The Sensors REST API allows you to manage your Sensors Library, create new sensor assets or update existing ones, and download sensor assets as files.
Sensor Layouts
The Sensor Layouts REST API allows you to manage your Sensor Layouts Library, create new sensor layouts or update existing ones, and download sensor layouts as files.
AVxcelerate Explore & Analyze
This is the REST API for the Explore and Analyze application that is part of the Ansys AVxcelerate Autonomous Driving Toolchain.
AVxcelerate Scenario Manager
This is the REST API for the Scenario Manager (LSM) application that is part of the Ansys Avxcelerate Autonomous Driving Toolchain.
AVxcelerate SUT Configuration Service
This REST API is used to manage the SUT data available in TSA and is part of the Ansys AVxcelerate Autonomous Driving Toolchain.
Sensor Layouts
The Sensor Layouts REST API allows you to manage your Sensor Layouts Library, create new sensor layouts or update existing ones, and download sensor layouts as files.
The Sensors REST API allows you to manage your Sensors Library, create new sensor assets or update existing ones, and download sensor assets as files.