCooldownTimeType | None
Gets or sets the AM Cooldown Time Type.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CoriolisEffectApplied : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.CoriolisEffectType | None
Gets or sets the CoriolisEffectApplied.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CreepEffects : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.Creep | None
Gets or sets the CreepEffects.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CreepLimitRatio : float | None
Gets or sets the CreepLimitRatio.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CurrentConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the CurrentConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CurrentConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the CurrentConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CurrentConvergenceTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the CurrentConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CurrentConvergenceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the CurrentConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CurrentRestartPoint : int | None
Gets or sets the Current Restart Point.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CurrentStepNumber : int | None
Gets or sets the CurrentStepNumber.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CurrentStepNumberHarmonic : int | None
Gets or sets the CurrentStepNumberHarmonic.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CyclicModeSuperposition : bool | None
Gets or sets the CyclicModeSuperposition.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Damped : bool | None
Gets or sets the Damped.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.DampingDefineBy : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.DampingDefineBy | None
Gets or sets the DampingDefineBy.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.DampingRatio : float | None
Gets or sets the DampingRatio.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.DataModelObjectCategory : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.DataModelObjectCategory | None
Gets the current DataModelObject’s category.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.DefineBy : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.TimeStepDefineByType | None
Gets or sets the DefineBy.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.DeleteUnneededFiles : bool | None
Gets or sets the DeleteUnneededFiles.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.DisplacementConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.DisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.DisplacementConvergenceTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.DisplacementConvergenceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EdgeSplittingAngle : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EdgeSplittingAngle.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ElectricOnly : bool | None
Gets or sets the ElectricOnly.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ElectromagneticNodalForces : bool | None
Gets or sets the ElectromagneticNodalForces.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ElementCurrentDensity : bool | None
Gets or sets the ElementCurrentDensity.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EmagAMPSConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EmagAMPSConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EmagAMPSConvergenceTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the EmagAMPSConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EmagAMPSConvergenceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EmagAMPSConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EmagCSGConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EmagCSGConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EmagCSGConvergenceTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the EmagCSGConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EmagCSGConvergenceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EmagCSGConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EnergyConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the EnergyConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EnergyConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EnergyConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EnergyConvergenceTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the EnergyConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EnergyConvergenceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the EnergyConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EngineOrderofExcitation : int | None
Gets or sets the EngineOrderofExcitation.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.EqvDampingRatioFromModal : bool | None
Gets or sets the EqvDampingRatioFromModal.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ExcludeInsignificantModes : bool | None
Gets or sets the ExcludeInsignificantModes.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ExpandResultsFrom : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ExpandResultFrom | None
Gets or sets the ExpandResultsFrom.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Expansion : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ExpandResultsSubType | None
Gets the Expansion.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ExportHighStrains : bool | None
Gets or sets the ExportHighStrains.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ExportLayerEndTemperature : bool | None
Gets or sets the ExportLayerEndTemperature.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ExportRecoaterInterference : bool | None
Gets or sets the ExportRecoaterInterference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.FarFieldRadiationSurface : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.FarFieldRadiationSurfaceType | None
Gets or sets the FarFieldRadiationSurface.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.FieldIntensityandFluxDensity : bool | None
Gets or sets the FieldIntensityandFluxDensity.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Figures : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Figure] | None
Gets the list of associated figures.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.FluxConvergence : float | None
Gets or sets the FluxConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ForceConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the ForceConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ForceConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the ForceConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ForceConvergenceTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the ForceConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ForceConvergenceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the ForceConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.FractureSolverControls : bool | None
Gets or sets the FractureSolverControls.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Frequency : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the Frequency.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.FrequencySpacing : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.FrequencySpacingType | None
Gets or sets the FrequencySpacing.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.FutureAnalysis : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.FutureIntentType | None
Gets or sets the FutureAnalysis.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GeneralMiscellaneous : bool | None
Gets or sets the GeneralMiscellaneous.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GeneralMiscellaneousOption : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.GeneralMiscellaneousOptionType | None
Gets or sets the GeneralMiscellaneousOption.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GenerateMeshRestartPoints : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshRestartControlsType | None
Gets or sets the GenerateMeshRestartPoints.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GenerateRestartPoints : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RestartControlsType | None
Gets or sets the GenerateRestartPoints.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GlobalSizeRatioQualityImprovement : float | None
Gets or sets the GlobalSizeRatioQualityImprovement.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GlobalSizeRatioQualityRefinement : float | None
Gets or sets the GlobalSizeRatioQualityRefinement.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Graph : Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.AnalysisSettingsGraph | None
Graph property.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.HarmonicIndexInterval : int | None
Gets or sets the HarmonicIndexInterval.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.HarmonicIndexRange : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.CyclicHarmonicIndex | None
Gets or sets the HarmonicIndexRange.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.HarmonicOrders : str | None
Gets or sets the HarmonicOrders.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.HeatConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the HeatConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.HeatConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the HeatConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.HeatConvergenceTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the HeatConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.HeatConvergenceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the HeatConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.HeatGenerationRate : bool | None
Gets or sets the HeatGenerationRate.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.HemicubeResolution : int | None
Gets or sets the HemicubeResolution.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.IgnoreAcousticDamping : bool | None
Gets or sets the IgnoreAcousticDamping.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Images : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Image] | None
Gets the list of associated images.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.IncludeNegativeLoadMultiplier : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.SolverControlsIncludeNegativeLoadMultiplier | None
Gets or sets the IncludeNegativeLoadMultiplier.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.IncludeResidualVector : bool | None
Gets or sets the IncludeResidualVector.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.InertiaRelief : bool | None
Gets or sets the InertiaRelief.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.InitialSubsteps : int | None
Gets or sets the InitialSubsteps.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.InitialTimeStep : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the InitialTimeStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.InternalObject : Ansys.Common.Interop.DSObjectsAuto.IDSAnalysisSettings | None
Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.InverseOption : bool | None
Gets or sets the InverseOption.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.InverseOptionEndStep : int | None
Gets or sets the InverseOptionEndStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.JIntegral : bool | None
Gets or sets the JIntegral.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.KeepModalResults : bool | None
Gets or sets the KeepModalResults.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.KeepPreStressLoadPattern : bool | None
Gets or sets the KeepPreStressLoadPattern.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.KrylovResidualTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the KrylovResidualTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.KrylovSubspaceDimension : int | None
Gets or sets the KrylovSubspaceDimension.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.KrylovSubspaceFrequency : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the KrylovSubspaceFrequency.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.LargeDeflection : bool | None
Gets or sets the LargeDeflection.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.LayersToBuild : int | None
Gets or sets the AM Layers to Build.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.LimitSearchToRange : bool | None
Gets or sets the LimitSearchToRange.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.LineSearch : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.LineSearchType | None
Gets or sets the LineSearch.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.LoadStepValue : int | None
Gets or sets the LoadStepValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MassCoefficient : float | None
Gets or sets the MassCoefficient.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MaterialForce : bool | None
Gets or sets the MaterialForce.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MaximumHarmonicIndex : int | None
Gets or sets the MaximumHarmonicIndex.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MaximumIteration : int | None
Gets or sets the MaximumIteration.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MaximumModesToFind : int | None
Gets or sets the MaximumModesToFind.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MaximumPointsToSavePerStep : int | None
Gets or sets the MaximumPointsToSavePerStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MaximumSubsteps : int | None
Gets or sets the MaximumSubsteps.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MaximumTimeStep : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the MaximumTimeStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MeshLoadStepValue : int | None
Gets or sets the MeshLoadStepValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MeshRetainFilesAfterFullSolve : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshRestartRetainFilesType | None
Gets or sets the MeshRetainFilesAfterFullSolve.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MeshSaveAtLoadStep : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshRestartSaveAtLoadStep | None
Gets or sets the MeshSaveAtLoadStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MeshSaveAtSubstep : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.MeshRestartSaveAtSubstep | None
Gets or sets the MeshSaveAtSubstep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MinimumElementSize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the Minimum Element Size property for Geometry Based Adaptivity.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MinimumHarmonicIndex : int | None
Gets or sets the MinimumHarmonicIndex.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MinimumSubsteps : int | None
Gets or sets the MinimumSubsteps.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MinimumTimeStep : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the MinimumTimeStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ModalFrequencyRange : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ModalFrequencyRangeType | None
Gets or sets the ModalFrequencyRange.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ModalNumberOfPoints : int | None
Gets or sets the ModalNumberOfPoints.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ModalRangeMaximum : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the ModalRangeMaximum.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ModalRangeMinimum : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the ModalRangeMinimum.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ModeReuse : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.SolverControlsModeReuse | None
Gets or sets the ModeReuse.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ModeSelectionMethod : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ModeSelectionMethod | None
Gets or sets the ModeSelectionMethod.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ModeSignificanceLevel : float | None
Gets or sets the ModeSignificanceLevel.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ModesCombinationType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ModesCombinationType | None
Gets or sets the ModesCombinationType.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MomentConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the MomentConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MomentConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the MomentConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MomentConvergenceTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the MomentConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MomentConvergenceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the MomentConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Multistep : bool | None
Gets or sets the Multistep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.MultistepType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.HarmonicMultiStepType | None
Gets or sets the MultistepType.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NamedSelection : Iterable[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.NamedSelection] | None
Gets or sets the objects of type NamedSelection to – Named Selection property in the Output Controls group of Analysis Settings. If the OutputSelection != OutputSelection.NamedSelection or NamedSelectionOnModeFile,
- NamedSelection cannot be set. An exception will be thrown saying “Cannot modify ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NamedSelection if ANSYSAnalysisSettings.OutputSelection is not set to “OutputSelection.NamedSelection”.”
- Getting the NamedSelection value will return an empty list.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NewtonRaphsonOption : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.NewtonRaphsonType | None
Gets or sets the NewtonRaphsonOption.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NodalForces : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.OutputControlsNodalForcesType | None
Gets or sets the NodalForces.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NonLinearFormulation : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.NonLinearFormulationType | None
Gets or sets the NonLinearFormulation.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NonLinearSolution : bool | None
Gets the NonLinearSolution.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NonlinearData : bool | None
Gets or sets the NonlinearData.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumLoadVectors : int | None
Gets or sets the NumLoadVectors.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumberOfModesToUse : int | None
Gets or sets the NumberOfModesToUse.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumberOfRPMs : int | None
Gets or sets the NumberOfRPMs.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumberOfRestartPoints : int | None
Gets Number of Restart Points.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumberOfSculptedLayersQualityImprovement : int | None
Gets or sets the NumberOfSculptedLayersQualityImprovement.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumberOfSculptedLayersRefinement : int | None
Gets or sets the NumberOfSculptedLayersRefinement.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumberOfSteps : int | None
Gets or sets the NumberOfSteps.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumberOfSubSteps : int | None
Gets or sets the NumberOfSubSteps.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumberOfZones : int | None
Gets or sets the NumberOfZones.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumericalDamping : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.TransientDampingType | None
Gets or sets the NumericalDamping.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.NumericalDampingValue : float | None
Gets or sets the NumericalDampingValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.OnDemandExpansionOption : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.OnDemandExpansionType | None
Gets or sets the OnDemandExpansionOption.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.OutputSelection : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.OutputSelection | None
Gets or sets the Output Selection property in the Output Controls group of Analysis Settings.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.OverRelaxation : float | None
Gets or sets the OverRelaxation.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ParticipationFactor : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.CalculateParticipationFactorResult | None
Gets or sets the ParticipationFactor.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ProjectToGeometry : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.NLADControlProjectToGeometry | None
Gets or sets the ProjectToGeometry.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Properties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None
Gets the list of properties for this object.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.QuasiStaticSolution : bool | None
Gets or sets the QuasiStaticSolution.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RadiositySolver : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RadiositySolverType | None
Gets or sets the RadiositySolver.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RangeMaximum : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the Range Maximum property in Options group of Analysis Settings in Harmonic Analysis.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RangeMinimum : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the Range Minimum property in Options group of Analysis Settings in Harmonic Analysis.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ReferenceTemperature : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the AM Reference Temperature.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ReferenceTemperatureType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.AMReferenceTemperatureType | None
Gets or sets the AM Reference Temperature Type.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RefinementAlgorithm : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.NonlinearAdaptivityControlsRefinementAlgorithmType | None
Gets or sets the RefinementAlgorithm.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ReformulationTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the ReformulationTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RelaxationTemperature : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the RelaxationTemperature.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RelaxationTemperatureType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.AMRelaxationTemperatureType | None
Gets or sets the AM Relaxation Temperature Type.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RemeshingGradient : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.NonlinearAdaptivityControlsRemeshingGradientType | None
Gets or sets the RemeshingGradient.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RemeshingToleranceQualityImprovement : float | None
Gets or sets the RemeshingToleranceQualityImprovement.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RemeshingToleranceRefinement : float | None
Gets or sets the RemeshingToleranceRefinement.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RemovalDirection : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the RemovalDirection.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RemovalStepSize : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the RemovalStepSize.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RestartAtLoadStep : int | None
Gets the RestartAtLoadStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RestartAtSubstep : int | None
Gets the RestartAtSubstep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RestartAtTime : float | None
Gets the RestartAtTime.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RestartType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RestartType | None
Gets or sets the RestartType.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ResultFileCompression : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ResultFileCompressionType | None
Gets or sets the ResultFileCompression.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RetainFilesAfterFullSolve : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RestartRetainFilesType | None
Gets or sets the RetainFilesAfterFullSolve.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RetainModesymFileAfterSolve : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.UseExistingModesymFile | None
Gets or sets the RetainModesymFileAfterSolve.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RotationConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the RotationConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RotationConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the RotationConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RotationConvergenceTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the RotationConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RpmCentralFrequency : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the RpmCentralFrequency.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RpmClusterNumber : int | None
Gets or sets the RpmClusterNumber.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RpmFrequencySpacing : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.FrequencySpacingType | None
Gets or sets the RpmFrequencySpacing.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RpmRangeMaximum : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the RpmRangeMaximum.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RpmRangeMinimum : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the RpmRangeMinimum.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RpmSolutionIntervals : int | None
Gets or sets the RpmSolutionIntervals.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RpmValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the RpmValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SIFS : bool | None
Gets or sets the SIFS.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SaveAtLoadStep : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RestartSaveAtLoadStep | None
Gets or sets the SaveAtLoadStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SaveAtSubstep : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RestartSaveAtSubstep | None
Gets or sets the SaveAtSubstep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SaveMAPDLDB : bool | None
Gets or sets the SaveMAPDLDB.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SaveSpecifiedLoadStep : int | None
Gets or sets the SaveSpecifiedLoadStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ScatteredFieldFormulation : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ScatteredFieldFormulation | None
Gets or sets the ScatteredFieldFormulation.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ScatteringOutputType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ScatteringOutputType | None
Gets or sets the ScatteringOutputType.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ScratchSolverFilesDirectory : str | None
Gets the ScratchSolverFilesDirectory.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SearchRangeMaximum : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the Range Maximum property in Options group of Analysis Settings in Modal Analysis.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SearchRangeMinimum : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the Range Minimum property in Options group of Analysis Settings in Modal Analysis.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SignificanceThreshold : float | None
Gets or sets the SignificanceThreshold.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SolutionIntervals : int | None
Gets or sets the SolutionIntervals.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SolutionMethod : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.HarmonicMethod | None
Gets or sets the SolutionMethod.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SolverFilesDirectory : str | None
Gets the SolverFilesDirectory.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SolverPivotChecking : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.SolverPivotChecking | None
Gets or sets the SolverPivotChecking.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SolverTolerance : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the SolverTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SolverType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.SolverType | None
Gets or sets the SolverType.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SolverUnitSystem : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WBUnitSystemType | None
Gets or sets the SolverUnitSystem.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SolverUnits : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.SolverUnitsControlType | None
Gets or sets the SolverUnits.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SpectrumType : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.SpectrumType | None
Gets or sets the SpectrumType.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SpinSoftening : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.SpinSofteningType | None
Gets or sets the SpinSoftening.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SpringStiffness : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.SpringsStiffnessType | None
Gets or sets the SpringStiffness.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SpringStiffnessFactor : float | None
Gets or sets the SpringStiffnessFactor.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SpringStiffnessValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the SpringStiffnessValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Stabilization : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.StabilizationType | None
Gets or sets the Stabilization.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StabilizationActivationForFirstSubstep : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.StabilizationFirstSubstepOption | None
Gets or sets the StabilizationActivationForFirstSubstep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StabilizationDampingFactor : float | None
Gets or sets the StabilizationDampingFactor.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio : float | None
Gets or sets the StabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StabilizationForceLimit : float | None
Gets or sets the StabilizationForceLimit.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StabilizationMethod : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.StabilizationMethod | None
Gets or sets the StabilizationMethod.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StepEndTime : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the StepEndTime.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StepName : str | None
Gets or sets the Step Name.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StiffnessCoefficient : float | None
Gets or sets the StiffnessCoefficient.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StiffnessCoefficientDefineBy : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.DampingType | None
Gets or sets the StiffnessCoefficientDefineBy.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StoreComplexSolution : bool | None
Gets or sets the StoreComplexSolution.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StoreModalResults : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.StoreModalResult | None
Gets or sets the StoreModalResults.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StoreResulsAtValue : int | None
Gets or sets the StoreResulsAtValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StoreResultsAt : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.TimePointsOptions | None
Gets or sets the StoreResultsAt.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StoreResultsAtAllFrequencies : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.HarmonicMSUPStorage | None
Gets or sets the StoreResultsAtAllFrequencies.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Strain : bool | None
Gets or sets the Strain.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.Stress : bool | None
Gets or sets the Stress.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StructuralDampingCoefficient : float | None
Gets or sets the StructuralDampingCoefficient.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.StructuralOnly : bool | None
Gets or sets the StructuralOnly.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.TStress : bool | None
Gets or sets the TStress.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.TemperatureConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.TemperatureConvergenceInputValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceInputValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.TemperatureConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.TemperatureConvergenceTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.TemperatureConvergenceValue : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.NonLinearValueType | None
Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ThermalOnly : bool | None
Gets or sets the ThermalOnly.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.TimeIntegration : bool | None
Gets or sets the TimeIntegration.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.TimeStep : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the TimeStep.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.TransientApplication : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.TransientApplicationType | None
Gets or sets the TransientApplication.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.TransientApplicationUserDefined : float | None
Gets or sets the TransientApplicationUserDefined.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.UpdateViewFactor : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.UpdateViewFactor | None
Gets or sets the specification for updating the view factor.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.UserDefinedFrequencies : bool | None
Gets or sets the UserDefinedFrequencies.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.UserDefinedFrequencySteps : List[Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity] | None
Gets or sets the UserDefinedFrequencySteps.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.ViewFactorMethod : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.RadiosityViewFactorType | None
Gets or sets the ViewFactorMethod.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.VisibleProperties : tuple[Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Property] | None
Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.VoltageConvergence : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType | None
Gets or sets the VoltageConvergence.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.VoltageConvergenceMinimumReference : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the VoltageConvergenceMinimumReference.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.VoltageConvergenceTolerance : float | None
Gets or sets the VoltageConvergenceTolerance.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.VoltageConvergenceValue : Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity | None
Gets or sets the VoltageConvergenceValue.
property ANSYSAnalysisSettings.WeakSprings : Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.WeakSpringsType | None
Gets or sets the WeakSprings.
Method detail
Activate the current object.
Creates a new child Comment.
Creates a new child Figure.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.AddImage(filePath: str)
Creates a new child Image.
If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file,
if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CopyTo(other: Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.DataModelObject)
CopyTo method.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.CreateParameter(propName: str)
Creates a new parameter for a Property.
DeleteAllRestartPoints method.
Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetAMStepType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the AM Process Step Type at a given step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetAutomaticTimeStepping(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Automatic Time Stepping at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetCarryOverTimeStep(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Carry Over Time Step at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetChildren(recurses: bool, children: List[ChildrenType])
Gets the list of children, filtered by type.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetCreepEffects(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Creep Effects for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetCreepLimitRatio(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Creep Limit Ratio for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetCurrentConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Current Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetCurrentConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Current Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetCurrentConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Current Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetCurrentConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Current Convergence Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetDefineBy(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Define By at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetDisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Displacement Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetDisplacementConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetDisplacementConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetDisplacementConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Displacement Convergence Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEmagAMPSConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the EmagAMPS Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEmagAMPSConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the EmagAMPS Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEmagAMPSConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the EmagAMPS Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEmagAMPSConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the EmagAMPS Convergence Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEmagCSGConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the EmagCSG Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEmagCSGConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the EmagCSG Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEmagCSGConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the EmagCSG Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEmagCSGConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the EmagCSG Convergence Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEnergyConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Energy Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEnergyConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Energy Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEnergyConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Energy Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetEnergyConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Energy Convergence Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetForceConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Force Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetForceConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Force Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetForceConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Force Convergence Tolerance Type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetForceConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Force Convergence Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetHeatConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Heat Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetHeatConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Heat Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetHeatConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Heat Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetHeatConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Heat Convergence Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetInitialSubsteps(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Initial Substeps at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetInitialTimeStep(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Initial Time Step at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetLineSearch(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Line Search at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetMaximumSubsteps(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Maximum Substeps at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetMaximumTimeStep(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Maximum Time Step at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetMinimumSubsteps(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Minimum Substeps at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetMinimumTimeStep(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Minimum Time Step at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetMomentConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Moment Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetMomentConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Moment Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetMomentConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Moment Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetMomentConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Moment Convergence Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetNumberOfSubSteps(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Number of Substeps for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetParameter(propName: str)
Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetRotationConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Rotation Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetRotationConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetRotationConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetRotationConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Rotation Convergence Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStabilization(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Stabilization at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStabilizationDampingFactor(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Stabilization Damping Factor at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Stabilization Energy Dissipation Ratio at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStabilizationFirstSubstepOption(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Stabilization First Substep Option at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStabilizationForceLimit(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Stabilization Force Limit at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStabilizationMethod(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Stabilization Method at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStepEndTime(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Step End Time at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStepName(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Step name at a given step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStoreResulsAtValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Store Results At Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStoreResultsAt(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Store Results At at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetStructuralOnly(stepNumber: int)
Gets the TimeIntegration Structural for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetTemperatureConvergenceInputValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Temperature Convergence Input Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetTemperatureConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Temperature Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetTemperatureConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Temperature Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetTemperatureConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Temperature Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetTemperatureConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Temperature Convergence Value at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetThermalOnly(stepNumber: int)
Sets the TimeIntegration Thermal for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetTimeIntegration(stepNumber: int)
Gets the TimeIntegration for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetTimeStep(stepNumber: int)
Sets the Time Step for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetVoltageConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Voltage Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetVoltageConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Voltage Convergence Tolerance as a percentage at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetVoltageConvergenceType(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Voltage Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.GetVoltageConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int)
Gets the Voltage Convergence Value at a given solution step.
Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.
Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.PropertyByAPIName(name: str)
Get a property by its API name.
If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.PropertyByName(name: str)
Get a property by its unique name.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.RemoveParameter(propName: str)
Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetAutomaticTimeStepping(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.AutomaticTimeStepping)
Sets the Automatic Time Stepping for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetCarryOverTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: bool)
Sets the Carry Over Time Step for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetChargeConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Charge Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetChargeConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Charge Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetChargeConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the Charge Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetChargeConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Charge Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetCreepEffects(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.Creep)
Sets the Creep Effects for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetCreepLimitRatio(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Creep Limit Ratio for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetCurrentConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Current Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetCurrentConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Current Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetCurrentConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the Current Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetCurrentConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Current Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetDefineBy(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.TimeStepDefineByType)
Sets the Define By for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetDisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Displacement Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetDisplacementConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetDisplacementConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetDisplacementConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Displacement Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEmagAMPSConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the EmagAMPS Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEmagAMPSConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the EmagAMPS Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEmagAMPSConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the EmagAMPS Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEmagAMPSConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the EmagAMPS Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEmagCSGConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the EmagCSG Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEmagCSGConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the EmagCSG Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEmagCSGConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the EmagCSG Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEmagCSGConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the EmagCSG Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEnergyConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Energy Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEnergyConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Energy Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEnergyConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the Energy Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetEnergyConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Energy Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetForceConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Force Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetForceConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Force Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetForceConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the Force Convergence Tolerance Type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetForceConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Force Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetHeatConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Heat Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetHeatConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Heat Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetHeatConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the Heat Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetHeatConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Heat Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetInitialSubsteps(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Sets the Initial Substeps for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetInitialTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Initial Time Step for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetLineSearch(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.LineSearchType)
Sets the Line Search for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetMaximumSubsteps(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Sets the Maximum Substeps for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetMaximumTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Maximum Time Step for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetMinimumSubsteps(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Sets the Minimum Substeps for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetMinimumTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Minimum Time Step for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetMomentConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Moment Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetMomentConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Moment Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetMomentConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the Moment Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetMomentConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Moment Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetNumberOfSubSteps(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Sets the Number of Substeps for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetRotationConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Rotation Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetRotationConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetRotationConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetRotationConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Rotation Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStabilization(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.StabilizationType)
Sets the Stabilization for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStabilizationDampingFactor(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Stabilization Damping Factor for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Stabilization Energy Dissipation Ratio for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStabilizationFirstSubstepOption(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.StabilizationFirstSubstepOption)
Sets the Stabilization First Substep Option for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStabilizationForceLimit(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Stabilization Force Limit for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStabilizationMethod(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.StabilizationMethod)
Sets the Stabilization Method for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStepEndTime(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Step End Time for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStepName(stepNumber: int, value: str)
Sets the Step name at a given step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStoreResulsAtValue(stepNumber: int, value: int)
Sets the Store Results At Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStoreResultsAt(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.TimePointsOptions)
Sets the Store Results At for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetStructuralOnly(stepNumber: int, value: bool)
Sets the TimeIntegration Structural for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetTemperatureConvergenceInputValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Temperature Convergence Input Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetTemperatureConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Temperature Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetTemperatureConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Temperature Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetTemperatureConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the Temperature Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetTemperatureConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.NonLinearValueType)
Sets the Temperature Convergence Value for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetThermalOnly(stepNumber: int, value: bool)
Sets the TimeIntegration Thermal for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetTimeIntegration(stepNumber: int, value: bool)
Sets the TimeIntegration for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetTimeStep(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Time Step for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetVoltageConvergenceMinimumReference(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Voltage Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetVoltageConvergenceTolerance(stepNumber: int, value: float)
Sets the Voltage Convergence Tolerance as a percentage for a given solution step.
For example if the user input is 5% then the "value" argument should be set to 5.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetVoltageConvergenceType(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.ConvergenceToleranceType)
Sets the Voltage Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step.
ANSYSAnalysisSettings.SetVoltageConvergenceValue(stepNumber: int, value: Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity)
Sets the Voltage Convergence Value for a given solution step.